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Make a wish... and have it horribly corrupted!


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Granted. I laugh hollowly and as though in pain, pretending to echo your amusement in the most painfully mocking way I can muster. You perish amidst my hollow laughter.

I wish sjwt would stop making silly puns.

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Granted. It snows. It starts snowing right this instant. And the snow, no matter how much you wish it would, can never stop. It snows until summer comes, and still it does not stop. It snows until All Hallow's Eve, and still the snow does not relent. The world is quickly buried in snow, but there are no clouds. The snow falls and is melted, sometimes in equal measure, sometimes more liquid or sometimes more solid. Those fortunate enough to escape the perpetual torrents of rain cascading from the sky as the unrelenting snow continually melts are instead buried deep beneath snowdrifts, some of which melt a little and are refrozen by newly fallen snow, encasing them in a vast roofs of ice, never to see the sun again. The world is dying, buried in a cascade of neverending snow and torrential rain.

I wish to be able to throw a baseball at 0.9c.

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Granted, it lasts forever, and you never learn anything again, in fact, no one ever learns anything. Therefore, no one is able to help you when you become patient zero, infected with a new deadly disease, and soon the whole world follows.

I wish more people were into steampunk

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