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[1.0.2] B9 Aerospace | Procedural Parts 0.40 | Updated 09.06.15


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[MFT] Part WeightedArea: B9.Aero.Wing.Procedural.TypeA = 0.00

I suspect it's the same issue as the one explicitly related to ModularFuelTanks which showed up before. I don't actually know what that was, Crzyrndm might have some better idea if he gets any free time.

xD-FireStriker: don't think there's been anything new except my shader update.

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37 minutes ago, Van Disaster said:

[MFT] Part WeightedArea: B9.Aero.Wing.Procedural.TypeA = 0.00

I suspect it's the same issue as the one explicitly related to ModularFuelTanks which showed up before. I don't actually know what that was, Crzyrndm might have some better idea if he gets any free time.

xD-FireStriker: don't think there's been anything new except my shader update.

Should I post the post with my logs in procedural parts thread and report it there?

Edited by Dermeister
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15 minutes ago, Crzyrndm said:

Remove MFT temporarily. If that fixes it, make sure you are completely up to date there, otherwise I will investigate when I do get time.

MFT? that's part of Procedural parts? I will try to see if it fixes it. Stand by for my findings.

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2 hours ago, blowfish said:

MFT = Modular Fuel Tanks.  It's different than Procedural Parts.

I'm not using MFT i'm using RealFuels and Proceedural parts. How ever in the Real fuels thread it says that real fuel split off from MFT. Could it be using a MFT module that's causing this bug?

I started a new sandbox game. Uploaded my craft file... And behold the craft is no longer some 180 Tons... and more like 39 tons.... also I checked the wings .. no part is in the negative mass. I uninstalled Real fuels. SO this confirms your suspicion. Because Real Fuels uses MFT. Here's a screen you can compare the mass with the other pictures it's the same craft. So what's the next step? We go over to RF thread? or is this something you guys have to fix on your side by how it interacts with RF?



OK so update.. after I uninstalled RF and realized it fixed the issue. I went and Re downloaded RF and I think I must of had the not most up to dater version or in the last few days they updated but I reinstalled and now everything seems to be behaving fine... So i'm sorry if this whole ordeal has taken up some of your time but it appears my issue is fixed. Well I might be speaking too soon because I din't play around with it a lot yet but it's looking good so far.6GK1Nlu.jpg 

Edited by Dermeister
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  • 2 weeks later...

HEy  guys .. is there a mod out there that allows me to disable control surfaces for the b9 Procedural CS? I know you can manually go and change the Deflection to 0 ect but what I have in mind is more something along the lines of keeping my aileron configurations but to be able to program same as you would do with solar panels deployment in custom commands but a " toggle control surface" So that when I launch my shuttle and i'm in space the control surfaces don't move. But when I reenter I can toggle them back on.

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4 hours ago, Dermeister said:

HEy  guys .. is there a mod out there that allows me to disable control surfaces for the b9 Procedural CS? I know you can manually go and change the Deflection to 0 ect but what I have in mind is more something along the lines of keeping my aileron configurations but to be able to program same as you would do with solar panels deployment in custom commands but a " toggle control surface" So that when I launch my shuttle and i'm in space the control surfaces don't move. But when I reenter I can toggle them back on.

Disabling controls is nothing to do with the actual part - that would be a function of FAR, and was fixed a *long* time ago; if your surfaces are still moving in space then there's a bug.

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10 hours ago, Van Disaster said:

Disabling controls is nothing to do with the actual part - that would be a function of FAR, and was fixed a *long* time ago; if your surfaces are still moving in space then there's a bug.

NO not in space i'm thinking for launch... I have it set up like the space shuttle with a vertical launch and I want to rely on thrust vectoring for launch and not the control lsurfaces.

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11 hours ago, baldamundo said:

I'm having an issue where if I hit the "j" button to open the part parameters, it always resets the rotation. Anyone else get this? :/

Either you've managed to rebind something else to j, or another mod is claiming it. What editor mods have you installed?

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On 7/4/2016 at 6:29 AM, baldamundo said:

I'm having an issue where if I hit the "j" button to open the part parameters, it always resets the rotation. Anyone else get this? :/

I have the same problem - I have tried to find what mod it clashes with, but I'm gonna do a bit more thorough search today. Did you ever find the offender?

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I have been having an issue with both @Crzyrndm's fork and @01010101lzy's fork where the KSPedia will not work when Realism Overhaul and its mods are installed (the KSPedia appears using a clean install where the B9 Pwings fork is the only mod installed). I have narrowed down the source of the issue to the shader file used by the B9 Pwings mod (wingshader.ksp); removing this file allows the KSPedia to pop up and function correctly, but it obviously also breaks B9 Pwings. I also tried to move the shader file into its own folder "Shaders" within the mod's folder, but that also breaks the mod. Seeing as how there are two forks of this mod, I will post this issue in both threads. I will post the output_log files with and without the B9 Pwings mod installed, just in case it is helpful to see what KSP is and isn't working when and where. Until next time, thank you for the fantastic mod, and I wish you good fortune in the future!

No Pwings Installed: https://www.dropbox.com/s/z96756wa94gqo9j/output_log (No-PWings).zip?dl=0

PWings Installed: https://www.dropbox.com/s/adn0rjvoigemug7/output_log (With-PWings).zip?dl=0

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Sooo much NRE spam. Was that a manual RO install ( this is way more than a RO install ) or from CKAN? ( your principia seems to be rather broken btw ). What version of B9PW did you install, and what shader?

file://D:/Games/KSP 1.1.3 (RO+RSS)/GameData/MagicSmokeIndustries/Plugins/../AssetBundles/ir_ui_objects.ksp cached to C:/Users/Justin/AppData/LocalLow/Unity/WebPlayer/Cache/Squad_Kerbal Space Program/ee7b9dbaf7972aab41fa86e159c0e53026d0976d
loading from cache: file://D:/Games/KSP 1.1.3 (RO+RSS)/GameData/MagicSmokeIndustries/Plugins/../AssetBundles/ir_ui_objects.ksp
Trying to reload asset from disk that is not stored on disk

Pretty sure that shouldn't be happening seeing as I got my own shader loader code from IR. Nothing B9 related I could spot in the log, anyway... but there's no way any of us can duplicate that install.

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2 hours ago, Van Disaster said:

Sooo much NRE spam. Was that a manual RO install ( this is way more than a RO install ) or from CKAN? ( your principia seems to be rather broken btw ). What version of B9PW did you install, and what shader?

file://D:/Games/KSP 1.1.3 (RO+RSS)/GameData/MagicSmokeIndustries/Plugins/../AssetBundles/ir_ui_objects.ksp cached to C:/Users/Justin/AppData/LocalLow/Unity/WebPlayer/Cache/Squad_Kerbal Space Program/ee7b9dbaf7972aab41fa86e159c0e53026d0976d
loading from cache: file://D:/Games/KSP 1.1.3 (RO+RSS)/GameData/MagicSmokeIndustries/Plugins/../AssetBundles/ir_ui_objects.ksp
Trying to reload asset from disk that is not stored on disk

Pretty sure that shouldn't be happening seeing as I got my own shader loader code from IR. Nothing B9 related I could spot in the log, anyway... but there's no way any of us can duplicate that install.

I installed RO from CKAN (the only instance where I use CKAN to install mods, as the depth of RO installation has proven far too intimidating to take on manually). CKAN installs Crzyrndm's latest release of his fork. Upon the failure to use the KSPedia with his fork installed, I tried Izy's version, and I saw the same results. I've forgotten exactly what version of B9PW I had installed when these logs were generated... I can only assume that it was Crzyrndm's fork. And when you ask what shader I had installed, what do you mean, exactly? In both Crzyrndm's and Izy's forks, the shader is named "wingshader.ksp". And the version of Principia I'm using is the latest version retrieved from their IRC channel. I'll try reinstalling RO+RSS+RP0 through CKAN, and avoid installing Principia for now. I'll upload a new Output_log file from this new install once it is generated. Until then, thank you for your assistance in the matter!

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Alrighty, as promised, I have a new output log to upload. This is from a new, clean install. I used CKAN to install RO and ALL of its recommended and suggested mods. I also used it to install RSS and all of its recommended mods; the same goes for RP-0. No other mods were installed alongside these, and the KSPedia is still not popping up when its button is pressed. So, here you go...

Output Log - https://www.dropbox.com/s/leu4b1r58sdb54y/New_output_log.zip?dl=0

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48 minutes ago, 123nick said:

is there a difference between the PSSM and PP versions on bitbucket?

Go back one page... somebody asked the exact same question as you. Blowfish answers the question with a link to where you can download the updated mod.

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1 minute ago, fallout2077 said:

Go back one page... somebody asked the exact same question as you. Blowfish answers the question with a link to where you can download the updated mod.

sorry, i didnt realize it was there :( 

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Just now, 123nick said:

sorry, i didnt realize it was there :( 

No worries... we all help out when we can. As Blowfish said, posts can get rather hidden in these threads. By the way, you may also wish to check out another fork by Izy... according to his thread, he picked up maintenance of the mod. So, it would probably be a good idea to check his Pwings thread for updates. Here's a link: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/126997-plugin112b9-procedural-parts-modified-032-may-23/&page=1

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