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Show me your stock Duna landers

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Weird lander is weird :)

What's the story/philosophy behind that design anyways?

Well, lets just say that my "station thing" had modular components on it. At the very top is a generic science module for gathering science from the surface; in the middle is a atmospheric science module for gathering any science reports from lower and upper atmosphere; and the lander can is a module I nabbed off the station for crew reports from the atmosphere and surface. Basically, I attached modules to the lander so that I could get the science I want from a given planet/moon. The downside is that it looks like a pile of junk.

Edited by Stratzenblitz75
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(the descriptions in-game do mention something about the cans not being atmosphere rated, and imply that the hitchhiker can't 'return', although there's no game mechanic to back that up in stock).

It's actually a bit vague on that end: "The HSC was an invention of necessity - how do we store 4 Kerbals on-orbit without any real provisions for return? Who needed this remains a mystery, as do his motives." I believe "provisions for return" was meant to point out that it has no control capabilities of its own, not that it can't survive re-entry. Seeing as the lighter Mk2 Crew Cabin holds as many Kerbals as the Hitchhiker, is lighter, and is expected to be exposed to rather high dynamic pressures on the way to orbit, it's a safe bet that the Hitchhiker is similarly capable of surviving re-entry.

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Yeah, we do have different definitions. While I agree that the EAS thing is nonsense (and it's not a real replacement even gamewise for the capsules as it does not refill EVA fuel - plus I'm not sure if it can do an internal 'crew report' or not or store science) and that using the 1-man can for an interplanetary transfer is probably stretching it just a little, I don't see any reason at all why a short term landing has to be a two-man mission or use a long-term vessel.

Having two people instead of one is just basic redundancy. If something goes wrong when you're landing on a distant planet for the first time, there's no outside help coming. Two people in the lander have much higher chances of survival than just one. One-kerbal landers only become feasible after landing on a planet becomes a routine task, and there are rescue vessels orbiting the planet.

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Here is Tough Bird Special Edition landed on Duna after a reentry from Laythe. Unfortunately I did not capture screenshots during parachute descent. The last 2-3 pictures show them deployed (black covers) and the rear vernor trusters firing to stabilize after it bounced off the surface. The last image is right after takeoff.

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This is a simple two stage lander that I have used extensively in my campaign missions. It is a bit overdesigned since it was used to land on nearly any planetary body and perform multiple landings in some missions. However, it is more than capable of performing a landing on Duna and subsequent trip to Ike.



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