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Make a wish... and have it horribly corrupted!


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Granted. A giant void appears in front of you, defying all laws of space. Also it's rapidly filling with air and the core which is you.

I wish for a miniature Sniper from Team Fortress 2 which, when belly pressed, would fire bullets.

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Granted. You rule all them yard gnomes. Good thing they don't have any muscles and are made of clay and such so they aren't able to react in any way.

I wish I had a pet raptor with no diseases and trained not to kill me, but kill anyone who tries to take it away from me. Also, has to come with nuclear bomb proof scales and ability to breathe fire and ice.

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Granted. You recieve Pi as a holdable entity, but because the number is infinite, it has infinite mass and devours the universe.

I wish my friend would repeat the question he just asked to me.

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Granted. You recieve Pi as a holdable entity, but because the number is infinite, it has infinite mass and devours the universe.

I wish my friend would repeat the question he just asked to me.


Granted, now he has two wolds.

I wish I was a cow.

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Granted; you are one of the victims of the Russian Sleep Experiment. (I refuse to link this; Google it in daylight hours if you want to know what it is.)

I wish my mind was less morbid.

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Granted. You receive it while at work and it's an apology letter for CIA accidentally burning your house down while searching it for evidence of terrorism.

I wish I didn't have a geology class or any classes to replace it.

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Granted. You have 1.9908982 eyes, 1.90778213567132123145632 ears, hair cropped short at 4.182738126731cm, and are fluent in 0.785638421 languages. You also have 0.43216432546 social lives. Enjoy.

I wish for the myriad mysteries of the macrocosm to be known and understood by all.

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granted, the knowledge becomes too much to bear for every life form in the universe which causes the death of every living thing(organic and inorganic) in the universe

i wish that my laptop battery would last longer

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Granted. A Pier falls from the sky and leaves you with a burned up pier on your roof.

There's a note on it saying "h ;; - o z peior;. - Zih g c d" (What did you expect, a note NOT undecipherable?)

I wish grunting was an universal language.

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