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[1.8-1.12] TextureReplacer 4.5.3 (8.2.2022)


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Hi, again! I'm having low FPS problems when EVAing landed on Mun, specially after planting a flag. I get less than 1 FPS! I've lowered my graphic settings and it got a little better but yet I'm struggling to plant a flag!

I'm using 64-bit Linux with 6GB of RAM and a GeForce GT730M. These are my graphic settings:


And these are my addons:


I don't want to uninstall TR, can anybody help me?

Something crashes obviously. Upload your log.

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No real reflections in OpenGL and I have an AMD Radeon HD 7500M/7600M Series. Regarding AA, I have it set to override application settings and it still doesn't work. Don't know if it needs to be turned off in-game though..

I have an AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series and I turned on the override of the application settings and I do get some results out of it... the visor shows now the reflections of the skybox even though it is set to real reflections... any help?

Texture filter is set to application settings

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Hey, so I'm installing KSPRC and so far its going great, but texture replacer seems to sort of pseudo-crash my game on start up. As soon as it hits that mod, KSP freezes up and stops responding. All other parts are already working. Its not an actual crash because it simply freezes the program up, so no crash report. I do have windows 7 64bit, I've heard that causes problems. I'm sort of new to this sort of thing, so is it because of my OS? I have an aurora r-3 desktop (I already know, customs are better) so I feel like memory usage for ksp really shouldn't be a problem. Anyone out there able to inform me as to whats up with this?

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I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this or not, but I have a feature request/query on how do make a .cfg edit for myself.

I'm not sure I have this idea fully coherent in my head either, so bear with me. Basically I want to simulate the effect of the atmosphere on the skybox at night. So while thinking about it I've come up with this. If it were possible to create a second skybox, on top of the other one. One is for stars along, the other for a sky box with some gas clouds visible. The one with gas clouds is the one on top, and it needs to have adjustable alpha value. It is set to say...80% max at any time, and as you descend into any given atmosphere it's alpha value drops until zero at sea level. It could follow the value for atmosphere density for a more natural curve than a simple linear transition. Further, with distant object enhancement installed as well, you get stars and gas clouds on the mun at night, no gas clouds on kerbin at night; but still the same stars and, regardless, looking at kerbin from space (including from on mun) no stars.

Is this possible via .cfg? Or is plugin code required for such shenanigans?

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Hey, so I'm installing KSPRC and so far its going great, but texture replacer seems to sort of pseudo-crash my game on start up. As soon as it hits that mod, KSP freezes up and stops responding. All other parts are already working. Its not an actual crash because it simply freezes the program up, so no crash report. I do have windows 7 64bit, I've heard that causes problems. I'm sort of new to this sort of thing, so is it because of my OS? I have an aurora r-3 desktop (I already know, customs are better) so I feel like memory usage for ksp really shouldn't be a problem. Anyone out there able to inform me as to whats up with this?

Impossible to say with the information you've provided. Memory is always a problem with KSP (due to memory leaks and the 3.5Gb limit) unless you are using Linux. You should look in the support thread for both how to request support and to answer some of your basic questions. Bottom line, you've either hit your memory cap or installed something incorrectly.

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Hey, so I'm installing KSPRC and so far its going great, but texture replacer seems to sort of pseudo-crash my game on start up. As soon as it hits that mod, KSP freezes up and stops responding. All other parts are already working. Its not an actual crash because it simply freezes the program up, so no crash report. I do have windows 7 64bit, I've heard that causes problems. I'm sort of new to this sort of thing, so is it because of my OS? I have an aurora r-3 desktop (I already know, customs are better) so I feel like memory usage for ksp really shouldn't be a problem. Anyone out there able to inform me as to whats up with this?

Sounds like you run out of memory. Mods are started even before the loading screen appears, those are sounds, textures, models and parts that you see being loaded during the loading screen.

- - - Updated - - -

I have an AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series and I turned on the override of the application settings and I do get some results out of it... the visor shows now the reflections of the skybox even though it is set to real reflections... any help?

Texture filter is set to application settings


Real reflections mostly don't work in OpenGL mode on Windows with AMD graphics card. That's some Unity issue.

- - - Updated - - -

I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this or not, but I have a feature request/query on how do make a .cfg edit for myself.

I'm not sure I have this idea fully coherent in my head either, so bear with me. Basically I want to simulate the effect of the atmosphere on the skybox at night. So while thinking about it I've come up with this. If it were possible to create a second skybox, on top of the other one. One is for stars along, the other for a sky box with some gas clouds visible. The one with gas clouds is the one on top, and it needs to have adjustable alpha value. It is set to say...80% max at any time, and as you descend into any given atmosphere it's alpha value drops until zero at sea level. It could follow the value for atmosphere density for a more natural curve than a simple linear transition. Further, with distant object enhancement installed as well, you get stars and gas clouds on the mun at night, no gas clouds on kerbin at night; but still the same stars and, regardless, looking at kerbin from space (including from on mun) no stars.

Is this possible via .cfg? Or is plugin code required for such shenanigans?

That's not possible with cfg. One would need to create another semi-transparent skybox inside the stock one, so a plugin.

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Something crashes obviously. Upload your log.

Thanks! I understand the logs should be of a session with low FPS, right? So, I'll land on the Mun again to get them. What logs do you need? Only KSP.log on KSP directory?

If not, where is/are the other/s you need?

EDIT: I launched from the pad and landed the module on KSC's grass. Everything was fine until I planted a flag: then the same kind of lag I felt on the Mun I felt again. Here are the logs I could find (didn't find output_log.txt...):



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Thanks! I understand the logs should be of a session with low FPS, right? So, I'll land on the Mun again to get them. What logs do you need? Only KSP.log on KSP directory?

If not, where is/are the other/s you need?

EDIT: I launched from the pad and landed the module on KSC's grass. Everything was fine until I planted a flag: then the same kind of lag I felt on the Mun I felt again. Here are the logs I could find (didn't find output_log.txt...):



Any of the logs usually does. I prefer KSP.log, because it's smaller and easier to read, however, output_log.txt/Player.log may provide more detail about a crash when it happens is some component other than TR.

So when you planted the flag? About 4 min before you shut down the game? I don't see any errors in the logs that could cause frame drop. What if you disable reflections?

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Any of the logs usually does. I prefer KSP.log, because it's smaller and easier to read, however, output_log.txt/Player.log may provide more detail about a crash when it happens is some component other than TR.

So when you planted the flag? About 4 min before you shut down the game? I don't see any errors in the logs that could cause frame drop. What if you disable reflections?

Thanks for your attention! I think reflections are already disabled (I've selected static reflections). The flag was planted around that time (after I got on the ship and recovered it), I got back to the main menu and quit.

Any other ideas? Do you want any specific test?

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@jlcarneiro: I'm still casually hunting down an FPS killer of my own - I recently discovered loading a ship on the pad that my frames were horrible, counter was yellow and panning was a slideshow. Removing all the flags I had planted around KSC seemed to fix it. But then I started getting bad FPS again when I had two small vessels loaded, one on the pad one on the runway. However I discovered that if I switched from one to the other using the [ and ] keys my FPS shot back to normal and my counter went and stayed green. Still have no idea why switching does that. Do you see similar behavior?

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I have been tracking a bug with Module Manager for the last few days and found that it only occurs when TextureReplacer is here. It is most likely related to the contract bug. I found out that at some point the gamedatabase is corrupted and had value with a name string with a length of -1 :confused:

After adding a bunch of code in MM to track the problem I finaly found when the DB is corrupted :

[ModuleManager] Found no bad value

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49)

Load(Texture): UmbraSpaceIndustries/Karbonite/Parts/KA_Tank_125_01/blank_NRM

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49)

[TR.Loader] Generated mipmaps & compressed UmbraSpaceIndustries/Karbonite/Parts/KA_Tank_125_01/blank_a [2x2 DXT5 -> DXT1]

(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49)

d3d: failed to create 2D texture id=3623 w=2 h=2 mips=3 d3dfmt=21 [invalid call]
[ModuleManager] Found bad value

As you can see has soon as you have that d3d error the DB is corrupted. I guess the problem comes from the fact that texture is a 2x2 png and it's not a power of 4 or something like that. The texture is in Karbonite.

Is there any progress regarding this bug?

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@jlcarneiro: I'm still casually hunting down an FPS killer of my own - I recently discovered loading a ship on the pad that my frames were horrible, counter was yellow and panning was a slideshow. Removing all the flags I had planted around KSC seemed to fix it. But then I started getting bad FPS again when I had two small vessels loaded, one on the pad one on the runway. However I discovered that if I switched from one to the other using the [ and ] keys my FPS shot back to normal and my counter went and stayed green. Still have no idea why switching does that. Do you see similar behavior?

Interesting, @Gaiiden! Unfortunately, I still don't have two ships at the same time on KSC (pad and runway) nor any flags on Kerbin (two on Mun, though). Can't say it is not related, but I can't confirm right now... :(

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Trying to keep up on everything is almost impossible these days, especially from the old thread to the new thread. Was there ever a workaround for creating reflections on Ven's Stock Revamp part overhauls? I love the reflections in the visors, and I have seen the reflections in the mobile processing science lab earlier in the thread, but I definitely don't have that. Even if it necessary to remove the ability to light the windows (which I rarely, rarely use), do we have a config that will put reflections on Ven's work?

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Trying to keep up on everything is almost impossible these days, especially from the old thread to the new thread. Was there ever a workaround for creating reflections on Ven's Stock Revamp part overhauls? I love the reflections in the visors, and I have seen the reflections in the mobile processing science lab earlier in the thread, but I definitely don't have that. Even if it necessary to remove the ability to light the windows (which I rarely, rarely use), do we have a config that will put reflections on Ven's work?

Yes, there's `GameData/VenStockRevamp/PartRevamp_TextureReplacer.cfg` MM patch you get with Ven's Revamp. Reflections on windows, solar panels etc. should work unless you delete this file or you're missing ModuleManager.

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Shaw may I suggest you release the version with the tiny texture patch soon ? Possibly before I get eaten alive by the horde of zombie nice users that roams in MM thread ? Thanks :D

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The patch was not enough. I build my own version where I also changed the line 223 of Loader.cs to

if (isMipmapGenEnabled.Value && texture.mipmapCount == 1
[B][COLOR="#FF0000"]&& texture.width >= 4 && texture.height >= 4[/COLOR][/B]
&& generateMipmaps.Any(r => r.IsMatch(texture.name)))

No more errors after that.

I also found that I could trigger the d3d error with some DDS texture in DDSLoader, but this is in my code.

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Yes, there is. TextureReplacer.dll

This latest .dll also features much greater memory use in 64-bit Linux (8.5 Gb compared to 7.2 Gb normally). The rockets are remaining visible so far, though, so I'll stick with this one for now and see what happens.

Logs are here, if they're any use:


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This latest .dll also features much greater memory use in 64-bit Linux (8.5 Gb compared to 7.2 Gb normally). The rockets are remaining visible so far, though, so I'll stick with this one for now and see what happens.

Logs are here, if they're any use:


What if you disable real reflections (switch to static or none)? I haven't changed any code from 2.2.5 besides the one that renders real reflections.

If that doesn't help, try to re-download TextureReplacer.dll, previously released version had its own DDS loader enabled.

- - - Updated - - -

Shaw, I found the real origin of the bug while fixing my problem with DDSLoader.

I added a lengthy comment that explain it, and some code to avoid it.


Thanks. I don't have `new Texture2D()` anywhere, I guess `Texture2D.Resize()` is the problem.

BTW I think you should change

if (isCompressed && quality > 0 && (dwWidth >> quality) % 4 != 0 && (dwHeight >> quality) % 4 != 0)


if (isCompressed && quality > 0 && [COLOR="#FF0000"]([/COLOR](dwWidth >> quality) % 4 != 0 [COLOR="#FF0000"]|| [/COLOR](dwHeight >> quality) % 4 != 0[COLOR="#FF0000"])[/COLOR])

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