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Make a wish... and have it horribly corrupted!


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Granted, but no one ever replies to any of your posts outside this thread again.

I wish I had a watch that could tell time, temperature (displayed in degrees Celsius, Kelvin, and Fahrenheit), pressure (in atm and mbar), and whether or not the Moon is up.

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Granted, you are greeted by an Apple Watch box in your office, located in New York City, but hear a voice calling, "Open up!" When you tear apart the packaging, you find that you have an obnoxious talking Apple Watch, with eyes, a nose protruding from the screen (covering the Celsius and Fahrenheit temperature displays' positions on the screen when viewing the pre-installed app that provides the data values), and a mouth, with real cells and a need to blurt out odd noises and thoughts. As the cherry on top of it all, you find that above the city streets outside lurk two shadows, which are from the incredibly massive, heavily offset, magical floating eyebrows of the Apple Watch that can tell you data. The huge chunk of the World Trade Center 1 building missing due to the appearance of the eyebrows partially in the same location won't matter, nor will the rebuilding efforts after the eyebrows move and the building collapses, now will it?

I wish for every oceanic and aerial organism on the planet of Earth to become sufficiently-magnetic for attraction and repulsion purposes.

Edited by LaytheDragon
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Granted, but Dres starts to replicate very quickly and soon the whole solar system is engulfed in a Dyson sphere made of Dres. And that sphere is actually a blastula.

I wish for all the petty Dres arguments to stay solely in their designated forum game, and never show up anywhere else.

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Granted. Unfortunately so many people read your thread, pick up their favorite lines, and start quoting from it that the origins of the quotes become obfuscated and no one believes that you were the original writer.  

I wish that I could text myself five days in the past.



Edited by unevoie
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Granted, but a group of physicists find out and you spend the rest of your life texting yourself for them while they get famous for discovering time travel is possible.

I wish I had the power to do anything that is mentioned in xkcd What If.

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  On 5/2/2016 at 2:57 AM, cubinator said:

Granted. You can build ships that go from Minmus surface to orbit in one stage with ease.

I wish I knew what the bone fragment I found today is from.


Granted. It's from you're family pet.

I wish I could figure out why my MM patch isn't working.

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  On 5/2/2016 at 3:02 AM, Andem said:

Granted. It's from you're family pet.


I've only got two parakeets, and that bone couldn't be from anything smaller than a dog. :P

  On 5/2/2016 at 4:15 AM, EliasDanger said:

I wish I had a Choco-Tacos, because your username reminds me of Choco-Tacos.


Granted, but you accidentally get Chucko-Tacos, and they are not for eating but for throwing.

I wish I owned a spacesuit.

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