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[1.0.2] B9 Aerospace | Procedural Parts 0.40 | Updated 09.06.15


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I feel like every single hotkey ever is used by everything, this is third time I have to change it. What is the one that's not used in any other mod and is reasonably close to the center of keyboard?

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I feel like every single hotkey ever is used by everything, this is third time I have to change it. What is the one that's not used in any other mod and is reasonably close to the center of keyboard?

Suppose you could make it user-settable, then leave it up to players to pick something that doesn't cause them problems.

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I feel like every single hotkey ever is used by everything, this is third time I have to change it. What is the one that's not used in any other mod and is reasonably close to the center of keyboard?

You could use the hotkeys used by pWings? I don't think users would be trying to use your wings and pWings on the same craft..

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With ones that allow me to change the hotkeys, I'll just move them further away from the center. For instance, vertical and horizontal snap in editor tools extension addon is [ and ].

Also, have a shuttle I made with 0.19 of B9 Proc Parts!




e: The split control surface in the tail is just two control surfaces very close to eachother using mirror symmetry.

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For some reason my game crashes randomly while using these wings in the editor. It doesn't do this with any other part that I currently have installed (KW, B9, Procedural Parts), even the other Procedural Wings. Does this mod conflict with the other wing mod?

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Version 0.20


  • The alternative UI height no longer shifts during slider editing, tooltip label height is now locked, tooltip text adjusted to always take two lines
  • The description of the last edited property is always correct now, jumps to improper descriptions eliminated
  • Editing mode button changed to J to prevent conflict with Editor Extensions hotkeys
  • It is now possible to force the part you are editing to match the shape (parent tip width becomes child root width, parent tip thickness becomes child root thickness and so on)
  • It is now possible to force the part you are editing to match the surface material settings of a parent
  • Control surface offset settings can now assume a wider range of values, allowing proper setup of control surfaces on high-sweep trailing edges

Edited by bac9
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@8bitsblue: it's possible you're just running out of memory using the default tweakables, well documented in this thread about their gigantic memory leak. Mouseover the wing part & use J instead - I have all those other parts installed with no conflict.

Busy night b9 :o lets see what conflicts next ;) I'm thinking a sticky post of key assignments might not be a bad idea...

Edit: one whacky craft later.

All bullet points above working as advertised. This is something a bit odd though...



I used the offset tool on the tail control surface - the ghost shape appears to be permanent, it survived a couple of trips to the runway & back to the SPH. It also survived detach-reattach-reshape.

Edited by Van Disaster
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That's the edge of the frame mesh used as a border in collision generation. You should not be able to see it because you should not actually be able to decrease the edge width on a control surface below 0.24 (on your screenshot it seems to be zero). I'll fix it in the next version. :)

Edited by bac9
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Well, this thing went to space & back - FAR's new skin drag is taking some getting used to - and I managed to incorporate all three types of part and all the tweaks you put in recently other than colouring, so I think that counts as a success. Would be nice if child wing panels autoaligned to the end of the parent but tweakables help a lot with that. Poor S2 parts are looking a bit blurry against your nice crisp new textures...



Not sure if you can spot anything amiss there. Getting the control surfaces to match wing panel length is hard, hence the gaps/slight offsets. Would be nice if the wing panels auto-capped if they're not joined to anything ( pretend it's a two type edge? ) but that's no big deal. Wish I knew why my AA keeps disabling.

Now, about fuel storage...

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You can already match width and other properties to parent wings through my menu. Actually shifting the attachment point is another thing, though, which I'm unwilling to do since it has potential to break joints and so on. That sort of thing should be left to Infernal Robotics, rest of the mods usually steer very clear from touching attachment joints.

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Bac9, I just have to say (again possibly) that you are incredibly awesome and your mods are incredibly awesome. There is incredible awesomeness just oozing out of this thread XD

I love the new UI window, can't wait to get to use these wings in my new 0.90 career save.

Thanks for all your hard work (and moving the hotkey 10^10000000 times)!

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Version 0.21


  • Implemented fuel switching based on code by Andreas Aakvik Gogstad (Snjo): You can use the button in both tweakable and alternative menu to scroll through four possible internal configurations of a wing: empty structure (STR), liquid fuel (LF), liquid fuel with oxidizer (LFO) and monopropellant (RCS). As you alter the shape of a wing and change it's internal volume, amount of fuel within the wing is altered accordingly.
  • Fixed some style and formatting issues of the alternative menu
  • Fixed incorrect trailing edge width limits on control surfaces
  • Added opt-in update notifications supported by MiniAVC


  • Resource displays have to trigger stock context menu redraw to update themselves after wing volume is changed, which makes it impossible to continuously drag stock tweakable sliders on wings with fuel tanks - only single clicks will work. Either use my alternative menu, or switch the wing to STR mode for the duration of slider tweaking if that irks you.
  • I don't have a slightest idea whether wing joints correctly support the added resource mass, I'll look into that later

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Holy smokes, I only missed checking this for a day or two I thought. FIVE updates? And wet wings? A simple thanks seems shallow but at the same time, thanks!

EDIT: It seems that control surfaces have their trailing edge lengths snapped to zero. You cannot edit them using the J interface, or the right click interface. Changing the shape seems ... wonky as well. If you click on the slider in the J menu, you move the menu around instead of changing the slider.

Edited by Hyomoto
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Now it only needs procedural aerodynamic drop tanks :)

Well to be fair, existing proc tanks + decouplers is enough. Would be nice to get a paintkit shader for them, mind, would save me adding 25-30 textures just for tanks like I do now...


Those were all ptanks other than the central fuselage.

@bac9: Yeah, I tried out the inheritance for those wings, works fine - was just musing about the endpoints snapping together like DJY's wings, but it's much less hassle dealing with that with the 0.90 gizmos. That was quick with fuel, lol.

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Ditto on the locked edges, I loaded up the craft I tested the last build with& all control surfaces have their edges set to 0 & unable to tweak with either panel - ditto with a new craft. I have textures though - although I upgraded rather than did a clean install.

While I was poking at a new craft something did pop up - how awkward would it be to give offsets for wingtips like you do for the control surfaces? I can think of possible reasons why not, but no harm in asking.

Edited by Van Disaster
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Checked v0.21. Somehow missing textures again.

You may get the .tga texture loader problem. It's a stock bug. Try to convert the 4 tga in GameData\B9_Aerospace\Parts\Aero_Wing_Procedural to png (or even dds if you have dds loader)

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You may get the .tga texture loader problem. It's a stock bug. Try to convert the 4 tga in GameData\B9_Aerospace\Parts\Aero_Wing_Procedural to png (or even dds if you have dds loader)

I know about this issue and I've described it in post

And it was working nicely before. However, it's not loaded no matter what I'm doing.

UPD: and now... after several loads it worked. Magic!

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Thanks, I'll look into the edge issue.

Meanwhile the next big thing I'd like to tackle is improper connection strength and flexibility between wings. I'll need some testing results to work with - please test modular wings (wings created by stacking several parts together) with and without Kerbal Joint Reinforcement and with and without FAR. In case of FAR, test whether FAR mass/strength slider is capable of alleviating the issue. Do not use any fuel tanks for that testing for now, I'd like to figure out why lightweight empty wings can still bend too much under lift.

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As a starter - the craft I posted last page went to orbit and back using FAR & KJR, not a single strut and I don't remember the main wing flexing. It's made of two wing parts and an all-moving control part for the wingtip, and control surfaces attached to the inner wing panel for flaps & minor AoA control. What *did* flex was the canard when I forgot to throttle back at low alt & pilot assistant went into oscillation, and the control load from the pitch control surface - attached to the outer panel - just bent the canard instead. I will run a test on that craft without KJR and with some FAR strength modification, but I'm fairly sure it won't fly without FAR ( and I don't remember how to make stock aero craft ). Are you after craft files?

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