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Negative rep?!


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Can confirm, was given negative rep. As a test. Then given positive rep to balance it out, so all is well.

Heh, saw that. You actually gained rep from that. :P


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If we notice something like that going on here, we would without a doubt do something, I'm sure. We don't tolerate users posting just for the sake of bumping their post count, so I think we'd be pretty harsh on users abusing the reputation system too.

How could someone abuse of the reputation system ? What could they accomplish by doing so, and how ?

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How could someone abuse of the reputation system ? What could they accomplish by doing so, and how ?

I've seen on some other forums a "rep exchange" thread, where users trade rep back and forth amongst each other. It inflates their rep scores without anything useful being contributed to the forum itself, and undermines the small amount of usefulness reputation has.

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How could someone abuse of the reputation system ? What could they accomplish by doing so, and how ?

As Red Iron Crown says it could be intentional, or the system is skewed by groups which are much more rep happy than others. You see this on the forums in the spacecraft exchange, where much more rep is given than in the modding forums. It is better to have no system than one that gives wrong information.

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As Red Iron Crown says it could be intentional, or the system is skewed by groups which are much more rep happy than others. You see this on the forums in the spacecraft exchange, where much more rep is given than in the modding forums. It is better to have no system than one that gives wrong information.

Couple that with the apparent fact that people tend to respect more people with higher reputation and you have a system where people wit higher rep can do, in theory, anything they want, while ones with lower rep tend to get most of the flak when they do the same. This applies for everyone, including members of the staff, who shouldn't even have a rep bar to begin with.

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Couple that with the apparent fact that people tend to respect more people with higher reputation and you have a system where people wit higher rep can do, in theory, anything they want, while ones with lower rep tend to get most of the flak when they do the same. This applies for everyone, including members of the staff, who shouldn't even have a rep bar to begin with.

Heh, it has actually happened that I've considered posting things that could potentially net me an infraction (or at least a removal, or maybe a warning) just because "I have so much rep. They'll forgive me". That's not the way it should work, but it usually turns out that way whenever there's some kind of rating system, unfortunately.

Also, I wonder if Green Iron Crown would ever have been created if I hadn't mentioned the idea of an "evil" Red. I'm currently feeling a kind of Schrödinger's pride over this.

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Heh, it has actually happened that I've considered posting things that could potentially net me an infraction (or at least a removal, or maybe a warning) just because "I have so much rep. They'll forgive me".

Being an old or well known member of the community does not make you immune to infractions. Take a look at The Fleet Masters profile as an example... He was around since the very start pretty much in one form or another.

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