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Reputation gain bug?

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I seem to not be getting as much reputation as I should be. I haven't watched how much reputation my missions had given me so far, but when I checked my amount and found it to be a bit over 900, it sounded about right for how much I had been getting per mission on average, but could have been a bit low perhaps. Certainly not as low as the amount I was about to get...

Well I tried a new strategy: appreciation campaign 25%, 1 reputation for every 22.6 funds. My contracts were listing the correct reduction in funds pay and the correct gain in reputation (a VERY high amount), but upon completing two contracts which together should have yielded a total of around 1700 reputation, I come back to find that I have 935. I don't remember exactly how much it was immediately before, but it was over 900.

So I watched more carefully, and did another contract. This time I started with 935 reputation and the contract claimed to be paying 627 reputation, with +518 being from my appreciation campaign (109 base reputation).

Upon completing the contract, I checked my reputation and it was listed at 941. Instead of gaining 518, I only gained 6.


I had no other active strategies when this happened.

I have never checked reputation gain before but it always seemed out of whack.

The method I have been using to check reputation: launch a capsule on the pad, and recover it

Is this bugged, or is there something I'm missing? And furthermore, what is reputation even for? I have suspected it helps give you better contracts but upon closer scrutiny that seems to only happen from going places and unlocking new science technology. I was hoping to see what it does by dramatically increasing my reputation through a clearly overpowered strategy, but it actually seems like it backfired and reduced my reputation gain.

Edited by thereaverofdarkness
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My understanding is that reputation is capped at 1000, and if you would go over that amount, all reputation from that source is lost.

So, for example, if you have 900 reputation currently and would gain 110 rep from a single contract, you will end up with 0. If you would get 50 rep from a different contract, then you should end up with 950.

I don't know for sure, but I suspect that the reputation bonus from the appreciation campaign is calculated as being from the same source as the original, so if you get 70 from the contract (bringing you to 970) and 40 from the strategy, that would put you over 1000, so you get nothing.

Reputation is supposed to get you 'better' contracts, but I don't believe that 'better' has ever been defined. Certainly the contract types and destinations seem to be entirely based of tech tree and discovery progress. Maybe you can get better rewards for the same contract with higher rep, but again, I've never tested this.

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I've noticed this too and it seems rather silly.

Does anyone know what the hurdles are? At what rep level is is pointless to get any more? Does getting to 1000 do anything or is it the same being above 950 or 900? Is 1000 even achievable? There has to be a point where additional rep is pointless and you should convert it all to cash. I'm just wondering what that point is.

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