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Make a wish... and have it horribly corrupted!


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Granted. Now the government cannot function at all since there is no money to support it. Roads fall into disrepair, the war machine is effectively halted since there's no money for it either, all state-funded schools shut down, and the national debt will soar.

And I didn't actually corrupt it either.

I wish people were more sensible about taxes.

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Granted, but only two people are, both of which live on undiscovered Pacific islands and can't put their new found tax-sensibleness to the test.

I wish Tuvalu was mobile.

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Granted, the ancient, world-destroying monster, Tuvalu, has become mobile, causing it to escape from its secret prison in the siberian wilderness. The only reason why it didn't cause the apocalypse before was because it couldn't move, but now look what you did :mad:

I wish that the Hunger Games was a actual sport.

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Granted but the incorruptible wish destroys the fabric of the universe creating a miniature black hole that sucks you into a alternate dimension where sloths are hunted for their meat.

I wish to be able to play KSP and stay on the forums for eternity.

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Granted, but they are all spinoffs of eachother and the cast is of fans of the previous shows, and they are bad at acting. Additionally, the shows are 15 minutes long total with 45 minutes of commercials. I wish for nothing.

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