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Make a wish... and have it horribly corrupted!


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Granted. The Wishmaking Fairy assumes that making things invisible means placing bleach on them, and making things visible means placing sulfuric acid on them. (The wishmaking fairy's job is hard, you know..)

You try it on yourself first.

I wish for 10^700 forum posts.

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Granted. Nothing ever gets done anymore because people are too busy saying "No, I'll take out the garbage for you." "No, you relax, I'll do it." "No, I'll do it." "I'll do it!" "I'll do it!" "I'll do it!"... and so on and so forth.

I wish to become a successful Ghostbuster.

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Granted, but the flower is poisoned.

I wish for a wormhole.

I see noone answered you.

You end up in a black hole that takes you to the core of the Galaxy, which has way too much stellar radiation for human life.

Now for the present.

Granted. They are so horrible that you self-destruct.

I wish for my birthday to come now.

Edited by kenbobo
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Lol jk, granted, but then a lot of conspiracy theorists say that the US never won and it was all a hoax, despite the fact that there's no evidence to prove it :P

I wish that I could meet Jebediah Kerman in real life. :cool:

Edited by Uberlyuber
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