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[1.8-1.12] TextureReplacer 4.5.3 (8.2.2022)


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I'm using a new cloud texture, it's works fine but when I'm on higher Kerbin orbit I have wierd texture issues with the planet. It works fine again under about 100km. What can be the problem?

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  Proot said:
Works perfectly Bentley, so thanks again.

Happy my limited experience and frustrations with the same issue could be of help. Looking forward to your new pack when you're ready to release.

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  veryinky said:
I'll try to replicate. I've been trying different solutions (arm bands, jacket tops, full recolours), it's hard to make the suits different but still visible in the IVA window without completely recolouring the suits. Wish I could give them baseball caps or something.

Here is Jeb, Bill and Bob, from left to right.


I also noticed earlier that a 'rescue Kerbal' from a contract named Peggy got an orange spacesuit as well...these are 2 low level Kerbals + RescuePeggy. One pilot, one engineer and one scientist:


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  Proot said:
Valentina's Helmet Normal map is not working for me. I'm the only one?

Confirmed. Stock female suits use shaders that don't support specular lighting nor normal maps. I currently try to fix that, but this one slipped through.

  slikts said:
Is it possible to make TextureReplacer use an additional directory besides TextureReplacer/Default for general texture replacement?

No. Why would you need this?

  Dessloch said:
I'm using a new cloud texture, it's works fine but when I'm on higher Kerbin orbit I have wierd texture issues with the planet. It works fine again under about 100km. What can be the problem?

Isn't that mentioned under Known Issues?

- - - Updated - - -

  altrue said:
Hi there, I have an issue with Texture Replacer. Browsing the in-game options to assign suits by role (pilot, engineer, etc...) made the affected Kerbals return into the astronaut training, while keeping their level.

Could you upload your log?

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Star Trek New Movie Uniforms

by Arryl01


DOWNLOAD: http://www.spacedock.info/mod/488/StarTrekUniformpackforTextureReplacer

TextureReplacer mod by shaw is required.

To install drag the GameData folder into your Kerbal Space Program folder.

This pack includes Uniforms for Command Officers(Gold), Science Officers(Blue) and Engineers(Red). If there is great request for it, I can modify the Science Officer into Medical.

Hope you enjoy! :D


Edited by Arryl01
Uploaded to SpaceDock, and confirmed to work with TextureReplacer for 1.1 pre-release.
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Looks nice. I like the black helms. Watching for a pack that has the colors for the jobs, but also includes a special set for the orange suit kerbals.

Also, not sure how tourist are handled with TR. if you have the primary suits on the reserved list, will it pick randomly from the stock white and any other suits not on the reserve list? Just started messing with TR last night. Trying to figure it all out.

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  Vorg said:
Looks nice. I like the black helms. Watching for a pack that has the colors for the jobs, but also includes a special set for the orange suit kerbals.

Also, not sure how tourist are handled with TR. if you have the primary suits on the reserved list, will it pick randomly from the stock white and any other suits not on the reserve list? Just started messing with TR last night. Trying to figure it all out.

Randomly assigned suits are picked from non-reserved suits (those not in "excludedSuits" lists) from Suits/ folder. If none are available the default suit is used (the one from Default/ or stock).

"Tourist" is also a role, like Pilot, Engineer and Scientist and you can assign a specific suit to tourists.

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J's Legendary Suit Pack (2.0)

A long time ago in a galaxy not so far away, Jfull busted out some solid looking colour based Specialist suits. Many loads of people downloaded them and enjoyed them, myself included. I found myself wanting an extra colour in the pack so I added red, and then some guy said he would like green so I made it too. This pack would probably benefit from some alpha channel work but I've left everything the same as JFull had it with the benefit of the sets being moved to DDS and some new normals being generated to match the suits which was not previously the case.



Suit Options: Orange, Blue, Yellow, Red, Green, Grey

All creative credit should be directed to JFull and of course Master Proot.

Special Thanks to Shaw and the fine work on TextureReplacer


Licence for this pack is CC BY-NC-SA


Edited by Bentley
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I decided to update TR I can't even open the game, hitting memory limit (I was in 2.6gb before updating). I'm guessing it's related to this " disabled texture compression, mipmap generation and unloading by default"? Anyone knows and alternative way to reimplement it or something? I can't concieve why would anywone would do that...

Welp, I don't really want to use ATM honestly, I don't understand why such a good feature is removed...

Edited by eodh
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I have a formal request to make to a few people, i hope this is the right place to post this.

I am currently using a combination of textures from several packs at once, the KSPRC, Scart91's class suits aswell as his large texture pack, Sylith's extended kerbal heads posted by Shaw, Hotaru's simple female kerbal texture pack and a few of my own textures based on or derived from the works of the above mentioned.

Most of these have been modified in significant ways, and a few of them have features transplanted from one texture to another, so pointing people towards the individual downloads is not an option.

I have people asking me (on twitch) for the texture pack i'm using, and the best i've been able to provide are precise instructions on how to modify these in the same way as i have.

I would very much like to provide people with a one click option of downloading and playing with the stuff they see on my screen, in the form of a dropbox link where they can get the exact same pack that i'm using (no ad fly nonsense or any shady business).

I would provide links for the individual packs, aswell as credit each contributing person for the textures used.

This is an imgur album of how the pack looks like: http://imgur.com/a/M69us

As follows is a list of all the textures used in the pack:



The engineer,scientist and pilot suits taken from Scart91's class suits. Everything except the helmets has been downscaled to 720x720, everything converted to .dds

An orange colored suit for the veterans and a green colored suit for tourists, with matching helmets, both derived from Scart91's suits.

Kerbal heads:

The three veteran textures, Bill, Bob and Jeb taken from KSPRC/PMK. I have used these three as a basis for altering all the other textures.

Three head textures from "Extended Sylith's kerbal heads pack" as posted by Shaw. Downscaled to 720x720, saturated to the same tone as the KSPRC textures above, teeth textures pasted from there aswell.

Five kerbal head textures from Scart91's full texture pack. Downscaled to 720x720, saturated to the same tone as the KSPRC textures above, teeth textures pasted from there aswell, converted to .dds

Four kerbal head textures from Hotaru's simple female heads pack. Downscaled to 720x720, saturated and hue shifted to the same tone as the KSPRC textures above, converted to .dds

Normals for the veteran kerbals and for the kerbals wearing caps taken from KSPRC. A (crudely) edited version of Jeb's normal map was used for the generic kerbal

Jetpack texture and normal, aswell as helmet visors taken from Scart91's texture pack

A low resolution version of the veteran EVA suit and helmet (based on Scart91's work) for the kerbals in the menu screen

The main feature of the pack is that all the kerbal textures are consistent with each other, nothing is mismatched or feels out of place. The textures are also compressed and downscaled for memory usage considerations and loading speed.

I will remove any of the features if any of the authors desire so before putting up a download link (if and only if i am permitted to do so in the first place)

Thank you in advance

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  eodh said:
I decided to update TR I can't even open the game, hitting memory limit (I was in 2.6gb before updating). I'm guessing it's related to this " disabled texture compression, mipmap generation and unloading by default"? Anyone knows and alternative way to reimplement it or something? I can't concieve why would anywone would do that...

Welp, I don't really want to use ATM honestly, I don't understand why such a good feature is removed...

You can enable them in @Default.cfg. A better solution is to convert textures to DDS.

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Quick update about my texture replacer removing astronauts and placing them back in the astronaut academy roster... It was actually that clicking on the texture replacer window was also clicking on the element behind it, hence doing weird stuff because I was, by mistake, also interacting with the Astronaut facility UI at the same time.

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I know you have it set up so that the different classes can have different suits. but I still like the randomized suits too, is it possible to script it to get the best of both worlds? Say random suits for trained astronauts and a specific suit for Tourists? Or something like that?

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  Eleven said:
I also noticed earlier that a 'rescue Kerbal' from a contract named Peggy got an orange spacesuit as well...these are 2 low level Kerbals + RescuePeggy. One pilot, one engineer and one scientist:

Yep, something very wrong with my config, same thing happening with my install. If I set them manually with the Texturereplacer ingame menu, it sticks correctly.

Can't figure out what's going wrong with the config, it looks correct to me.

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did you set the config to disallow orange suits for random Kerbals?

IIRC, it is not set to exclude any suits by default.

// Prevent the following suits from being assigned to generic Kerbals.
// The list must be space- and/or comma-separated and in one line.
// Duplicated lists are joined.
[COLOR="#008000"]excludedSuits = [/COLOR]

Just type the folder name for the suits you want to exclude after the equal sign, so it might look like this:

// Prevent the following suits from being assigned to generic Kerbals.
// The list must be space- and/or comma-separated and in one line.
// Duplicated lists are joined.
[COLOR="#008000"]excludedSuits = [/COLOR][COLOR="#FF0000"]KSP_Dark_Orange_IVA_suit[/COLOR]

Edited by Capt. Hunt
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  shaw said:
You can enable them in @Default.cfg. A better solution is to convert textures to DDS.

DDS loads faster, but in terms of memory? Not so much difference. I usually convert all textures I can to DSS, but still have many others to go because my installation is huge and I was just waiting for modders to upate their stuff eventually. And batch conversors have the same problems as ATM because some mods still require their png's, specially icons. Yes eventually every mod will be correctly distributed. Or Unity 5 delivers improvements that renders all this concerns useless. But in the meantime TR comes really handy, I hope you still maintain it for a bit longer optional...

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  eodh said:
DDS loads faster, but in terms of memory? Not so much difference. I usually convert all textures I can to DSS, but still have many others to go because my installation is huge and I was just waiting for modders to upate their stuff eventually. And batch conversors have the same problems as ATM because some mods still require their png's, specially icons. Yes eventually every mod will be correctly distributed. Or Unity 5 delivers improvements that renders all this concerns useless. But in the meantime TR comes really handy, I hope you still maintain it for a bit longer optional...

A DDS should have the same memory impact as PNG/JPEG/TGA(/MBM) have under TR. I don't believe Unity 5 can deliver any improvement, DDS is as optimal as it gets, it's already in the right format that suits graphics card (+ metadata), so it's just copied up there. It's only possible to (significantly) speed up PNG/JPEG/... loading by converting them to a DDS-like format and caching them, like ATM does.

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  Vorg said:
Looks nice. I like the black helms. Watching for a pack that has the colors for the jobs, but also includes a special set for the orange suit kerbals.

Also, not sure how tourist are handled with TR. if you have the primary suits on the reserved list, will it pick randomly from the stock white and any other suits not on the reserve list? Just started messing with TR last night. Trying to figure it all out.

I have a special set for the orange Kerbals in my Original series Star Trek suit pack which came first.

The next update will come with jetpacks and some more variants.

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  igor_perusco said:
I have a formal request to make to a few people, i hope this is the right place to post this.

I am currently using a combination of textures from several packs at once, the KSPRC, Scart91's class suits aswell as his large texture pack, Sylith's extended kerbal heads posted by Shaw, Hotaru's simple female kerbal texture pack and a few of my own textures based on or derived from the works of the above mentioned.


This is an imgur album of how the pack looks like: http://imgur.com/a/M69us

I love those class suits, I love those head textures and that pack looks really nice. :) Let´s hope for the permission of all the awesome modders.

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hey guys. how do these reflections work? I Installed latest TR and Bentley's (J-PRO-91) Suit Kit . im not getting any reflections on the visors. is there something I don't know? isn't TR "reflection ready" and I have to do something for it to work? I read some part of this and the old thread and I just don't get how one makes this work.

Edited by techstepman
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