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[1.1.2] Kerbal Konstructs v0.9.7.1 - Slopey Glidey


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6 hours ago, AlphaAsh said:

I dropped your Hanger directory into GameData. That's it.

Nope, I have no idea why it isn't working your end. Frankly, KK working without it, then not working with, has me mystified. It's all good here.

Okay so after multiple hours of trouble shooting I can now say that for certain the issue was the following: 

When setting up the folders for extensions for KK, for whatever reason module manager doesnt look in any folders with more than one word. For example it wouldnt find any of the statics in "Its The Little Things" but upon changing it to "itsTheLittleThings" it found them and they all work flawlessly. Idk if that is an issue on your end or not but figured I would let you know irregardless.

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4 hours ago, TMasterson5 said:

Okay so after multiple hours of trouble shooting I can now say that for certain the issue was the following: 

When setting up the folders for extensions for KK, for whatever reason module manager doesnt look in any folders with more than one word. For example it wouldnt find any of the statics in "Its The Little Things" but upon changing it to "itsTheLittleThings" it found them and they all work flawlessly. Idk if that is an issue on your end or not but figured I would let you know irregardless.

Probably KSP's cfg loader that's having issues. KK doesn't consider this as it looks at KSP's cfg database for the initial loading of statics. TLDR: Don't put spaces in directory names in GameData.

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v0.9.6.0 available. See OP for links.


  • GUI windows sizes revised to deal with font sizing issues introduced by Unity 5.
  • Tooltips revised to deal with font sizing issues introduced by Unity 5.
  • Added model cfg parameter keepConvex. Set this true in your model's cfg if you don't want KK to convert your colliders to concave automatically.
  • Homeworld no longer hard-coded as Kerbin (for RSS support).


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Yep there's an issue with it working with RemoteTech. I haven't finished writing the interface between KK and RT yet.

6 hours ago, tg626 said:

So I see a folder called "ExportedInstances" and it makes me think there's a way to export a base I've made as a separate set of cfg files, if so, how do you do that?

You persuade Squad to roll back the forum software so that links that used to work, work again.

But more seriously, I'm trawling the thread to find the relevant posts in order to fix them. There's a simple tutorial for what you want.

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I've noticed that in a few threads, a table of contents that used to take you to the relative info just loops you back to the op...  >:(

Looks like it's here


Btw, Round Range has trees in the runway with 100% ground scatter (I assume there is no way to remove them) too bad there's no way to define an occlusion zone for scatter or terrain height like Flight Simulator had...

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15 minutes ago, tg626 said:

Btw, Round Range has trees in the runway with 100% ground scatter (I assume there is no way to remove them) too bad there's no way to define an occlusion zone for scatter or terrain height like Flight Simulator had...

Yup. For now, KK doesn't support ground scatter.

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Time for me to say that this is truly awesome. I skipped it in the pre 64 bit days fearing for my already overtaxed memory (lots of mods), but grabbed it now and I love it!

Edited by tg626
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I finally got the RemoteTech interface working, with GroundStations being added when you open a tracking station and being removed when you close a tracking station.

Two caveats:

  • RemoteTech only refreshes the GroundStations after leaving the Tracking Station and returning. Obviously this isn't optimal - instantaneous would be better.
  • The API does not currently allow for ranges to be set or changed so new GroundStations are defaulting to a range of 75Mm. Obviously that's not really optimal either, so-to-speak. I'd rather they start with a much lower range and you have to upgrade them.

Question: Do the Kerbal Konstructs users who use RemoteTech want this now or are you happy to wait to see if RemoteTech continues to extend its API?

Edited by AlphaAsh
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6 minutes ago, AlphaAsh said:

Question: Do the Kerbal Konstructs users who use RemoteTech want this now or are you happy to wait to see if RemoteTech continues to extend its API?

Though I definitely want this, would it be a good idea to modularize some components of KK like this?


  • - Core module, basic static mesh (and launchpad?) placement.
  • - Base manager and base boss.
  • - Remote tech.
  • - Etc.

Just an idea, your current approach is more than fine too.

Thanks for the update!

Edited by Beale
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Just now, Beale said:

Though I definitely want this, would it be a good idea to modularize some components of KK like this?


  • - Core module, basic static mesh (and launchpad?) placement.
  • - Base manager and base boss.
  • - Remote tech.
  • - Etc.

Just an idea, your current approach is more than fine too.

Thanks for the update!

The RT Interface is a separate assembly (dll) because it then leaves KSP to decide whether to load it or not.

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I think that a joint effort between RT and KK is really worthing the cost. Both are great and seem obviously linked : what is the point of a realistic signal processing system if you don't have the infrastructure with it ? Tracking stations are a must, and KSP bases in general should be able to "share" the signal information (well, they are Kerbal, but I'm sure they have telephone lines all around the planet, if anything better !).

I'd even add that making connections with a mod like TAC life support would add even more greatness to it ! There are tons of possiblities : building farming areas (raw food), transformation industries (raw food --> snacks), oil rigs (crude oil), refineries (crude oil --> rocket/jet fuel), chemical plants (oxydizer, purified water), recycling plants (waste --> money)...

In fact, I'd gladly enlist in such a project. I have some coding/modeling/texturing experience (Orbiter...) and worked in the games developpement industry, so if you need a helping hand... :wink:

Edited by N_Molson
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While my first inclination would be not to wait on an unknown, since there is a new RemoteTech in dev builds right now, which work much better than the standard release from what I see, waiting and possibly getting that author to better lend RT to work nicely with KK may be the best option. RT being an active development of a new version is an optimal time for this.

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Yup, I've decided to sit on it for now. I've been chucking some code in to a personal fork of RemoteTech, stuff that I'd want RT to have for KK but I'm not making pull requests for it.

I really would like KK to support RT but working with the code, they have very different ideas about the way additional ground-stations should work. I haven't the patience to swim through layers of dictation and most of what I've hacked in to my fork just goes around that. Hence I'm not going to put in a pull request.

*shrug* If I can't work with RemoteTech then I guess I won't.

It's a simple case of I want RT to support KK and RT wants KK to support it. That's modder hell.

EDIT - I'll wait for RoverDude's stuff. That's bound to provide far more flexibility to do things how I want to.

Edited by AlphaAsh
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How To Use Kerbal Konstructs Contract Configurator Extensions (KKCCExt) When Making Contracts

First off, be aware I'm currently bundling the dll with Kerbin-Side Jobs and it's covered by KSJ's and CC's licence. That means that if you want to use it in your contracts, then Kerbin-Side Jobs has to be a dependency.

Obviously you're going to need Contract Configurator, Kerbal Konstructs and KKCCExt and knowledge of how to write contracts with CC before being able to understand a word of this tutorial.


KKCCExt implements five new requirements.


Requirement is met if basename is open.


	name = BaseOpen
	type = BaseOpen

	basename = Area 110011


Requirement is met if basename is closed.


	name = BaseClosed
	type = BaseClosed

	basename = Area 110011


Requirement is met if basename is locked.


	name = BaseLocked
	type = BaseLocked

	basename = Area 110011


Requirement is met if basename is unlocked.


	name = BaseUnlocked
	type = BaseUnlocked

	basename = Area 110011


Requirement is met if the base exists. That is, it's in Kerbal Konstruct's launchsite dictionary. That is because the necessary statics are installed.


	name = BaseExists
	type = BaseExists

	basename = Area 110011


All four new behaviours support the following conditions:



Opens basename.


	name = OpenBase
	type = OpenBase
	basename = Area 110011



Closes basename.


	name = CloseBase
	type = CloseBase
	basename = Area 110011

		condition = CONTRACT_FAILED


Locks basename.

A base cannot be opened or closed when locked. If the base was already open, it is still possible to launch from it if locked.

Very handy to prevent refund abuse when a contract has just opened a base.


	name = LockBase
	type = LockBase
	basename = Area 110011



Unlocks basename.

Good to use as a reward for contract completions.


	name = UnlockBase
	type = UnlockBase
	basename = Area 110011

		condition = CONTRACT_SUCCESS


Edited by AlphaAsh
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5 minutes ago, AlphaAsh said:


:( My plan of world domination has come to an abrupt end :(

This might not be the best thread to ask this but is there any other mod that adds ground stations that connect with RT?

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Just now, Noobton said:

:( My plan of world domination has come to an abrupt end :(

This might not be the best thread to ask this but is there any other mod that adds ground stations that connect with RT?

They can be added manually into RT's config file. Through a mod? Not that I know of.

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Hi there,

Been enjoying this mod immensely!  Many thanks for your continued hard work.

Getting a significant framerate drop following this last update.  Have isolated it to this mod, having performed the 50/50 process of mods updated in the last 24 hours.  

Uninstalling the mod (via CKAN) resolves the issue.  Reinstalling brings it back.

Specs in sig.



            "name": "DistantObject"
            "name": "DistantObject-default"
            "name": "EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements"
            "name": "EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements-HR"
            "name": "HangarGrid"
            "name": "ImprovedChaseCamera"
            "name": "KerbalEngineerRedux"
            "name": "NavballUpDefault"
            "name": "PlanetShine"
            "name": "PlanetShine-Config-Default"
            "name": "PreciseNode"
            "name": "Scatterer"
            "name": "TextureReplacer"
            "name": "BetterBurnTime"
            "name": "ModuleManager"
            "name": "DockingPortSoundFX"
            "name": "RCSSounds"
            "name": "RealPlume"
            "name": "RealPlume-StockConfigs"
            "name": "EngineLighting"
            "name": "SmokeScreen"
            "name": "AutomatedScienceSampler"
            "name": "KerboKatzUtilities"
            "name": "NMSG"
            "name": "ProceduralFairings"
            "name": "ProceduralParts"
            "name": "ToadicusTools"
            "name": "EVAManager"

Not sure what log file you'd need to diagnose, but happy to provide if needed.

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4 minutes ago, TMS said:

Hi there,

Been enjoying this mod immensely!  Many thanks for your continued hard work.

Getting a significant framerate drop following this last update.  Have isolated it to this mod, having performed the 50/50 process of mods updated in the last 24 hours.  

Uninstalling the mod (via CKAN) resolves the issue.  Reinstalling brings it back.

Specs in sig.


  Hide contents

            "name": "DistantObject"
            "name": "DistantObject-default"
            "name": "EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements"
            "name": "EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements-HR"
            "name": "HangarGrid"
            "name": "ImprovedChaseCamera"
            "name": "KerbalEngineerRedux"
            "name": "NavballUpDefault"
            "name": "PlanetShine"
            "name": "PlanetShine-Config-Default"
            "name": "PreciseNode"
            "name": "Scatterer"
            "name": "TextureReplacer"
            "name": "BetterBurnTime"
            "name": "ModuleManager"
            "name": "DockingPortSoundFX"
            "name": "RCSSounds"
            "name": "RealPlume"
            "name": "RealPlume-StockConfigs"
            "name": "EngineLighting"
            "name": "SmokeScreen"
            "name": "AutomatedScienceSampler"
            "name": "KerboKatzUtilities"
            "name": "NMSG"
            "name": "ProceduralFairings"
            "name": "ProceduralParts"
            "name": "ToadicusTools"
            "name": "EVAManager"

Not sure what log file you'd need to diagnose, but happy to provide if needed.

Roll back to the previous version and confirm that the issue was introduced by the latest version please. Nothing has changed significantly in the last couple of releases that should be impacting FPS.

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