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What mods do you play with?


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After delving into the HUGE amount of quality mods on offer this past week, it has taken me some time to curb my enthusiasm and tailor my modded to game in order so it does not eat all my RAM like a crazed muppet.


I am curious as to what mods everyone else (if any) considers essential to improve their game to meet what they desire?

Currently i have:


Antenna Range.

A few bits from B9.



Community tech tree.

Contract science modifier (to nerf the OP science rewards from contracts).

Crowd Sourced Science.

Deadly Reentry.

Distant Object.

Orbital Science.




KW fairings.


Near Future.

Real Chute.


Mk1 Inline IVA.



Surface Lights.

Kerbal Alarm.

Karbonite ISRU parts.

Universal Storage.

And some other smaller but none the less important mods that the others depend on (for contracts etc etc)

So, how about you?

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I haven't started playing 0.90 fully modded yet (I'm waiting on updates for the last two Near Future packs), but when I do, this is what I'll use:

Active Texture Management

Asteroid Recycling Technologies (with some of AetherGoddess' extra hatches)

Banana for Scale

Coherent Contracts

Community Tech Tree

Docking Port Alignment Indicator

Enhanced Nav Ball

Filter Extensions

Improved Chase Camera

In-Flight Waypoints


Kerbal Alarm Clock

Kerbal Attachment System

Modular Rocket Systems


Near Future Technologies

Real Chute


Snacks! (with -ctn-'s snack packs)

SpaceY Heavy Lifters

Station Science

Stock Bug Fix Modules

Taurus HCV



Transfer Window Planner


It's not as many as I'd like, but I'm conscious of how many my laptop can handle, even with ATM. If 64 bit was stable on Windows, and RAM was no limit, I'd add the rest of RoverDude's mods, Extraplanetary Launchpads (with the EPL -> Regolith conversion), at least one mod that adds new planets, and probably a few smaller ones.

EDIT: Forgot to mention, I am also planning to write a bunch of ModuleManager configs so that all those mods can take full advantage of each other's features.

Edited by DaPatman
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If your hitting the ram wall you can remove the parts folder from Lazor Docking Camera and keep the plugin. That way you still get the docking port cam.

Also FASA Launch Towers has some interesting pieces for not too much overhead.


FASA is also fun but it has a ton of parts in it.


Edited by frizzank
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Well, my essentials are:

-Kerbal Engineer

-Kerbal Alarm Clock

-Environmental Visual Enhancements (I really don't like not having clouds.)


Also I'm currently using:


-Deadly Reentry

-Real Chutes

-Distant Object Enhancements

-Procedural Fairings

-Remote Tech

-Precise Node

-Planet Shine

-Active Texture Management (cause career is broken on x64, and modding x32 without ATM is crash central)

Stuff I also like, but don't use right now:

-Better Atmospheres / Astronomer Pack (both are packs for EVE, cause I like my game to look awesome)

-Cool Rockets

-Hot Rockets

-Texture Replacer (most of the mods I like are visual enhancements... xD)

-Kerbal Attachment System

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Everything in the list of my SETI-BalanceMod (link in signature).


- Kerbal Alarm Clock - dont miss your burn

- Kerbal Engineer or MechJeb - information is key to understanding and successful missions

- Docking Port Alignment Indicater - exactly what it says

- Trajectories - landing predictions, adjusted for planetary rotation and atmospheric drag

- Transfer Window Planner - InGame frontend for http://alexmoon.github.io/ksp/

- Tweak Scale - for more variety of wings and batteries, use where appropriate

- Contract Science modifier - prevents you from drowning in science after the first few tech levels

- Procedural Parts - rebalancing stock and procedural parts offers more variety with less clutter

- Sane Strategies - balances the ridiculous administration building strategies

- StageRecovery - with a balanced economy, saving/recovering funds/stages is recommended

- Deadly Reentry - the flames are not only graphics anymore, think about your descent profile and dont forget your heatshield

- FAR - THE Aerodynamics mod

- Procedural Fairings - essential for FAR and a sense of realism in general

- Real Chute - procedural chutes with in-game auto-configuration menu (which needs action groups, normal chutes are still available)

- Kerbal Attachment System - Kerbals can now modify the vessels on mission

- Remote Tech - Probes need a working com connection to KSP, so build up you sat network

- TAC life support - A Kerbal without electricity, oxygen, water and food, is a dead Kerbal

- DMagic Orbital Science - More Science.

- Infernal Robotics - It moves!

- SCAN Sat dev version 9.4.1 - procedurally generated terrain/biome/resource maps

- Universal Storage - One wedge for nearly everything

As well as

- Community Tech Tree

- Karbonite

- USI Kolonization Systems

for the next patch of the SETI mod.

Edited by Yemo
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I'm usually a purist in games, at least until I exhaust most of their possibilities. This one is an exception though, I thought I would not touch mods until I visit every planet and moon but so many mods are so well done and really improve this already excellent game by 100%. I am now using:

Kerbal Engineer


Kerbal Attachment System


Deadly Reentry


Procedural Fairings

Station Sience


Docking port alignment thing whateveritscalled.

Considered TAC life support but it seems more like a chore than actual fun. Also I disabled the signal delay on RT as I don't find it fun to make my ship fly itself.

I considered texture mods but most I saw do things I don't like to certain bodies so I'm holding up for now.

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For me?


KW Rocketry


MechJeb or KER, Considering mashing the two together... KER offers alot of info alot faster, Mechjeb I use for quick nodes and SMART SASS

FASA Launch Clamps

Vens Stock Revamp.


I have quite a few others though.

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In 0.90 I've really had to cut back everything. In any case I'm more interested in instrumentation than pretty pictures usually, so EVE was bottom of the list.

KAC is indispensable unless you do one mission at a time.

One of KER/MJ/VOID are necessary information tools if you want to design rather than suck-it-and-see. I use MJ for repeatability as well, since my 40th launch of the day shouldn't be just messed up by my flying.

Otherwise I indulge myself with NavballDockingAlignment and use KVV for development-vehicle pictures.

RPM revolutionises things, flying from the cockpit.

Chatterer is "totally useless, totally fun" but has had to go because of its memory usage but I really miss it.

A fuel-pump, like Goodspeed makes everything a lot less fiddly, but isn't exactly a 'must have'.

If you have the memory for Chatterer and prefer immersion to pretty but only just; Kerbquake and Probe Control Room are really fantastic for "being there".

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I have three categories of KSP mod, really: essential, recommended, and ancillary. My essential list rarely changes (in order of priority):

Kerbal Engineer Redux

Ferram Aerospace Research

Procedural Fairings

Kerbal Alarm Clock

The recommended mods list is often in flux, and currently includes:


Kerbal Attachment System



TAC Life Support

My ancillary mod list is empty right now, but used to include Environmental Visual Enhancements before it got abandoned and stopped working with my KSP installs.

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  WWEdeadman said:

-Environmental Visual Enhancements (I really don't like not having clouds.)

So you like not having clouds (cough double negative cough) :wink::sticktongue: I kid of course LOL!

As for mine it is:


Hot Rockets






KER (Yes I finally gave in and use...poorly might add)

Texture replacer

ambient light adjustment

Modrocketsys (Thanks Nerco!)

Navyfsh docking tool

Precise node (learning this one yet)

Aviation lights (I love these things just look at my christmas tree :sticktongue:)

The Gemini pod (Not sure what the name of the part is called)

The MKII cockpit IVA fix (Love the part but wish it got some love)

Distant object mod

And Transfer window planner

Just added CoolRockets....why didn't I do this sooner???!!!!

Edited by Liowen
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FASA - Launch Towers





DMagic Orbital Sciences

KAC + Transfer Planner

Collision FX



Final Frontier

Lazor Docking Cam

Procedural Parts

Procedural Fairings






TextureReplacer (w/ KSPRC)



Probably forgetting a few?

[Edit] Yeah so...

USI w/TAC pack

Near Future - Electrical

Taurus HCV


Edited by NoMrBond
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According to CKAN, on my new everything install, these.

- ActiveTextureManagement-x86-Basic 4-3

- AdvancedJetEngine 2.0.2

- Atmosphere autodetected dll

- CityLights autodetected dll

- CommunityResourcePack 0.3.2

- ContractsWindowPlus 3.1

- CrossFeedEnabler v3.2

- CustomBiomes v1.7.2

- CustomBiomes-Data-RSS v8.5

- DDSLoader

- DeadlyReentry v6.4.0

- DistantObject v1.5.1

- DistantObject-RealSolarSystem v1.5.1

- DMagicOrbitalScience 0.9.1

- DockingPortAlignmentIndicator 5.1

- EVEManager autodetected dll

- FerramAerospaceResearch v0.14.6

- FirespitterCore 7.0.5463.30802

- HullcamVDS 0.33

- ICSharpCode autodetected dll

- InfernalRobotics 0.19.3

- KAS 0.4.10

- KerbalAlarmClock v3.2.2.0

- KerbalEngineerRedux

- KerbalFoundries Alpha_1.7c

- KerbalJointReinforcement v3.1

- kOS autodetected dll

- KronalVesselViewer 0.0.4_0.90.0

- KSPAPIExtensions autodetected dll

- KWRocketry 2.6d2

- MechJebRPM autodetected dll

- MiniAVC autodetected dll

- ModuleManager 2.5.8

- ModuleRCSFX v3.4

- NearFuturePropulsion autodetected dll

- NearFutureSolar autodetected dll

- PFUtilityAddon autodetected dll

- PQSManager autodetected dll

- ProceduralFairings v3.11

- ProceduralParts v1.0.0

- QuickExit v1.10

- QuickScroll v1.01

- QuickSearch v0.10

- RasterPropMonitor autodetected dll

- RealChute

- RealFuels rf-v8.3

- RealismOverhaul v7.0.5

- RealPlume v7.0.5

- RealSolarSystem v8.5

- ReflectionPlugin autodetected dll

- Regolith 0.1.2

- RemoteTech v1.6.0

- RemoteTech-Config-RSS 0.0

- RLA-Stockalike 12.1

- RSSTexturesDDS8192 1.0

- SCANsat 8.1

- Service-Compartments-6S 1.3

- ShaderReplacer autodetected dll

- SmokeScreen 2.5.3

- TacLifeSupport autodetected dll

- Terrain autodetected dll

- TextureReplacer 2.1.2

- Toolbar 1.7.8

- TweakScale v1.50

- UKS 0.22.3

- UniversalStorage

- USI-EXP 0.3.1

- USI-SRV 0.2.2

- USITools 0.3.1

- Utils autodetected dll

- VenStockRevamp v1.6.0

It uses about 7GB of RAM, and I can have the graphics turned all the way up. Worth the trouble.

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This list is ignoring "helper" mods like KSP API Extensions and KineTech Animation. 85 actual mods.


Action Groups Extended

Alternate Resource Panel (Allows, among other things, staging in map view.)

Better Buoyancy

Contract Window +

DDS Loader

Docking Port Alignment Indicator

Editor Extensions


In-Flight Waypoints

Intake Build Aid

Kerbal Alarm Clock

Kerbal Engineer Redux

kOS Scriptable Autopilot



Precise Node

Procedural Fairings (I delete most stock parts and use procedural versions)

Procedural Parts

Procedural Wings



RCS Build Aid

Science Alert

Stock Bug Fix Modules


Transfer Window Planner




Active Texture Management (Largely supplanted by DDSLoader)

Ambient Light Adjustment (Necessary if taking lots of screenshots/video)

Aviation Lights (Planes just aren't right without them...)

Coherent Contracts

Connected Living Space

Crossfeed Enabler

Crowd Sourced Science

Custom Biomes

Davon Throttle Control Systems

Deadly Reentry Continued

Enhanced Navball

EVA Parachutes

Filter Extensions

Improved Chase Camera

In-game Notepad

Kerbal Joint Reinforcement

Kronal Vessel Viewer

Landing Height Display


RKE On-Screen Joystick (and Fine Keyboard Controls)


Science Funding

Smart Stage

Sounding Rockets!

Stage Recovery

Stock Plugins

Texture Replacer


Universal Storage

Vertical Velocity Controller

Nice to have:

6S Service Compartment Tubes

B9 Aerospace

DMagic Orbital Science

Extraplanetary Launchpads (w/Regolith)

Fuel Science

Hullcam VDS





Kerbal Foundries Wheels and Repulsors

MSI Infernal Robotics

MechJeb 2

NEBULA EVA Handrails

Orbital Material Science

Procedural Airships





Smart Parts

Station Science

Surface Lights

USI Exploration pack


USI Kolonization Systems

USI Survival

So most of what I most like are UI/gameplay improvements. Part mods are nice and all, but not nearly as important.

Once 64-bit is stable I'll add in Environment Visual Enhancements and either KSPRC or AVP. But with only 32-bit working properly using 8k textures would lead to out-of-memory issues. 32GB of RAM on this machine and KSP can't even use 4. :(

Edited by SAI Peregrinus
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Holy Kraken some of you guys are completely nuts :P

mods I run:

-KER: the info given is REALLY handy

-EVE: clouds! hell yes!

-RCS build aid: invaluable for building VTOL craft and extremely handy for large spaceplanes.

-procedural fairings: they just make ships look so much nicer, even if they don't serve any purpose seeing as I run stock aero

-Hyperedit: for testing ships and stuff on-site before launching the actual mission so I can iron out the biggest bugs

Just having to keep those five mods up to date already annoys me. I can't imagine having to keep 50 or more mods up to date. (where do you guys even find that many?!)

some other mods I've been considering:

-scansat to give me more incentive to launch sattelites and find easter eggs. Really want to build a Mun base near the armstrong memorial, probably something near the dead kraken too.

-remotetech (maybe. I like relay sattelites, I don't like signal lag)

-trajectories (not sure about this one for reasons explained below)

-kerbal alarm clock


I always struggle a little with trying to find a nice middle ground between having the programming do stuff for me and do it optimally or doing it myself, but probably sub-optimally. I like optimal and sleek design and missions, but I dislike not doing it myself because then I don't learn as much.

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  Robotengineer said:
According to CKAN, on my new everything install, these.

- ActiveTextureManagement-x86-Basic 4-3

- AdvancedJetEngine 2.0.2

- Atmosphere autodetected dll

- CityLights autodetected dll

- CommunityResourcePack 0.3.2

- ContractsWindowPlus 3.1

- CrossFeedEnabler v3.2

- CustomBiomes v1.7.2

- CustomBiomes-Data-RSS v8.5

- DDSLoader

- DeadlyReentry v6.4.0

- DistantObject v1.5.1

- DistantObject-RealSolarSystem v1.5.1

- DMagicOrbitalScience 0.9.1

- DockingPortAlignmentIndicator 5.1

- EVEManager autodetected dll

- FerramAerospaceResearch v0.14.6

- FirespitterCore 7.0.5463.30802

- HullcamVDS 0.33

- ICSharpCode autodetected dll

- InfernalRobotics 0.19.3

- KAS 0.4.10

- KerbalAlarmClock v3.2.2.0

- KerbalEngineerRedux

- KerbalFoundries Alpha_1.7c

- KerbalJointReinforcement v3.1

- kOS autodetected dll

- KronalVesselViewer 0.0.4_0.90.0

- KSPAPIExtensions autodetected dll

- KWRocketry 2.6d2

- MechJebRPM autodetected dll

- MiniAVC autodetected dll

- ModuleManager 2.5.8

- ModuleRCSFX v3.4

- NearFuturePropulsion autodetected dll

- NearFutureSolar autodetected dll

- PFUtilityAddon autodetected dll

- PQSManager autodetected dll

- ProceduralFairings v3.11

- ProceduralParts v1.0.0

- QuickExit v1.10

- QuickScroll v1.01

- QuickSearch v0.10

- RasterPropMonitor autodetected dll

- RealChute

- RealFuels rf-v8.3

- RealismOverhaul v7.0.5

- RealPlume v7.0.5

- RealSolarSystem v8.5

- ReflectionPlugin autodetected dll

- Regolith 0.1.2

- RemoteTech v1.6.0

- RemoteTech-Config-RSS 0.0

- RLA-Stockalike 12.1

- RSSTexturesDDS8192 1.0

- SCANsat 8.1

- Service-Compartments-6S 1.3

- ShaderReplacer autodetected dll

- SmokeScreen 2.5.3

- TacLifeSupport autodetected dll

- Terrain autodetected dll

- TextureReplacer 2.1.2

- Toolbar 1.7.8

- TweakScale v1.50

- UKS 0.22.3

- UniversalStorage

- USI-EXP 0.3.1

- USI-SRV 0.2.2

- USITools 0.3.1

- Utils autodetected dll

- VenStockRevamp v1.6.0

It uses about 7GB of RAM, and I can have the graphics turned all the way up. Worth the trouble.

I'm assuming you're using x64, doesn't FAR and a couple of other mods disable themselves with x64 ?

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