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Kerbal History X


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The original idea was by Goodgle, so how it works is one person lists a year with an event.


No repeating a year or going back in time no repeating events

In a nutshell, no mass confusion


You can have up to four entries in one post. Yes, you can do part of a year Example, Year:2014.05

No skipping a thousand years

No going back to square one

Kerbal exist on year 200, the present is 6000, that's not when Kerbal go extinct.

NO KIONICLES, (you know who you are)

I will start...

200: Kerbals live live in caves and rarely explore (there eyes are adjusted to the dark)

Edited by MrWalrus123
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201: kerbals go to space by accident after the invention of the debug menu.

202: a alien lands and yells at them about how there universe is going to get "locked" by deities called "mods"

203: kerbals go to the mun. then Duna, then eve, then set up a colony on laythe.

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So in the span of three years we've gone from no space program to ruling the Kerbolar system. ...Am I the player???

On topic:

207: Kerbals start to realize the need for a group of Kerbals to specialize in calculating things so that the other Kerbals don't waste too much fuel trying to do simple tasks. Thus the discipline of mathematics is invented, and Von Kerman, ancestor of Werhner von Kerman, is placed in charge.

208: Von Kerman mathematically proves that KIONICLES, Anna, ponies, and the Kau cannot possibly exist. His peers are rather perplexed at where he got the ideas for these ridiculous civilizations, but all in all agree that it's good news that they are definitely not going to start invading the universe.

209: Kerbals discover a large, gray sphere in the sky, most easily visible at night. They decide to call this the Mun, in honor of the region of Kerbin that was explored in year 203, and to which it bears a resemblance. A few Kerbals start hatching plans to visit it someday.

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216: After Kebola is finished, Crazy Uncle Jeb comes out of his bunker, along with all of his family members. Taking over an old farm (HINT HINT), they begin a plan to evacuate Kerbin should a disaster like this ever happen again. They strap themselves to explosive cans in attempts to clear the atmosphere, but progress is slow.

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222: Concerted efforts are begun by Crazy Uncle Jeb and his "space program" to research the mysterious deep-space effects and determine their cause. After a particularly vivid dream involving tentacles, Jeb decides that whatever's out there must be some sort of tentacle monster. Because it seems to cause ships to krack, he dubs it the "Kracken Beast" (a name which would be shortened over the years to just "Kraken").

222.1: Jeb's continual complaints about how long it takes to get to Duna for his "research" (It's already been two weeks and the ship isn't even halfway yet) force Von Kerman (who survived the kebola epidemic in a precisely-engineered bunker) to start work on developing some sort of really really fast spacecraft engine. He calculates with extreme certainty that while it is most likely possible, Kerbalkind has virtually no hope of actually building such a thing for at least another four thousand years. Jeb's exasperated sigh, which to Von sounded something like "Waaaaaaaaaaaaarp?", prompts him to dub this theoretical far-future propulsion system the "warp" drive.

224: Von Kerman is tragically killed while standing too close to a rocket engine. Because he spent so much time near engines, his epitaph describes him as "Von Kerman the engine-near Kerbal". From then on, his son Braun Kerman and other mathematically talented Kerbals who spend a lot of time working on rockets are known as "engine-nears".

Edited by parameciumkid
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226: as jeb's ship nears Duna's gravity well, a massive, almost catastrophic cascade systems failure causes engine to fail to light and swings around the backside of the planet and back into orbit of the sun. Plans for a rescue mission are circulated and a strict food and water ration enforced.

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229: Crazy Uncle Jeb's son, Jebeh Kerman, and grandson, Bediah Kerman, start an ambitious plan to honor their late relative's devotion to progress by upgrading the space center with shiny new buildings and a big red launch tower. Unfortunately, the high latitude of the space center makes it difficult to build orbit-capable rockets that don't collide with the tower on their way off the pad. Bediah starts to wonder if someone ought to build a new space center closer to the equator.

234: A team of curious Kerbals sets out on an expedition to investigate the rubble left by the Kraken's sudden attack. Unfortunately, their plane crashes on touchdown due to the rough terrain, and the survivors thus name the place the "Badlands." When they finally manage to hike all the way back home after three months, they inform everyone they know that that place is a bad place to land.

235: Stories about the Badlands prove highly educational for the engine-nears and allow them to build better planes with more durable landing gear. Recognizing the need for Kerbals to regularly collect and share information about the world, they found the first Kerbal Academy of Science and honor the expedition team as Kerbin's first scientists.

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