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Not explaining things

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The career path does not explain what they want the player to do in a realistic way: the developers rely too much on tongue and cheek descriptions without really telling the player what they need to do to complete a mission. The humor is all fun but the lack of definition on what is needed to complete some missions is just too hard to justify playing the game.

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Im newer, ive only logged about 30 hours but I have figured out a lot just from tutorials and help on the forums. Plus I have figured out a lot from trial and error which I think was a big part of it, did you try the tutorial and sandbox parts to the game first?

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I echo numerobis' comment; the flavour text is only really there to fill out the contract request, I suppose the devs thought a bunch of numbers may be too confusing? If you want to know what to do, simply look at those numbers, as they're the real source of information.

If you're unsure as to which parts to use, the above advice also applies, often times the flavour text is simply unhelpful as to the use of a part. Again, refer to the numbers to see which parts are better for the situation in which you need to use them in.

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Can't say I've had this problem. I mean the flavour text is mostly there just for laughs anyway. The real info for missions comes from the bit underneath where all the numbers and requirements are. On top of that... Anything that has location requirements such as specific orbits or surface samples and the like can be seen in the tracking station even before you accept the contract.

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The contract descriptions should be completely cut because they're unreadable nonsense. None-native-English-speakers may not even realise that they're nonsense and waste time struggling to comprehend them. My first language is English and I still wasted my time trying to parse a few before I realised they were meaningless. I'm not certain whether this is what the OP is talking about though.

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The contract descriptions don't do much describing, this much is true. It was put in to get a laugh out of the reader, not really explain much. I find it quite absurd and funny, myself.

The true description is literally right under that. The contracts in the left-hand window offer an extremely basic overview of what they want you to do right off the bat, and if you look in the main contract window it literally explains exactly what you are supposed to do. For example, when a contract appears saying to place a probe in an exact orbit, they MEAN exact orbit. They offer incredibly precise apoapses and periapses, and inclination, and in the tracking station you can tell if the orbit needs to be prograde or retrograde.

If it's the steps to get there that trouble you, that's what the tutorials are for, not to mention good ol' trial and error in sandbox. Most players start off there and get a feel for launching missions and landing them safely again, and that's how to learn how to play the game. There are no exact steps for the contracts; that's left up to you. But no, they explain exactly what must be done.

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As the game is still in heavy development, there is almost no documentation or tutorial material for most aspects of the game, and not just the contract system. :D No sense in making guides to processes when the processes themselves are not in their final forms. This sort of thing will come in time.

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