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Moho, Dres, Eeloo... No Atmosphere, No Moons, No Game


Which of these planets have you voyaged to?  

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  1. 1. Which of these planets have you voyaged to?

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Dres never gets any love...

Yep. I have landed on every planet but Dres. I started playing in version 0.16. First planet I flew to was Duna. Then did a flyby of Jool as a joyride test.

Went to Eeloo and landed there, as it was the farthest-out planet.

Then Moho, as it was the innermost and hardest to successfully land at due to the Delta-V required to get there and have fuel left to return to Kerbin (and some sensible choices of what part of the Moho orbit to use, my first try was worst-case ,with Moho at its periapsis instead of apoapsis as I learned later). I focused my mission on exploring the very deep hole at the north pole of Moho, and sending a probe to check on rumors of a possible deep hole at the South Pole too (nope, none). IIRC I was the first to report how deep the "MoHole" was (about 4.8 km), from flying a probe to the bottom and then later Jeb to the bottom.

Many would go to Eve early as it is easy to get to..... but incredibly difficult to RETURN from a landing to get back into orbit. So I was not interested in an Eve flyby, went to Duna first. I waited to get better at the game before tackling Eve. I put a lot of time into working up landers to be able to return to orbit from Eve, some from a high altitude and some from sea level. Gilly was a "bonus", but not nearly as interesting as landing and coming back from Eve. But I made the side trip to Glly interesting too.

I flew a simple "Land, walk around, get back" mission to Laythe, using an aerobrake from Jool. Landed on Laythe with a lander that mostly used jet power with rocket assist, and returned. But have not done all of the moons of Jool.

Probably should do a Dres mission soon to at least cover all the planets. And maybe then a ship with landers that can do the the rest of the Jool moons.

FWIW - here's links to some of my missions:


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DUNA (recent mission, new base with Quad Lander)

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As you will see, most of them involved a lot more than just technically getting there and flying back. The first three were done in .17 or .18, before "Science" existed (there were some basic sensors but no biomes).

- GeorgeG

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For a time i had space station going in Moho's orbit. Let me tell you - building and maintaining it was a herculean task :D Dres is a bit underwhelming, indeed - but i go there from time to time anyway (because i'm a completionist). Eeloo. Oh, Eeloo - every time i get around to send an expedition time, update happens and i start from the scratch. I've been there once, and that's about it.

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The new planned moon for Gas Planet 2, Fonso, will have mountains reaching into the vacuum... That means you can be in space on the planet! That is neat. It will also have a thick atmosphere. I look forward to seeing that moon

All these "plans" you refer to are from the unofficial wiki, based on a forum post that Novasilisko made a long time ago. He doesn't work fro Squad anymore and I'm not aware of any official confirmation that a new planet is coming any time soon, let alone specific details about it. Treating that wiki as if it is an official developer roadmap is just going to lead to disappointment.

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You can't aerobrake, making things even harder. Why not just go to Jool where you can visit it's moons and even fit in an Aerobrake, or visit Eve where parachutes are acceptable or golly where the force of a decoupled launches you to a 10k Apopsis.

I choose to go to the Moho... Not because it is easy, but because it is HARD!!!

... and Gene told me to ;)

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The new planned moon for Gas Planet 2, Fonso, will have mountains reaching into the vacuum... That means you can be in space on the planet! That is neat. It will also have a thick atmosphere. I look forward to seeing that moon

That information can at best be considered outdated. While I'd love it to happen, you can't really count on it.

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I'm a bit surprised so many people have such difficulty getting to these planets. I landed on these worlds with an Ion craft. In fact, I hit Dres and Eeloo in the same trip, with that Ion ship.

Kruphix III - Moho Version


Kruphix III on Dres


Sry, no pics from Eeloo.

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All these "plans" you refer to are from the unofficial wiki, based on a forum post that Novasilisko made a long time ago. He doesn't work fro Squad anymore and I'm not aware of any official confirmation that a new planet is coming any time soon, let alone specific details about it. Treating that wiki as if it is an official developer roadmap is just going to lead to disappointment.

GP2 is being officially worked on. It, multyplayer, and reworked tutorials are what's going on with squad

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You should clarify your question a bit. Do you mean did you travel there with a probe? Does it need be missions with returns to Kerbin? Does it only count manned missions?

I haven't managed to send any Kerbals to any of these due to fact that I wouldn't be able to bring them home, and I try and keep that RP aspect alive every time I play. But with probes... all of them but Eeloo have been visited.

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Of course I've been to all of them. I rather like Dres, I think it's an underrated planet. Eeloo's pretty interesting too. Moho's a bit of a dump, though it's easier to drive a rover on than either of the other two mentioned here. Higher gravity's good for something, at least!

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Ive never been to any but then ive only left kerbins SOI only 4 times. But i would really like to go to Eeloo and i want to play golf on Moho and finally I'd like to make a holiday resort on Dres near the big canyon.

Also if I started using interstellar again I would build a solar base on Moho at it's equator.

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Dres, Eeloo, and Moho are small, angry space potatoes.

Eeloo is the most interesting of the three I find, since it's an icy planet, although it lacks Vall's enchanting beauty.

Dres and Eeloo would be more interesting if power consumption meant something in stock (seriously, you never need more than a single ox-stat and a battery or four, as long as you keep the ox-stat pointed in the general direction of the sun and ion thrusters aren't involved), and solar power followed the inverse-square law instead of some bizarre senseless line.. then you'd have to take the diminished light into consideration when making trips to the outer edges of the system.

(NB: Jupiter and Jool would have the same light intensity levels without any fudging or adjusting if Squad just blindly put in an inverse-square curve - around 4%-ish, give or take a bit.)

Wow. I'm surprised at Pol and Bop. Not only is Bop bigger than Minmus, but they're both far bigger than Gilly than I thought. Also, they're very different from each other in size. I've been to both multiple times and always thought of them as "A little bigger than Gilly"

Eh really? They seem Minmus-sized to me... I tend to judge by the gravity, and kerbals float around Minmus style on 'em, not Gilly-style :)

(Although Gilly is a lot bigger than people give it credit for, it's larger than the Chicxulub impactor, or Phobos or Deimos, even at 1/11th scale)

Personally I didn't really realise that Eeloo is so close in size to the Mun, and Ike so much smaller. And I definitely didn't think Vall was bigger than Moho (and nearly the size of Duna!), most delta-V charts I've seen give Moho as the higher dV to reach low orbit.

My Ike lander for my first 0.26 (0.90) playthrough was actually based on my Minmus lander, I just swapped the FL-T100+round8 for a FL-T200.... I think Ike gives a larger impression than is justified since it's so close to Duna...

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Went to and landed on all three, strictly unmanned.

The first trips to Moho and Dres were on my BTSM playthrough; Moho was a nice target (although not nearly as good as Eve, but still) considering the available science points, the power provided by solar panels and the frequency of suitable launch windows. After that I also did a manned flyby; trips to other planets would've taken a considerably longer time, so I saved on life support.

Dres was the first trans-dunan planet I was able to reach; I just got the first RTG, which was insanely heavy and still didn't provide enough power for the top-tier probe core available at that moment. Adding 2 solar panels (which were also insanely heavy) was just enough to power the whole contraption at Dres' perihelion.

Finally, Eeloo was the target of my gravity-assist-practice ship in sandbox; I swinged by Eve, Kerbin (twice) and Jool on that trip.

Edited by flashcactus
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In replying to CalMacDa about Gas Planet 2:

All these "plans" you refer to are from the unofficial wiki, based on a forum post that Novasilisko made a long time ago. He doesn't work fro Squad anymore and I'm not aware of any official confirmation that a new planet is coming any time soon, let alone specific details about it. Treating that wiki as if it is an official developer roadmap is just going to lead to disappointment.

Yea, Nova Silisko once wrote long ago on how Eve was going to have storms and wind. Eve's oceans were going to have Blutonium in the water. That was also during the time when KSP resource mining plan was in the works, then later went away as it was going to be too complicated and not fun.

So you have to consider the age of anything that was announced as in the works, if that is relevant anymore. And unfortunately a lot of internet references do not tend to get updated to reflect changes in plans.

- GeorgeG

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One! Moho. They're not very interesting, no more interesting than say the Mun and a lot more difficult to get to or leave. The Jool system offers a wide variety all by itself, using all the delta-v you would use on visiting those solo bodies you can have a grand tour, concluded with a trip to the beach on Laythe! From an engineering/piloting standpoint it just isn't worth the time.

The integration of fineprint has made visiting bodies a lot more interesting, but with the prohibitive amounts of delta-v you need to get there, I think these bodies need something more intrinsically valuable, other than being a different color or terrain roughness.

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The big problem is that they're all moonless, eccentric, tilted worlds. Once you've been to one, the other two are just a matter of scale in exactly the same skills.

I think Moho should be eccentric but not tilted. Or only a degree or so. Dres' orbit should be (almost) round, but tilted dramatically. 45 degrees or more. And Eeloo should be as it is now, both tilted and eccentric.

And they should all have fun stuff on them so there's a reason to actually go.

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Been to all, but I absolutely hate Moho. I consistently run out of delta-v when going there. In an earlier version I set up an orbital refueling depot, and each fuel run there ended up with half the fuel I wanted to get there.

The other 2 are easy in comparison.

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