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[0.90] Command Pod Rebalance (v0.2)


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While building stations for contracts, I've always been bothered that the larger versions of command pods and lander cans both cost more *and* weigh more per-crew. This mod rebalances their costs so that the stats per-crew remain about the same for all pods within a "class" (except for spaceplane cockpits, as their balance is a bit more complicated). Larger parts have reduced part count, better aesthetics, and are very slightly cheaper-per-crew.


Command Pod Mk1:

Cost ⇒ 800 (↑ 33%)

Rationale: Win some and lose some. Bump this cost up so that other changes do not have to be quite as drastic.

Mk1-2 Command Pod:

Cost ⇒ 2300 (↓ 39%)

Dry Mass ⇒ 2.4t (↓ 40%)

Reaction Wheel power consumption improved.

Mk1 Lander Can:

Cost ⇒ 1200 (↓ 20%)

Monopropellant ⇒ 20 (↑ 33%)

Reaction Wheel Torque ⇒ 5 (↑ 67%), power consumption made same as Mk1

Rationale: Lander cans are kept in the role of "pay more for less mass", but don't have quite as drastic a jump in price.

Mk2 Lander Can

Cost ⇒ 2300 (↓ 29%)

Dry Mass ⇒ 1.2t (↓ 52%)

Reaction Wheel Torque ⇒ 10 (↓ 33%), power consumption adjusted accordingly

PPD-10 Hitchhiker Storage Container

Cost ⇒ 3000 (↓ 25%)

Rationale: Now cheapest part per-kerbal, and only slightly heavier than lander cans. Makes up for it by lacking command functionality or any other amenities.

Released under the MIT License.

Edited by Spheniscine
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  • 4 weeks later...

That looks pretty awesome. Would you mind adding this to CKAN?

- - - Updated - - -

Another suggestion: why not make the bigger cans slightly cheaper (or more light) per kerbal than their solo equivalents? This would actually give a reason to use those, because as it is now the only valid motivation seems to be reducing part count and/or added convenience…

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Very nice.

I have not downloaded as yet, but I very much approve of the way you have explained the reasoning behind the changes you have chosen to make.

Other 'Rebalance' mods just have long lists of changes with no indication of why those changes were made, sometimes with not even a explanation of the overall goal of the mod. Your mod is much more sensible about this.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't know if it is just me, but I found this mod didn't work until i added :final tags to the file so that the changes are loaded last. It may have been a conflict I had with another mod. Possibly Vens stock revamp. FYI for any who arent seeing an effect

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