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New Mission Mod Idea. NASA Missions from start to ..... Need help Creating


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Ever want to do the Nasa Missions in Full Career mode? I want to create missions from the very first NASA Launch to today's ideas that NASA may have in mind

Thes missions will be designed to be fairly easy to harder as time goes by. I have run KSP in Career mode ever since I found out about it..

I Want to create all or at least the most important NASA Missions. this mod should go thru the NASA story line and help advance the player via money and science.

(ever get stuck going thru the missions because you could not do them for whatever reason and then run out of money or science or both?

Missions will be gathered from multiple sources NASA,Wiki,and other space encyclopedias. From start to Current. The idea here is to make the missions as a story line of sorts.

so your actually kinda Following the real course that NASA took

here is a few things I will need.

Working parts for Space Shuttle (mod/parts) that look authentic that works with .90 or better. (May use another mod for this and give the dev credit.)

Parts from FASA and KW as an add-on for the mod either in use with or separate. Eaither way this would be a great addition (Devs please contact me.)

Satellite parts

Some help creating the call in mod to display the contracts (like to help please contact me)

Does this interest you? I'd like to hear about it.

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Yeah, this interests me. You could head over to Component SS to see if that's working.

Problem is though, I think your saying that you want people to use specific rocket parts in a specific order when KSP can't give you a .craft file from a contract and the player probably won't want to use your craft but their own.

Interesting concept and you have my attention, but I'm saying it might be a bit too ambitious for a beginner modder (I assume, please correct me if I'm wrong).

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The components in FASA and KW are great.. no changes need there. mainly the parts needed would be for the Space shuttle and maybe a few that are not there but I can work with what is there with FASA and KW. Crafts or xxx.craft rockets can be done by the player ... this would give them the ability to come up with their own versions.

I am a beginner Modder however do have a bit of exp in the field not much though... my main concern is to get the missions or Contracts to come up and be able to edit them.

Really all that is needed is to be able to add the NASA missions to the Contracts as an Add-On. Sorry Sputnik is out for this one.. I may do a Russian mod for this if this goes well.

My main Concentration is to get the missions going at the moment. Using simple parts for now until the mod gets developed.

thanks for your interest :)

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