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SOLVED- B9 Aerospace Problems

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After deleting everything associated with KSP and redownloading B9 and the latest KSP I got rid of alot of issues except one. After about 3 days of scrolling the forums when I have the time between work and my family I have not seen anyone post anything at all mentioning this problem. The new HX parts fall through each other on the launchpad no matter how many struts I use. This is KSP/B9 32 bit, downloaded last week and completely fresh. I am new to the forum and I dont ask unless there is a real problem. Someone mentioned it is a Virgin Kalactic problem, however I don't know what this means.

Edited by Wyre311
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  • 2 weeks later...

You can implement a temporary fix, but creator of B9 does "not recommend using that fix unless you absolutely need HX parts today or tomorrow."

  fucojr said:
Many users running KSP 0.90 have reported HX parts falling off/simultaneously exploding.

From how it seems, the node toggle module included in Virgin Kalactic mod is the culprit. The module is used for larger(size 2+) HX modules to allow turning on/off of certain nodes. Parts utilizing that module would simply fall off upon loading and/or start to wobble abruptly, resulting in explosions. It's possible to simply add a lot of struts to forcibly duct tape it to its place, but when you fly it, it explodes after reaching a certain distance(around 6000 meters) from KSC.

I'm not a programmer myself, so I can't tell the reason why this happens, let alone debugging it. Nevertheless, the workaround I found is to remove said module data from the affected part cfg files.

A. Go to {Your KSP Directory}\GameData\B9_Aerospace\Parts\Structure_H X

B. Open the part cfg files. Simple Wordpad will do.

C. Find the following lines and delete them. Size 2 and 3 modules and adapters have these.



name = NodeToggle


D. Rinse and repeat for every part cfg files with above lines. There are about ten of them.

  bac9 said:
I do not recommend using that fix unless you absolutely need HX parts today or tomorrow. The plugin causing the issue is essential for setting up proper centered connections between numerous HX attachment points. MrBlaQ might investigate the issue with it tomorrow if he'll have some free time.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I found that when I build a B9 HX Ship, I can't put any docking ports on the ship. If I do, it causes the ship to fall apart on the launch pad. I thought I solved it using the radial point attachment and placing the docking pork on that, but once in orbit the two ships seem to tear each other apart and explode. Its pretty dramatic.

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