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Make a wish... and have it horribly corrupted!


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That wish does not even need to be corrupted. You now perceive all of the anguish and pain experienced by entirety of the human race. All of the suffering in the Philiphines, every death that is going on every second of every day. Apart from that the whole universe is now incredibly dull and boring, since you know every detail and facet of it down to the smallest detail. Enjoy the hell.

I wish for more coffee.

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Granted your fingers magically disappear while playing

I wish the old youtube comment section was back because they made it so people can post links!

Granted....but Google buys Club Penguin and forces you to have a Club penguin account to comment.

I wish that Planet Remina would become my pet (And I would have planets and solar systems to feed it and a Jupiter sized cage to hold it)

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