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[1.0.2] B9 Aerospace | Procedural Parts 0.40 | Updated 09.06.15


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I'm having an issue with the latest patch. I can place the parts, but the editing menu never comes up so I can't edit them I always says "press J while pointing". I keep pressing J and nothing happens. Then I closed the window and I couldn't pick up or place any parts anymore.

Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9ioyofgo1x2bkgv/output_log.txt?dl=0

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Did you have one of the Procedural wing parts highlighted (ie. mouse over the part, part turns green, press J) while pressing J?

lift force for B9 control surface is calculated at the edges, while stock have it at the centre. I'm currently using the latest updated patch.

Fixed, turned out to be just a missing parameter in the FAR configs

Edited by Crzyrndm
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I did.

- - - Updated - - -

Tested it without any other mods and it worked fine. I'll install other mods slowly and let you know which one is the conflict.

- - - Updated - - -

It was FAR. Once I removed that it worked fine. I'll redownload FAR and let you know what happens.

EDIT: I had the dev version of FAR still installed. I installed the release and everything is working now.

Thanks for all your hard work man!

Edited by marchingknight11
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EDIT: I had the dev version of FAR still installed. I installed the release and everything is working now.

Great (dev new or dev old? dev new would mean I have some work to do ...)

Do I need to re-download anything? The patched version linked at in the first post? The 1.2.1 patch listed in your sig?

Put this somewhere for now or download the github repo. I still have to check out kcs's issue before puttinga package together

%nonSideAttach = 1

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Thanks for maintaining this great piece of work ^^

First of all, sorry for my english...

I still have to check out kcs's issue before puttinga package together

I had the same issue, after removing Crossfeed Enabler it went away.

I'd like to ask if you can take a look at another issue, whenever I've placed a wing with symmetry, the CoL goes a little sideways:


I'm using FAR 15.1, I've enabled the verbose stuff inside PluginData\B9_Aerospace_WingStuff\config.xml while trying to find the culprit, here's the output_log:


Thanks again and keep up the good work!

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@hernan, whenever that kind of CoL out of proper center hapens attach wings on plane. Grab wing again, but from oposite side from where you have attached it first time.

Don't know why it happens, but solution is simple. Known issue with both, old PWings and this new B9 procedural wings. This was happening even in older KSP version.

@Crzyrndm, I tried to reproduce that nullreference bug in log, but I could not repeat it. I don't know why it was happened first time. I builded plane with debug console opened all times to be able to see when it happens. Just focus on that memory leak bug, I have memory usage monitor in editor and I can confirm that used memory is increased each time when I resize control surfaces.

When I exit SPH to main game menu before critical memory usage CTD, memory garbage is disposed and used memory is back to normal amount. Don't know if is it usefull info, can that garbage disposal be called from time to time without changing scene, to prevent CTD ?

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@hernan, whenever that kind of CoL out of proper center hapens attach wings on plane. Grab wing again, but from oposite side from where you have attached it first time.

Don't know why it happens, but solution is simple. Known issue with both, old PWings and this new B9 procedural wings. This was happening even in older KSP version.

Thanks kcs but, I tried that much, and still no go... It looks like if I set both leading and trailing edges to None and disable angle snap, the issue goes away.

@Crzyrndm, I tried to reproduce that nullreference bug in log, but I could not repeat it. I don't know why it was happened first time.

I was having the same using Crossfeed Enabler, perhaps it's the same?


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I'm having another issue. Any time I build a vessel with the procedural parts, the CoL seems to be off in flight. even when I build with symmetry on the vessel always rolls one way or the other. I made the most simple vesse I could with a mk2 pod, fuselage, adapter, jet engine, and 2 procedural wings so I doubt there was anything else that could have messed it up.

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Slightly dihedrial main wing and elevators on tail can help you with rolling issues. It is craft design fault, not PW mod itself.

I still updating my craft files while waiting for other mods to be updated. While unfinished, you can check it for examples what you doing wrong.

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When using FAR, I am having issues with the wings.

The mass doesn't change according to FAR. It says current wing mass: 1 and that number only changes by tweaking wing strength. It doesn't change the larger you make the wings, according to the FAR "current wing mass." But I don't know if this is actually true. RCS Build Aid's Vessel Mass indicator doesn't change with wing size, too.

EDIT: It works now. Thanks for the great mod Bac9, and thanks for the fixes, Crzyrndm! :)

Edited by Naten
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Issue with wrong mass is not from B9 procedural mod. I reported it in FAR thread, but most probably it is not FAR fault either.

Several other mods suffer from this too due to fact that stock Engineer report calculate weight from new stock part configs, not from part configs that were actualy saved in craft file.

Tweakscale and couple of other mods that have tweakable part size/mass suffer from this. Good news is that RCS builder or MechJeb shows proper craft weight.

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Slightly dihedrial main wing and elevators on tail can help you with rolling issues. It is craft design fault, not PW mod itself.

I still updating my craft files while waiting for other mods to be updated. While unfinished, you can check it for examples what you doing wrong.

This issue happens with single stack rockets too. I doubt it is a Mod specific bug (I do not currently use a P-Wing mod was just checking on update status.)

I have a Barebones Nu-Far only, fresh install KSP-102 and I can have a default Kerbal-X rocket lazily list to the left (or right) IE a dutch roll. Trying it without FAR I see the same issue. I think this is a core game bug in how SAS/Pilot Assist works (roll stops as soon as SAS is turned off.)

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When using FAR, I am having issues with the wings.

The mass doesn't change according to FAR. It says current wing mass: 1 and that number only changes by tweaking wing strength. It doesn't change the larger you make the wings, according to the FAR "current wing mass." But I don't know if this is actually true. RCS Build Aid's Vessel Mass indicator doesn't change with wing size, too.

EDIT: It works now. Thanks for the great mod Bac9, and thanks for the fixes, Crzyrndm! :)

How did you fix this?

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I, too, am now having issues with these wings and nuFAR.

Namely, this

Looks like the wings aren't working properly with symmetry, or something to that effect. Wings have diminished effect on the side that was placed by the symmetry placer. I understand you're fixing many mods, Crzyrndm, but is there any chance this one could be squashed easily?

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I, too, am now having issues with these wings and nuFAR.

Namely, this

Looks like the wings aren't working properly with symmetry, or something to that effect. Wings have diminished effect on the side that was placed by the symmetry placer. I understand you're fixing many mods, Crzyrndm, but is there any chance this one could be squashed easily?

That looks like a FAR bug. In the current released version, FAR can sometimes make wrong assumptions about your aircraft, particularly when the wingspan and length are similar. The current development version has improved upon this, you can try that to see if it helps any... though, of course, being a development version it may have other problems.


Actually it looks like that version was released as 0.15.2, so never mind. :)

Edited by Maeyanie
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First off. Sweet mod. Replaced the old procedural wing mod and use this one now...

Secondly, some requests:

1) Is it possible to allow compound shapes? what I mean is I want to duplicate the shape of the "Big-S Wing" but have it still be one part.

2) can you make the root/tip have an option to "flare" such that right at the root or tip the surface will flare out to match a cylinder. So that if we attach a wing tip pod or where the wings meet a fuselage the surface will flare out to meet that cylinder to make a nice smooth transition.

3) can we get a surface texture to match the stock Mk2 parts? Or if it is possible I guess I can maybe make my own textures? (have not looked into this yet)

4) can you add support for having the wings carry fuel. Like modular fuel tanks etc. (I guess I could do this with MM?)

Going back to read this thread now to see if any of these have been discussed before, as I just posted this without having read this entire thread.

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4) can you add support for having the wings carry fuel. Like modular fuel tanks etc. (I guess I could do this with MM?)

That's already a thing. Bottom of the UI, you can choose what fuel to use (or if using MFT/RF, they are setup for those). The rest of it is unlikely to happen to my knowledge (2 you can normally achieve with a little bit of clipping, 1 isn't going to happen, 3 could happen if someone with the knowledge to do so added it to the shader(? I think that's where the materials are done))

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That's already a thing. Bottom of the UI, you can choose what fuel to use (or if using MFT/RF, they are setup for those). The rest of it is unlikely to happen to my knowledge (2 you can normally achieve with a little bit of clipping, 1 isn't going to happen, 3 could happen if someone with the knowledge to do so added it to the shader(? I think that's where the materials are done))

Crzyrndm is correct.

1. Impossible to implement without completely rewriting how geometry is generated.

2. Increased root thickness + editor offset tool helps with that, or if you want independent slope just near the connection point, attach a reversed wing segment to the inward-facing plane of your main wing, and make it tip-wide and tip-high. Or use low span root-thick wings near fuselage segments which can have big sloping from thickness without spreading it into the main part of the wing span.

3. I'll look into it once I finish modeling MK2 update for the B9 pack.

4. Already in.

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