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Share your experiences with the parts hitting building bug

Commander Jebidiah

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On the first test flight of the C-06 Shooting Star SSTO it suffered a major dissaster.


  1. Camzen Kerman - Engineer - Chief SSTO Engineer
  2. Emilly Kerman - Scientist - First Lady of Kerbin and head of science
  3. DC-001-AI - Pilot/Ship AI - Experimental

All went well.

  1. Take-off - Acheived at 100m/s, Perfect lift, No trouble
  2. Acent - No problem, minor stalling at low Air Intake
  3. Orbit - Perfectly Balenced, Other than that uneventful
  4. Orbit RV - Perfect
  5. Docking - Minor trouble, Camzen disabled DC-001-AI and let Emilly dock, Jeb greeted him on the station with a slap accross the face.
  6. De-Orbit - Over did the burn.
  7. Re-Entry - all went fine till a large Boom Rattled the ship
  8. Landing - fine then BOOM followed by 8 more and then one larger BOOM!!! as a Ground fuel depot exploded.


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If youve had any experiences with this bug show them here.

Message to Moderators - This thread is similar to the 'What did you do in KSP today' thread but specifically for experiences with this bug.

Message to Everyone - Don't expect support in this thread, this is for sharing your experience.

Edited by Commander Jebidiah
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I read this post about an hour ago waiting for a engine burn to finish, and it just now happened to me too.

After a long combination of missions on the mun that took me all day. I finally got my crew of 7 (Bill, Bob, and Jeb included) back to LKO and onboard a spaceplane. All went well untill about 100 meters above the runnway when my right wing exploded and I crashed into the runway. Then, for some reason, fuel tanks at my launch pad exploded. It was mayhem.

Now i gotta go back and see when last time i remembered to save was.

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It happened to me three times. Always the wings collided. One time i was orbiting above atmosphere, and i think the collision occurred when i went above the space center, and i collided to the launchpad (hmm... or was it a Launch Stability Enhancer?). The other two times it happened when i landed on the runway. Both was a perfect landing, the wings were nowhere near to anything, and since the wheels were already (or almost) touching the ground there was no big trouble losing them, but it was strange.

I think the first wing-losing landing was before v0.25, there was no big aerodynamic stress or anything.

Edited by Vlk
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  • 3 weeks later...

I've had two major experiences with this bug. Both affected triangular wing parts at the leading edges of my wings. The remainder of the craft was unaffected.

The first occurrence happened during final approach before landing.




The second occurred while in orbit.




In both cases, I had enough rectangular wing parts remaining to perform a safe landing.

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This thread bumped at a good time because this happened to me for the first time ever just last night. Here's what I observed:

While approaching KSC from the east in a spaceplane, the right wing spontaneously exploded with the message "...collided into Launch Pad." I reloaded a recent quicksave and tried again, and got the exact same result at what might well have been the same location, the only difference being that this time the left wing exploded about a second after the right. The rest of the plane was unaffected, save for becoming very un-aerodynamic xD

I figured perhaps Krakensbane was spawning the Launchpad on top of my plane and then warping it to its proper location or some such, so I tried flying a bit to the left to "dodge" it. No luck. I tried flying a bit lower, then a bit higher; every time I got a virtually identical experience. I finally solved the problem by restarting KSP and then loading my quicksave, at which point I was able to land without a hitch.

Possibly useless screenie:


Hopefully this report is somewhat useful. Again, this was the one and only time this has ever happened to me and it was easily resolved by restarting the game.

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  LordFjord said:
Had this issue as well. See here for info.

Weird thing in my case was that it happened not only when in the air, but also when rolling on the ground.

It also seems only to happen to wings and its always the launch pad?

Mine's happened while both flying and rolling.

And it hit both the VAB and launchpad.

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I shouldn´t have read this thread...

Now, a few minutes ago, it happened to me, too.

Approaching the runway from the west, 6km before touchdown the diagonal wings started to "collide with the launchpad".

I don´t know how I was able to land, but this is what my craft looked like afterwards:


for comparison how it looked like in orbit.


The only part of the launchpad that exploded is the group of tanks.

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  Kaptain said:
I read this post about an hour ago waiting for a engine burn to finish, and it just now happened to me too.
  KerrMü said:
I shouldn´t have read this thread...

Wait, what? Is it contagious? I'm out of this topic, as fast and far as I can.

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  • 1 month later...

Since this is still an issue, I think I'm safe to necro here.

I've had the same issue three times. The first time it happened I was approaching KSC from the north in the stock Aeris 4A after returning from a low polar orbit. The wings disappeared and apparently collided into the launch pad and the plane crashed right next to the


Second time was the Stearwing D45 in an uncontrollable nosedive over the KSC. Some wings apparently collided into the VAB about 4 seconds before the actual plane did.

And then just now I was approaching KSC from the south in a large spaceplane of my own design. This was after a rather inclined return trajectory from minmus. The wings disappeared again so I opened the debug panel. The ship split into three pieces. The cockpit got stuck inside the cargo bay, and must have then touched the active claw inside, because Kerbin disappeared and the ship fell away from the camera. That is an unrelated known bug. KER started spamming a random number in the debug log, then the game crashed. On an unconnected note, I immediately opened google chrome to log on to the forums to post this, then it crashed (which it seems to do a lot when first being opened), then my computer did a blue screen crash for only about the second time since I upgraded to Windows 8.1

Edited by TheMoonRover
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does this include exploding runways? something I rather hate with god like proportions..

why should a runway explode?..

there I was marshalling my fuel wagons into a long 10 car train with 2 locos on the front.. when the final coupling manuver to couple up the last car to the train caused half of the train to jump.. less than 2cm i'd say off the runway and land back harmlessly.. this was over 4000 units of fuel by this time with modified wheels that are twice as heavy as stock..

with that slight bounce.. the runway exploded.. taking both locomotives and 3/4 of the train with it.. all that survived was the lead locomotives cab.. with a smiley jeb at the throttle with bill and bob in dire distress.. as much as I was at this point

does this ever happen to anyone with aircraft by the way? or are my trains simply too heavy?

has anyone ever had the runway explode on landing?

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Yesterday I was bringing an SSTO back to KSC and encountered this bug.

Backstory on the flight: flew SSTO-style up to LKO, where I rendezvous'd with my orbital fuel station. I then proceeded to Low Mun Orbit, where I again refuel'd again before landing on Mun's surface. After some quick science, I returned to LMO, refuel'd (I think) and then headed back to Kerbin. So far so good.

I de-orbited, lined up for the runway, and about half a km out, the wings on the right side of my plane "struck" something near the launchpad (about a km away). I kept it under control, but before I could touch down, another part of the plane "Struck" something near the SPH (also about a km away) and the plane fell apart.

Maybe it has something to do with docking?

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I have encountered this bug many, many times; almost always landing spaceplanes on the runway at KSC, and almost always whilst making final approach from the East. Sometimes the strikes are multiple, like in this instance:


I like how my craft destroyed the launchpad due to the impact; don't mess with Mk3 spaceplanes... :kiss:

And I still got her down, albeit after a 2 km runway excursion....


This must be fixed.


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