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KSP player leveling system.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Somewhere in Lvl. 4 i guess. I miss the old days when going to the mun was a challenge and successful return was something to be proud of. Today if something (rarely ever) goes wrong in the kerbin system, i dont even send a rescue mission anymore. I send a KIS container with some 0.625m tanks+engines to assemble some side boosters on the surface/in orbit and then "Get the flip back home Jeb you lazy piece of sh*t!" :D




Edited by Tiankay
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I'm a level 3-5Q

On 6/21/2017 at 9:42 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

[snip] I have more fun modding than playing [snip]


I would think so.



each box is a mod posted by you.

Give or take 3-4

Edited by DeltaDizzy
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I watch Scott's stuff for his wealth of technical and historical information on all things spacey. I'm not particularly impressed by his designs or flights etc. Though having said that I'm not particularly impressed by anyone's work... even landing on all bodies in a single launch. Why? Not because I'm a KSP master or anything, but because I know I have the tools to do it (KER) but building and flying such a design/mission just takes a LOT of time (so I guess I do admire the patience people like Inter, Vaos and other I can't remember atm have). I prefer more realistic/role-playing missions like sending out a probe to a specific system, surveying using ScanSat, choosing a specific landing site (probably near an anomaly) and heading to it in the next transfer window. Oh, and using as few parts as possible because my pc sucks.

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Something between level 4-5 in my 6th month playing, cant stop thinking bout how to overcome some planets like eve


You should listed the lowne level:

Capable to land on eve without rendezvous in sea level with much overkill, jool 5 no refuelling, having fun on interplanetary bases, god of SSTO spaceplanes


And stratz level:


Dockless jool 5, messing up with interplanetary missions

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Looks like I'm roughly level 3.25

I haven't subscribed to Scott Manley, but then, I haven't subscribed to anybody, instead I have his channel bookmarked and check it when I need some inspiration or forgot how to do an embarrassingly trivial thing.

Other than that, Mun and Minmus are trivial now, and I try to do them with style (like sending a full Apollo Mission where a simple Mk1 would suffice).  I have been to Eve and Duna (including their moons), but have always restarted for new versions before going further out. Maxed out the science tree several times since its introduction, and can build a functional but ugly SSTO that does its job.

My contraptions almost never explode, look pretty decent (but not exceptional, so I haven't uploaded any), and I have grown used to a few quality-of-life mods, that I can't do without (namely KER and Docking Port Alignment) or install and then never use anyway (kOS), otherwise, I strongly prefer Stock.

Oh, and definitely the space movies thing, but I assume that's caused in equal parts by me being a physicist and KSP.


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  • 6 months later...

Update, now mun and minmus are trivial for me, i teach whoever needs help, maybe level-5, only subscribed matt lowne and the gamer alchemist, probably stratz too, haven't subscribed scott because i'm sick of listening him, i got bad auditory system, mun and minmus are as easy as picking up a nose, can be don lazily, duna and ike are no different with that, planning dockless jool 5, this is already 1 year since i start now

Edited by GRS
Not detail enough
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Been playing for about four sixteen months (downloaded the demo in September '17, '16 -- time flies! -- bought the game in, well, September '17 '16), and I'm firmly at level 4.  Haven't sent missions to Dres, Jool, or Moho yet, but I can visit Eve/Gilly or Duna/Ike any time, even with fairly low tech if needed.  Rendezvous, docking, Mun landing/return, all routine, and I can judge remaining fuel well enough that I rarely strand a Kerbal (only one in the current career due to making one try too many to dock in a too-low LKO -- kept hitting atmosphere while trying to rendezvous). 

Edited by Zeiss Ikon
Correct year of purchase and time playing.
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Level 2- 4 range.  I have a mod ideology that I stick to, love Scott manley, gone to extra-kerbin bodies, think of Kerbin moons as a walk in the park, and planning my first true Jool mission in a science game with a mid level tech tree.  Thinks physics honors should be way harder.

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Can we get rid of the Scott Manley requirement?

That guy is so over-rated. (No offense to him.) Not to mention most of his video tutorials are wildly out dated.

It's also a little bit insulting to all the other great KSP YouTubers/Streamers out there, that he pretty much single-handedly get's all the credit whenever KSP vids are brought up.

Edited by Rocket In My Pocket
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On 12/22/2014 at 11:36 AM, Hallofo said:

Hallofo's KSP leveling chart.

Hi all,

I was puttering about and noticed that I had fallen into a few very deeply ingrained "ruts" in how I play KSP. I know that term has a negative connotation, but I enjoy how my obsession with KSP has evolved over the years and versions. I had made up my mind to play .90 "vanilla stock" until release, but I found that my playstyle had changed to the point where stock play was just not fun. After discovering this, I thought it might induce a chuckle or three if I wrote down a few observations I've made. Think of this as a companion to the famous "You know you play too much KSP when"¦" thought flow. This is not an all-inclusive list, I think it would be funny/great if we could build up this list a bit.

Without further ado, I present the "Kerbal player leveling system":

Level 1:

  • You might have bought the game. If not, you're frustrated that you can't do the cool things you read on the forums"¦ if you know there ARE forums.
  • If you were introduced to KSP by a friend, you're a little concerned that you might start spouting odd words like "retrograde" and "Delta-V".
  • You think "retrograde" is how students performed in the mid 50's and "periapsis" sounds a bit like a skin condition.
  • You can possibly get a craft into orbit, if you try really hard and/or download someone else's craft files.
  • The spaceplane hanger is a scary place full of hot explodey death.
  • You think "Scott Manley" is a golfer or something.


Level 2:

  • You've been to orbit and probably landed on both of Kerbin's moons. Barely. With a ton of RCS to kill that pesky horizontal doom-slide.
  • You've made a few spaceplanes, several of which made it far enough to kill a kerbal by drowning instead of fire.
  • You've seen a few Scott Manley videos on YouTube. You are intimidated and feeling somewhat inadequate.
  • You're aware that people mod KSP, but are still a bit overwhelmed with the stock game.
  • You have a forum account and have posted in the "ohithere" thread.
  • You spend about as much time on the "Gameplay Questions and Tutorials" section of the forum as you do in-game.
  • You know what "Delta-V" is, or at least you think you do.
  • You still play other games; KSP is just another thing to do.


Level 3:

  • You've made it to another planet! This is a major turning point in your KSP lifestyle; the solar system seems a little smaller and less scary.
  • You've probably maxed out the research tree on at least one save.
  • You can now get a basic SSTO into space and back, usually with the same number of parts.
  • You've tried out a few mods. This is really where the KSP player tree branches "€œ some will go with mods, others not. You have started figuring out which you like best (I happen to be very mod-centered).
  • You have subscribed to Scott Manley's YouTube channel and might be thinking about catching up on his "Interstellar Quest" series. You still feel intimidated and inadequate.


Level 4:

  • You now have more successful (boring) launches than"¦ "energetic" ones. Going to the Mun is in the same ballpark as tying your shoes in terms of difficulty.
  • Your spacecraft designs are starting to look and perform very well. You may have uploaded a few to the spacecraft exchange with positive feedback.
  • You spend quite a bit of time on the forum, only now you're starting to answer questions as well as ask them.
  • You're starting to think with ambition; you have done or at least planned a mission to Jool or other distant planted.
  • You now converse in KSPeese "€œ you pity the poor folk that don't know what an orbital plane is or how to do a Hoffman transfer.
  • You've watched most of Scott Manley's videos and have a bit of a crush on him, regardless of how many X chromosomes you have. You still feel intimidated and inadequate.
  • If you've gone down the path to modded play, you start to feel that stock play is missing something. You will wait the extra week or two to play a new version of KSP so you can jump in with your "core" mods.
  • If you're a stock player, you laugh at the moddy types because you get to play ASAP.
  • You've been to most or all of the planets and can put a lander on a specific point within a few kilometers.
  • KSP has begun infiltrating your life "€œ other games are played less or ignored altogether. You now look at the moon and think "I could totally fly there". Mars no longer exists in your vocabulary, you only think of it as Duna.
  • Most space-based movies are ruined to you since you know how orbital physics work now. Your significant other is tired of you nitpicking SciFi shows by shouting "that's not how it works!" at the screen.


Level 5:

  • Things are getting interesting now. You're an active participant on the forums and start helping new players much more.
  • If you're a mod player, you've possibly created a simple mod of your own, or contributed to one in some way.
  • Mod players just won't play now without their favorites.
  • Stock players are now intimately familiar with all the stock parts. Your ship designs are as creative as they are functional and you know precisely how to make your ships do what you want.
  • You've probably made a few YouTube videos.
  • You have converted, or are considering a conversion to the Churck of Manley. You still feel intimidated and inadequate.


Level 6:

  • You are now "the man/woman". People seek you out for answers.
  • Other games don't exist, there is only KSP. You might get pulled kicking and screaming into a few rounds of Left for Dead or something else, but you suck since you're planning your Grand Tour mission.
  • If you're a mod player, you have made or support a mod or few. You see where KSP can be made more fun (for you) and seek to customize your play.
  • Stock players Might get bored a little at this point. You're aware of how awesome this game is and hope for several features to be implemented.
  • You've officially reached "guru" status. People around you now think you're smart because you say big spacey-sounding words.
  • Scott Manley is now your main source of KSP inspiration and wish he'd not waste his time on lesser games. You still feel intimidated and inadequate.


Level eleventy-billion:

  • Hi, Scott!

Level one, but only because I usually mess around with ( trying and 50% of the time failing) making really maneuverable planes.:wink:

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