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[1.0.2] B9 Aerospace | Procedural Parts 0.40 | Updated 09.06.15


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22 minutes ago, Crzyrndm said:

Version downloaded from where

Most recent from github.

trying to reproduce the problem, but I can't after restarting.

Edit: i actually have the saved negative mass craft.

Edit 2: It seems that without adjusting the mass-strength slider (FAR), there is no problem, however if you make a small control surface and/or you reduce the mass strength slider, you can create negative mass control surfaces and negative mass parts, this isn't a problem for stock parts

Edit 3: i launched a negative mass craft without it crashing (maybe crash was just a coincidence?), it seems to behave like a normal object with mass.

Edited by pyrosheep
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Ok, more testing has show that the Negative mass doesn't affect the actual mass of a craft (created a crat with TWR<1, lowered it's mass with light control surfaces so TWR>1, still would not take off) , it just affects the engineer's report.

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@Crzyrndm I was curious. Could you add a checkbox to the GUI to disable all lift characteristics on a given wing? When building things like a Comanche helicopter and complex planes like the F-117. Using P-wings to construct the fuselage. You can get great visual results but sometimes can have some really funny flying aircraft. This would be a great feature for more advanced builders but pretty useless for the average user so I can understand if these could be seen as a waste of time to implement.

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13 hours ago, V8jester said:

@Crzyrndm I was curious. Could you add a checkbox to the GUI to disable all lift characteristics on a given wing? When building things like a Comanche helicopter and complex planes like the F-117. Using P-wings to construct the fuselage. You can get great visual results but sometimes can have some really funny flying aircraft. This would be a great feature for more advanced builders but pretty useless for the average user so I can understand if these could be seen as a waste of time to implement.

I've tried doing this with FAR, but the problem is that I lose that mass/weight slider. I've cloned the part btw.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 12.02.2016 at 9:59 PM, Crzyrndm said:

That was used prior to the update for 1.0 when the wing mass calculation was aligned with the stock version where mass is 10% of the lift coefficient which is only dependant on area

Tried doubling aeroConstMassFudgeNumber out of spite - and it had the effect of increasing buoyancy of the part. My ship made of them really started to sit higher.

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  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, woo_reentry_is_cool_dude said:

1.1 ?


Please bac9, please, pretty please?:)

Hehe just kidding, take your time - just know that this is called "the better proc wing mod" for a good reason :wink: *

* its about more than just the letter "b" in "better"&"bac9"

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Hello, thanks for the effort of keeping this up. I've been using it since it came out. I was pumped to see that this mod is still being supported for 1.1.


I think I may have found a bug though, or maybe I'm just doing something wrong. The control surfaces for Yaw and Roll both go for the same direction. Pushing down on the roll left key makes the control surfaces go up. The inverse is true when I try to roll right. I have the latest version of FAR installed and that might be causing problems.


I got the latest version from your github and just copied and pasted the contents of the gamedata folder into the game's own. I would be willing to provide any information should you need it.

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My control surfaces are not responding good to symmetry, also on the latest FAR version and the 1.1 compatible version from your Github. 


For example, I set 2 control surfaces in the wings for "roll" only, and they move at the same time when I try to roll (like if it was pitch), and if I do the same with pitch, they move one up one down. Looks like a symmetry problem to me!

Thanks for your time

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Make sure you're not using any saved vessels, otherwise control surfaces will have that bug. If these are fresh vessels, I may have screwed up the MM patch that fixed it. go into the .cfgs for B&C and remove the line "mirrorsymmetry =..."

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I've just tested with a new vessel, and the only bug is visual. The plane works good enough, but it looks odd XD. I'll try that "mirrorsymmetry" thing you said and report back. Thanks!






I haven't found any "mirrorsymmetry" line in .cfgs for B&C.

I'm using editor extensions mod, I'll try without it

Edited by m1sz
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