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[1.0.2] KIS/EVA Portable Science Container and Transmitter v1.3


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Portable Science Container!

Basically a backpack that lets you store multiple samples and reports collected during EVA. Also has a built-in battery and an antenna for transmitting the data directly to KSC from the field (hence the name "Field Scientist's Equipment"), wherever you are, without the need for moving the data to your ship/rover.

The backpack is now (mostly) a scientist-exclusive item! (toggle-able in VT_FSPack_Settings.cfg) (this restriction applies only to CAREER game mode)


Moar Screenshots!



Research required: Advanced Exploration

The backpack (FSE) functions as a portable science container. It means you can transfer data to and from it in a similar way you move data between your vessel's science instruments and command pod. You can Take and Review Data, Store Experiments the usual way, however only kerbal scientists can interact with stored data and only while the backpack is unequipped (attached to a surface or dropped). This significantly increases the number of samples and reports you can take during a single EVA in a multi-biome environment. If you can't be bothered to ferry the data to your command pod/rover, you can submit it directly from the field, provided you have enough electricity for the built-in transmitter (the antenna shares characteristics with Communotron-16 and if you have RemoteTech installed, it will adhere to RT rules of communication). The battery recharges automatically, albeit very slowly. You can recharge it manually using standard resource transferring techniques (attach the backpack to your vessel/source of electricity and alt+rmb on it and the backpack).



Omni range: 10 km

Energy req.: 0.25 charge/s

Electric charge: 250

Electric charge generator: 15/min


Packet Size: 2.0 Mits

Bandwidth: 0.8 Mits/s

Energy req.: 5.0/packet

Electric charge: 75

Electric charge generator: 15/min

Things to consider/known issues!

Versions 1.3+

* are for KSP 1.0+

* require Kerbal Inventory System to function properly http://kerbal.curseforge.com/ksp-mods/228561-kerbal-inventory-system-kis

* make sure you UNEQUIP and then RE-EQUIP the FSE (right click on its icon in the kerbal's inventory screen) after every data transmission with its built-in antenna (you have been warned!)

Versions prior to 1.3:

* are for KSP 0.90

* require Kerbal Attachment System to function properly http://kerbal.curseforge.com/ksp-mods/223900-kerbal-attachment-system-kas

* storing the FSE in a KAS-enabled storage will delete all experiments/data currently in the FSE


Download and install KIS or KAS, depending on your version of KSP (with 0.90 you want KAS; anything above: get KIS)

Download Portable Science Container from KerbalStuff: https://kerbalstuff.com/mod/490/KAS%20Portable%20Science%20Container

Unzip the files to your Kerbal Space Program directory


* RemoteTech integration? DONE!

* scientist exclusive item? DONE!

* model with a visible extendable antenna?

* integrated solar panel module?


FSE's model and texture are based on EVA-x assets by Daishi (who has permitted me to use them) from the Universal Storage addon http://www.kingtiger.co.uk/kingtiger/wordpress/universal-storage-a-mod-for-kerbal-space-program/

Special thanks to:

Tellion, for a quick RemoteTech integration config!

Version history:


- updated for KIS (KAS no longer required) and KSP 1.0.2


- some internal tweaks and tricks (debug messages and assembly versioning to keep me sane)


- scientist-only item!

- "bunch of things" fixed! (D'oh!)


- RemoteTech integration


- initial release

Licence Info:

* You are free to use and modify this content for personal use.

* You may create and distribute module manager files and part.cfg files referencing this work.

* You may publish and distribute, screen shots, images and videos featuring this work.

* You may not publish, share or redistribute the contents of this mod without the author's permission.

Edited by Zorbaq
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  Zorbaq said:
Licence Info:

* You are free to use and modify this content for personal use.

* You may create and distribute module manager files and part.cfg files referencing this work.

* You may publish and distribute, screen shots, images and videos featuring this work.

* You may not publish, share or redistribute the contents of this mod without the author's permission.

Wow, any particular reason why you chose to write up your own license? Most people just go with MIT or one of the Creative Commons aspects :)

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  hakan said:
Wow, any particular reason why you chose to write up your own license? Most people just go with MIT or one of the Creative Commons aspects :)

Never gave it much thought really, copied it from Universal Storage page to satisfy addon posting requirements, being under the impression it's a generic, all-scenario license :)

- - - Updated - - -

  Janos1986 said:
Does it work with remotetech? If it does, what's its range?

I have no idea, as I don't use RemoteTech. Is it updated for 0.90? The antenna module of the FSE works as a simple Communotron 18, so there should be no problems, unless RemoteTech adds its own bits of config to every stock antenna.

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  Zorbaq said:
Never gave it much thought really, copied it from Universal Storage page to satisfy addon posting requirements, being under the impression it's a generic, all-scenario license :)

Ah, actually, it's one of the more restrictive ones :)

On the other hand, Daishi is free to put any restrictions he wants on his awesome art :P

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  Janos1986 said:
Does it work with remotetech? If it does, what's its range?

Sometime back there was a patch that Added RT to that part thats not new at all and if you find RT just to much or to buggy you should try AntennaRange it adds Eva com with out needing to grab a part. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/56440-0-90-AntennaRange-1-7-Enforce-and-Encourage-Antenna-Diversity

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  Zorbaq said:
I have no idea, as I don't use RemoteTech. Is it updated for 0.90?

Yes, RT is 0.90 compatible as of 1.5.2: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/83305-0-25-0-RemoteTech-v1-5-1?p=1619975&viewfull=1#post1619975

  Zorbaq said:
The antenna module of the FSE works as a simple Communotron 18, so there should be no problems, unless RemoteTech adds its own bits of config to every stock antenna.

It does.

All you'd have to do is add a "VT_FSPack.cfg" file (actually can be named anything.cfg) in your FieldScientistPack directory that has something like:

!MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}

%allowManualControl = false

%MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] {
%Mode0OmniRange = 0
%Mode1OmniRange = 2500000
%MaxQ = 6000
%EnergyCost = 0.13

%DeployFxModules = 0

%PacketInterval = 0.3
%PacketSize = 2
%PacketResourceCost = 15.0

%MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {}

(the numbers are from the patch RT adds to the Communitron 16).

However I really don't think a backpack should have a 2.5 Mm range. The small RT antenna has a 500 km range; perhaps the backpack should have 100 km. You're really just trying to transmit to your ship, not all the way back to Kerbin.

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Low range and very low transmit cost would be great. That way it can be used as a convenience item for getting those EVA reports and surface sample results transmitted, while still relying on your network being in place. Will try asap :)

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  hab136 said:

Yes, RT is 0.90 compatible as of 1.5.2: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/83305-0-25-0-RemoteTech-v1-5-1?p=1619975&viewfull=1#post1619975

It does.

All you'd have to do is add a "VT_FSPack.cfg" file (actually can be named anything.cfg) in your FieldScientistPack directory that has something like:

!MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}

%allowManualControl = false

%MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] {
%Mode0OmniRange = 0
%Mode1OmniRange = 2500000
%MaxQ = 6000
%EnergyCost = 0.13

%DeployFxModules = 0

%PacketInterval = 0.3
%PacketSize = 2
%PacketResourceCost = 15.0

%MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {}

(the numbers are from the patch RT adds to the Communitron 16).

However I really don't think a backpack should have a 2.5 Mm range. The small RT antenna has a 500 km range; perhaps the backpack should have 100 km. You're really just trying to transmit to your ship, not all the way back to Kerbin.

Think you need to change

%MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {}


%MODULE[ModuleSPU] {}

as ModuleSPUPassive you should have to have a probecore on it for it to work.

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  hab136 said:

Yes, RT is 0.90 compatible as of 1.5.2: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/83305-0-25-0-RemoteTech-v1-5-1?p=1619975&viewfull=1#post1619975

It does.

All you'd have to do is add a "VT_FSPack.cfg" file (actually can be named anything.cfg) in your FieldScientistPack directory that has something like:

!MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}

%allowManualControl = false

%MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] {
%Mode0OmniRange = 0
%Mode1OmniRange = 2500000
%MaxQ = 6000
%EnergyCost = 0.13

%DeployFxModules = 0

%PacketInterval = 0.3
%PacketSize = 2
%PacketResourceCost = 15.0

%MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {}

(the numbers are from the patch RT adds to the Communitron 16).

However I really don't think a backpack should have a 2.5 Mm range. The small RT antenna has a 500 km range; perhaps the backpack should have 100 km. You're really just trying to transmit to your ship, not all the way back to Kerbin.


I'd like to give RT a spin to familiarize myself with its mechanics. If I understand correctly, antennas in RT function as repeaters (e.g. EVA/Rover/FSE/whatever -> Command Pod -> KSC)?

Edited by Zorbaq
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Hmm, love this idea. It's sort of the start of 'equipping' your Kerbals with gear, though honestly I'd never given much thought as to what equipment they would use beyond the RCS pack. I like Karamazovnew's idea as well, it would spruce up scientists a bit too.

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  karamazovnew said:
Neat idea. Can you make it so that only scientists can use it?

That was my initial intention. However in it's current form the addon is pure config and no code and - being unfamiliar with KSP API - I have no idea whether kerbal specializations are accessible to modders in any way. You'll have to wait a bit.

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* integrated solar panel module?

I would see that happening but only with a higher tier science container and the first tier with limited amount of charge but without power generation.

Edited by MK3424
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  RainDreamer said:
If we are going with power generation, might as well going with an RTG. Solar panels are kind of complicate to implement, considering you have to decide the direction the solar panels supposed to face, along with modelling that in.

Originally I planned it to be solar-powered but postponed it (as you said, it needs a properly set up model) and stuck a tiny RTG instead for now.

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There is an integrated RTG in this thing, giving you 0.25EC/sec.

I threw a quick config together modifying the Antenna and EC amount in the backpack, no guarantees of it working or providing any fun whatsoever :D

!MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}

%MODULE[ModuleRTAntenna] {
%Mode0OmniRange = 0
%IsRTActive = true
%Mode1OmniRange = 10000
%EnergyCost = 0.25

%PacketInterval = 0.3
%PacketSize = 2
%PacketResourceCost = 2.5

%MODULE[ModuleSPUPassive] {}

@amount = 250
@maxAmount = 250

This changes the antenna to have a range of 10km, use up 0.25EC/s (all of what your tiny generator provides) and drastically lowers EC cost per packet, while giving your batteries more capacity in return. Transmitting a surface sample will cost you about 38 units of charge this way, enabling you to transmit quite a few of them before having to turn the antenna off - at that point your batteries will slowly start filling up again.

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  Engineer Of Stuff said:
This is an awesome mod! I really like it!!


Make scientists only able to use it.

EDIT: Scientist thing already said. Anyway, +1 vote for it!

Im looking into it. I presume it's just a matter of hiding the correct context menu entries. Have faith ;)

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