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[1.0.2] B9 Aerospace | Procedural Parts 0.40 | Updated 09.06.15


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Yep, I got tweakscale among bunch of other mods. Sadly, tweakscale is essential for IR parts, to cut down memory usage, but if it cause more issues than it solve than I will probably uninstall it once again.

I can upload MM cache and also CKAN import/export file. While CKAN could create more strange behaviours, such feature comes handy :) You just need to be carefull with mixing CKAN and manual install of mods.

I will upload those files ASAP.


Here is requested MM cache file and ckan mod export file as well.

Thanks for all effort put to investigate it further. I will also try to narrow down issues by myself, but if you or someone else have a clue what is reason behind it, it could be sooner.

Edited by kcs123
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  LMA said:
How do you add two tails? I tell the thing to add 2 but it put one tail where I want it and the other under the wing instead of on the top.

You're probably in radial symmetry mode rather than mirror symmetry mode. IIRC you can change this by pressing the R key.

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Uh, I just want to ask if there is anything changed regarding the physics of B9PW. I previously built an aircraft using the B9PW-fork. The aircraft was nose heavy (aerodynamic center is quite far behind CoM) but it still responsive to pitch up control. But with the latest B9PW, my aircraft can't even pitch up to leave the runway. So far I have been using B9PW without FAR (as far as 0.90) and no such problem occured. Is FAR has become a must now for running B9PW?

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  Sebi99p said:
Hello. I`m having an issue with thse wings not updating the CoL. I`m using Stock aero. I am using an extensive modlist and it might be one of the mods so here it is https://www.dropbox.com/s/2nlupyw0ykg0wi9/modlist.ckan?dl=0

I am also using the ALCOR capsule. Also here are some screenshots from the SPH http://imgur.com/a/bCWm4

  badboyz31 said:
Uh, I just want to ask if there is anything changed regarding the physics of B9PW. I previously built an aircraft using the B9PW-fork. The aircraft was nose heavy (aerodynamic center is quite far behind CoM) but it still responsive to pitch up control. But with the latest B9PW, my aircraft can't even pitch up to leave the runway. So far I have been using B9PW without FAR (as far as 0.90) and no such problem occured. Is FAR has become a must now for running B9PW?

Sounds like something got missed in the stock config, I'll have a poke around.


Seems to be working fine, you should upload log files

Edited by Crzyrndm
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  Crzyrndm said:
Sounds like something got missed in the stock config, I'll have a poke around.


Seems to be working fine, you should upload log files

Ok, so here's the screenshot taken when I used the latest version of B9PW (it's unrealistic 100+ m/s on the runway and I am still kissing the ground)



and these were when I still the fork B9PW (after reaching about 50 m/s I can rotate and slowly climb):



The thing is, with the new B9PW, my aircraft does not have the same reaction (altough the location of CoL is does not change). I also think that the location of the CoL is somewhat misleading, I mean with that small horizontal stabilizer, the CoL moved that far.

About the output_log.txt which part should I upload? The size of the text file is quite huge.

Edited by badboyz31
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D:\Downloads\KSP 1.0\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\B9_Aerospace\Plugins\B9_Aerospace_WingStuff.dll
D:\Downloads\KSP 1.0\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\B9_Aerospace_old\Plugins\B9_Aerospace_WingStuff.dll

You have two versions of the plugin running. Could you please remove one and try again (uploading the log again if it fails)

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  Crzyrndm said:
D:\Downloads\KSP 1.0\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\B9_Aerospace\Plugins\B9_Aerospace_WingStuff.dll
D:\Downloads\KSP 1.0\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\B9_Aerospace_old\Plugins\B9_Aerospace_WingStuff.dll

You have two versions of the plugin running. Could you please remove one and try again (uploading the log again if it fails)

Okay got it, will report back soon.

Updated :



Thanks mate The stiff rotate problem is fixed now (my bad of not deleting the old B9PW). The moment still feels heavier (compared to the last B9PW), and the drag also increased (but that could be just myself).

I tried to change the horizontal stabilizer to the all moving control surface and the result is quite bizarre.

Using the all moving control surface, my aircraft feels as agile as a fighter. To me it seems like the standard control surface have less control, but I am still not sure about it yet.

And here's my latest log


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  badboyz31 said:
Using the all moving control surface, my aircraft feels as agile as a fighter. To me it seems like the standard control surface have less control, but I am still not sure about it yet.

All movers tend to have a lot more authority than standard control surfaces for two reasons:

1) Increased control area increases force applied for the same deflection

2) The removal of the fixed stabiliser reduces the pitch stability of the craft leading to more action for the same force.

  Sebi99p said:

here it is ... i have played KSP after the issue without b9pw after the fact [the mod is still installed ... just not used] ... hope it helps

It looks like Module Manager is triggering FAR patches. Make sure you have removed the FerramAerospaceResearch directory from GameData.


Also, I just noticed that the download still has the patch.cfg in it which could be interfering. Please delete B9_Aerospace/Patch.cfg

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Also, I just noticed that the download still has the patch.cfg in it which could be interfering. Please delete B9_Aerospace/Patch.cfg

I had removed FAR .... i`ll delete that and see if it helps ... will update

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  Sebi99p said:
I had removed FAR ....

Your log would indicate that the FAR folder remains in your Gamedata directory.

Config(@FARAeroData[default]:FOR[FerramAerospaceResearch]) [COLOR=#ff0000][B]FerramAerospaceResearch[/B][/COLOR]/CustomFARAeroData/@FARAeroData[default]:FOR[FerramAerospaceResearch]

CKAN has a habit of not deleting everything when you uninstall a mod, you need to make sure all elements are removed manually.

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  Crzyrndm said:
All movers tend to have a lot more authority than standard control surfaces for two reasons:

1) Increased control area increases force applied for the same deflection

2) The removal of the fixed stabiliser reduces the pitch stability of the craft leading to more action for the same force.

It looks like Module Manager is triggering FAR patches. Make sure you have removed the FerramAerospaceResearch directory from GameData.


Also, I just noticed that the download still has the patch.cfg in it which could be interfering. Please delete B9_Aerospace/Patch.cfg

Hmm, yep I agree with you about the control surfaces (and thanks for the enlightenment). However, is there anything to explain why the physics of my aircraft changed after updating the B9PW to the latest version?

I mean that I could notice the difference in the pitch moment required before and after updating. I don't mean the update if bad, but I am curious if the physics of lift calculation has changed between these versions.

Anyway, is everything OK in my log above?

Edited by badboyz31
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  Crzyrndm said:
Your log would indicate that the FAR folder remains in your Gamedata directory.

Config(@FARAeroData[default]:FOR[FerramAerospaceResearch]) [COLOR=#ff0000][B]FerramAerospaceResearch[/B][/COLOR]/CustomFARAeroData/@FARAeroData[default]:FOR[FerramAerospaceResearch]

CKAN has a habit of not deleting everything when you uninstall a mod, you need to make sure all elements are removed manually.

hmm ... yeah FAR directory is still there ... i know CKAN isn`t perfect ... but you did see my modlist ... quite a chore to do it manually :P

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The lift calculations did get altered to match how stock values are calculated (for both mass and lift, see links in this post) so some difference is to be expected. The other possible factor is that Patch.cfg was included in the download and adds the stock lift module to the wings a second time which may or may not result in wierdness.

  Sebi99p said:
hmm ... yeah FAR directory is still there ... i know CKAN isn`t perfect ... but you did see my modlist ... quite a chore to do it manually :P

I can imagine...

Removing FAR folder fixed things?

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  Crzyrndm said:
The lift calculations did get altered to match how stock values are calculated (for both mass and lift, see links in this post) so some difference is to be expected. The other possible factor is that Patch.cfg was included in the download and adds the stock lift module to the wings a second time which may or may not result in wierdness.

I can imagine...

Removing FAR folder fixed things?

Ah, I see. Okay then, it's time to modify my aircrafts to accomodate the new settings. I didn't follow the development posts before. Anyway, thanks mate :D.

Anyway is there any chance in the future that elliptic wing model would be incorporated

Edited by badboyz31
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Slightly offtopic but compleately unrelated. I have similar ghost chase bug recently due to CKAN re-install procedure.

Wrote all story in this post.

To keep long story short, in cases when you want to compleately remove some mod, double check if whole folder is removed too.

Some mods checks for existance of certain file from other mode inside of subfolder, some uses mod folder itself to determine if something is installed or not.

Problem is that some mods like FAR for example, write some additional file inside mod folder, after you first run game with that mod. Like config file or something.

CKAN does not recognize that file that was before installation and for that reason it does not delete entire mod folder on uninstall.

Could be tricky if you are not aware of it, how CKAN works, thinking you have safely removed something, while you didn't.

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  kcs123 said:
Slightly offtopic but compleately unrelated. I have similar ghost chase bug recently due to CKAN re-install procedure.

Wrote all story in this post.

To keep long story short, in cases when you want to compleately remove some mod, double check if whole folder is removed too.

Some mods checks for existance of certain file from other mode inside of subfolder, some uses mod folder itself to determine if something is installed or not.

Problem is that some mods like FAR for example, write some additional file inside mod folder, after you first run game with that mod. Like config file or something.

CKAN does not recognize that file that was before installation and for that reason it does not delete entire mod folder on uninstall.

Could be tricky if you are not aware of it, how CKAN works, thinking you have safely removed something, while you didn't.

aa ok ... makes sense :) tx for the tip

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