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What have you done to KSP?!!

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First of all i need to say that i didn't play ksp for a long time cause i was getting rid of always looking for updated mods.

A huuuuge thanks for all the great modders out there by the way. Really great work and u made up that stuff which was keeping me playing ksp in early stages of the game.

That's why i was so excited about that beta release.

NOT what i expected! This game has so much potential and you put so much effort in a stupid career mode??

seriously, why not just keeping it sandbox mode and focus on what's important?!

Okay, the Menu is now fantastic! good job! but....

I was pretty sure to see:

- Mining facilities (thanks a lot for kethane mod) This is so important to me

- Space Station stuff

- Scanner to send probes to biomes or androids for luxury ressources (Helium3 or whatever for mining to keep the SpaceStation running/to do more science)

- real Science possibilities and not just things like "Fly with the new engine to mun" or "Take a surface example"

- space anomalities to discover and more exploration

- expanding into other solarsystems

- way more new Parts for building up a bases and mining facilities

For ... shall i build up a munbase? and how - without the parts for it... dunno if i'm just missing something and didnt look properly enough for it but first view on beta and i was so disappointed. Guess i won't see the stuff i crave for anymore and again i need to look for the right mods to make it interesting.

nah, thanks... sorry for bad english - not a native englishman.

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I don't know how long it have been since you last played the game but "Planned Feature" saying "Tycoon like" did not lie in what is being done right know, managing a SPACE PROGRAM is playing Tycoon.

The technological level is just far lower, and the gameplay far less abstracted.

SQUAD did try a "Resources system" where you would mine and sell (fuel mostly) but discovered than it wasn't actually fun. And looking at the last known diagram I believe them. Now they said they will retry in the future with a system only meant for "Deep Space Refueling".

The thing to keep in mind is that to have FUN while grinding mineral and else require to change the dynamic of the game toward something more like a Strategy/Management game (what KSP isn't).

More solar system have NEVER been planned, some players just dreamed vocally. Plus once again I don't think it would actually be "fun" to explore hundred of quasi-similar planet.

As for the rest... it's already there or coming little by little, not in world changing update.

(It took some time for SQUAD to chose the best timing)

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Haha easy fella, I think what will help a lot will be ISRU and a better science system. The latter should be coming in the next update, ISRU probably delayed to the update after because they're focused on aerodynamics and game balance right now.

Its all coming man. This isnt EA and developing things takes time for a small independent company. Check back in May and things might be much more to your liking.

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I think that the exploitation of space (mining, colonization) is better as a KSP 2.0 which we would pay for as a new product as it is beyond current scope. I'm fine with limited resource extraction as might be used for early outpost type bases (fuel/oxidizer/etc), which they say is coming.

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- Mining facilities (thanks a lot for kethane mod) This is so important to me

Why is this an issue if there is already a mod? And where did you read this would be added?

- Space Station stuff

Be creative

- Scanner to send probes to biomes or androids for luxury ressources (Helium3 or whatever for mining to keep the SpaceStation running/to do more science)

You already said mining

- real Science possibilities and not just things like "Fly with the new engine to mun" or "Take a surface example"

EVA Report, Crew Report

- space anomalities to discover and more exploration

Already in. Sort of.

- expanding into other solarsystems

There is a mod for this.

- way more new Parts for building up a bases and mining facilities

A third time?

There. Solved all your problems in one post.

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ISRU is planned (renamed as deep space refueling). While the game is still in beta, that doesn't mean its done. Minecraft has been in beta for probably as long as its been in alpha, and they're STILL adding stuff. So what you want may very well be added to the game in the future, or it might not.

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If you want a stock space mining simulatorâ€â€and this is just a suggestion, mind youâ€â€you could play EVE Online.

hehe, i was pointing out mining cause it's so freaking important to me =) nothing better than the proud when i succesfully attach a new item for my munbase but where's the usage of it?!

where's the usage of sending rovers to other planets?

where's the usage of building a spacestation?

where's the usage of shooting up satellites into orbit?

can't feel the impulse why i should make all the stuff which is fun to me personally.

eve, ye considered it to play once but seemed way too boring.. like that hard learning curve which ksp is offering - love the physics and so on...

also i didnt read anything about plans where this game is going but when u say Kegereneku it's gonna be a tycoon in space it's fine.. just not the direction i was expecting.

as i said - was hoping for exploration, harvesting rare ressources to build better stuff, maybe lifeforms for an extraterrestrial zoo :D or whatever

Maybe i raged a bit too hard about that career mode and the stuff i thought it would be there but i totally wasn't expecting a tycoon in space.. anyway, a revolutionary great game and i keep looking for the stuff which makes the game fun to me.

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A space program requires a good deal of funding. *shrugs* Any decent game about a space program should probably be addressing that. :P

And as for the "use" of everything, nobody's claiming the game is finished yet; for now, you need to make your own purposes, until everything's all finished up. Recently the devs announced the beginning of Beta phase, or in a nutshell, the "main features are implemented in the game, so we can start refining them and making a real game out of them" phase. :)

It might yet be a little while before we have something resembling a finished game, but we are very much getting there.

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If you want a stock space mining simulatorâ€â€and this is just a suggestion, mind youâ€â€you could play EVE Online.

And I'm pretty sure you'll buy the game and pay the monthly fee for the OP, right?

I would take everything SQUAD promises or promised with at least 2 tons of salt, or else you'll be hugely disappointed as many users who expected things to be one way (as announced by SQUAD) and ending up in another way(i.e. the barn thing).

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also i didnt read anything about plans where this game is going but when u say Kegereneku it's gonna be a tycoon in space it's fine.. just not the direction i was expecting.

as i said - was hoping for exploration, harvesting rare ressources to build better stuff, maybe lifeforms for an extraterrestrial zoo :D or whatever

Motivation through greed, constant stimulus for accumulation pseudo-wealth or collector's incentive are common mechanic used in many game (and tested in laboratory on hamster). However I personally prefer game to be more about overcoming challenge through design than about "grinding", and yes I know science is for now a grind-fest, more the reasons to not make it worse.

At some point it's just a matter of taste, and no one can claim that what he like is the way KSP should be going.

A space program requires a good deal of funding. *shrugs* Any decent game about a space program should probably be addressing that. :P

Well, personally I don't believe in the "private venture" idea. Not with the economic system we have and even then I would find that scary.

...hence why I once proposed myself a "periodic budget" variant. However you would be surprised how badly people react to ** coommmuniisssmmm ** (scary voice)

just babbling

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Well, what I'd consider to be the primary issue with that is that you'd have to put together some way of limiting the amount of funding, so that you can't just time warp until you have a ton of funds. It simply causes the need for several additional strictures that are more directly addressed by making it a contract/reward system.

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ISRU is planned (renamed as deep space refueling). While the game is still in beta, that doesn't mean its done. Minecraft has been in beta for probably as long as its been in alpha, and they're STILL adding stuff. So what you want may very well be added to the game in the future, or it might not.

Minecraft was released more than a year ago...

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I would take everything SQUAD promises or promised with at least 2 tons of salt, or else you'll be hugely disappointed as many users who expected things to be one way (as announced by SQUAD) and ending up in another way(i.e. the barn thing).

Well we're finally going to be able to climb over ladders :P


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Well, what I'd consider to be the primary issue with that is that you'd have to put together some way of limiting the amount of funding, so that you can't just time warp until you have a ton of funds. It simply causes the need for several additional strictures that are more directly addressed by making it a contract/reward system.

It's less complicated than we think. to not "timewarp = free money" in fact it seem easier to me than balancing contract so you have enough pay to gradually improve building, but not so much that you are never ever limited in fund to build rocket and can launch 10 in the first day. (especially reverting systematically because you have no "insurance")

I'm still thinking of a way to adapt my old suggestion to new feature like upgradeable building, but so far I think such a system would actually bring the best out of strategy.

basic suggestion up the top of my head :

- link budget to reputation funds,

- funds are given up to a threshold not beyond,

- building are upgraded by using your reputation (making it more than a constantly increasing success indicator and giving you back incentive to build cheap),

- and strategy allow to twist that budget from the "private venture" some people will want, to public funding entirely that other people want.

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multiple solar systems and mining facilitiys are both things i wish to never see in stock ksp.

I agree, though I'd like to see rocks on the surfaces you can collect and place in a museum. Few rocks per celestial body, liquid and gas for bodies featuring atmospheres and hydrospheres. Bringing home special kind of rock from Eve's shores, imagine that. :)


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I feel completely like OP.

I've bought this game 2 years ago not for what it had not for what it promised but for the potentials it has. After a few patches I was already disappointed as I saw the devs have no any intention to add content or gameplay to it, they just try to streamline it but the 2 years old release was just about the state (based on sandbox) as it is now, and as it will be finally released (thats my guess now).

ok they have made a rushed out science and missions (what i think is quite the final state, they might finetune it a bit but no big changes are coming), included some mods and thats it. the stock game is boring after the first 5-10 hours and many of the modders are giving up already, more will after the final release im sure. most of us are still waiting for some miracle if they change their mind but its very unlikely...

from the gamers view the only good thing can happen if some modders get together and create a complete overhaul but this game is not X3 so i wouldnt hold my breath

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Why is everyone seemingly against refueling and interstellar travel? While I haven't gotten much farther than the mun, I can already see how I'm eventually going to run out of places to visit. Sure, they can add a few more planets, but then what? I would, personally, like to go beyond the current solar system, to find new civilizations (joke), to explore strange new worlds, and to boldly go where no kerbal has gone before. I would also like more of a reason to settle a planet than "build base W on planet X on site Y with Z amount of kerbals" or to empty a body of its science. Refueling gives those bases a purpose: to top of the tanks of spacecraft and extend your range ever farther. It could even lead to the potential of constructing an in-orbit infrastructure (and lead to contracts where fulfilling the requirements will continue to benifit you into the future).

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- Mining facilities (thanks a lot for kethane mod) This is so important to me

They've confirmed that resources are probably on the way

- Space Station stuff

Probably in one of the next updates. Beta IS all about content expansion, which means parts, right?

- Scanner to send probes to biomes or androids for luxury ressources (Helium3 or whatever for mining to keep the SpaceStation running/to do more science)

They might do this as part of Resources

- real Science possibilities and not just things like "Fly with the new engine to mun" or "Take a surface example"

They say they want to redo the science system

- space anomalities to discover and more exploration

Maybe. I dunno

- expanding into other solarsystems

I seriously doubt that we're gonna get other solar systems

- way more new Parts for building up a bases and mining facilities

Probably coming soon, now that we're in beta

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