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[1.4.1] Magico13's Modlets (Sensible Screenshot, Dated QuickSaves, etc.)


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I love the Sensible Screenshots mod! It would be nice if we could have it optionally use the in-game Kerbal time instead though. Bonus: Organize screenshots into folders, one folder per active vessel name. Though I can see that getting tricky when you start docking/undocking vessels.

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Sensible Screenshot is the thing!

I wish I could autoname my screenshots like "YYYY-MM-DD-hh:mm KSPVersion SaveName Craft(OrKerbonaut)Name ParentBody BiomeName Status IncrementalNumber". Where Status may be detailed like InOrbit (Ap, Pe, Altitude), FlyingInAtmosphere (Altitude, Speed, Coordinates), Landed (Altitude, Speed, Coordinates), Splashed (plus Coordinates).

I hope I wish not too much ^_^

Edited by ZobrAA
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  passinglurker said:
I really hope this gets updated to 1.0 I've had a spent stage salvaging bug that's needed scratching for a long time. n_n

btw how would this handle craft that are attached by claws?

It might actually work with 1.0, but I've been too busy to test it out yet, so I've kept it listed for 0.90 just in case. It does make a backup of the save file before it does anything, so if you want to test it out it should be pretty safe.

Regarding the claw, I have no idea what will happen. It seems to work (sometimes not that happily) with docking ports, so it should probably work with the claw as well. Only way to find out is to test it!

  Zeenobit said:
I love the Sensible Screenshots mod! It would be nice if we could have it optionally use the in-game Kerbal time instead though. Bonus: Organize screenshots into folders, one folder per active vessel name. Though I can see that getting tricky when you start docking/undocking vessels.

I don't know about folders, but I can at least make it so you can put the ship name in the filename. Then you could do some scripting magic to put those into folders yourself if you wanted. As for in-game time, definitely planned as an option when I add the config file (in two ways, raw UT in seconds or as the Year X, Day Y, Z:A:B format)!

  ZobrAA said:
Sensible Screenshot is the thing!

I wish I could autoname my screenshots like "YYYY-MM-DD-hh:mm KSPVersion SaveName Craft(OrKerbonaut)Name ParentBody BiomeName Status IncrementalNumber".

I hope I wish not too much ^_^

That is quite a bit, but I plan on adding all of it except the really precise info (altitude, speed, etc). I might add that in later if people really want it, but you might have to settle for just the ORBITING, LANDED, etc. string for now. I didn't think of KSP version, that's a good idea though! As for the IncrementalNumber, I've only been putting that in when two files will have the same name, do you want to always have an incrementing number option? That's actually slightly more difficult I think, but is doable.

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  magico13 said:
That is quite a bit, but I plan on adding all of it except the really precise info (altitude, speed, etc). I might add that in later if people really want it, but you might have to settle for just the ORBITING, LANDED, etc. string for now.

That's good enough! :)

  magico13 said:
I didn't think of KSP version, that's a good idea though! As for the IncrementalNumber, I've only been putting that in when two files will have the same name, do you want to always have an incrementing number option? That's actually slightly more difficult I think, but is doable.

Yea, I've said that with the case in mind when two or more screens made at the exactly same second, or minute (if seconds are not specified for file naming rules).

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Hi man! How about to make other saving format? I see this strings in your .cs

string newName = GetFileName(); string finalName = newName+".png";

bool taken = ScreenShotsFolder.Contains(finalName);

int i = 1;

while (taken)


finalName = newName + "-" + i.ToString() + ".png";

taken = ScreenShotsFolder.Contains(finalName);



file.MoveTo(ssfolder + finalName);


Is it real to change .png format of screenshot to .jpg? The .png files is too large for hosting, sending amd etc. and it would be better for me that game screens was in .jpg format.

Sorry for bad english)

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  ÃÂффтðÿõûþô said:
Hi man! How about to make other saving format?

I'm not sure that I will be able to change the format (at least not easily) since that would require either overriding the screenshot behavior or converting the image files to a different format. Unfortunately it's not nearly as simple as renaming a file, especially because .png is a lossless compressed format while .jpg is a lossy compressed format (meaning jpg purposefully leaves out image data). There are many free tools available for converting images between different formats that you might try instead, alternatively, Imgur and many other image hosting sites will host png files (some may even prefer it).

  rabidninjawombat said:
Oh man.. how have i never seen this Screenshot mod?! Awesome!! its been a bit annoyance for me when archivine screenshots

I've got at least three copies of the same 80 screenshots or so because I would periodically backup my screenshots folder, but there was also a mix of screenshots from different KSP versions. It's a nightmare. This thankfully will prevent that from happening in the future, which is why I wrote it ;)

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  magico13 said:
I'm not sure that I will be able to change the format (at least not easily) since that would require either overriding the screenshot behavior or converting the image files to a different format. Unfortunately it's not nearly as simple as renaming a file, especially because .png is a lossless compressed format while .jpg is a lossy compressed format (meaning jpg purposefully leaves out image data). There are many free tools available for converting images between different formats that you might try instead, alternatively, Imgur and many other image hosting sites will host png files (some may even prefer it).

I know it, but im too lazy to convert all of screens) And jpg quality is not so bad, if you can, tru tu rename png to jpg at your dll pls) And post result here. There are many people here, who want chaange screenshot format without converting.

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  ÃÂффтðÿõûþô said:
I know it, but im too lazy to convert all of screens) And jpg quality is not so bad, if you can, tru tu rename png to jpg at your dll pls) And post result here. There are many people here, who want chaange screenshot format without converting.

Since this mod just takes the "screenshot0.png" file and renames it rather than handling the actual process of taking the screenshot, the mod using .jpg instead of .png will have the same result as if you were to rename the file yourself. I'm not in a position where I can test that right now, but I don't know if that file would then open properly. I may be able to find some open source way of converting the image that I can include in the mod, or I might be able to override the default KSP screenshot behavior, but it won't be in the next update most likely. I'll take a look at it though and see what I can do.

E: It appears as if Unity has this: "Texture2D.EncodeToJPG", which will require me to load the .png into memory, then convert it to a .jpg, then delete the original .png. Definitely doable and I can even let you set the quality.

Consider it implemented for the next release (since it's pretty straightforward), but you'll have to wait a few days most likely and I'd rather get the custom naming done first.

Edited by magico13
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Might I add that FF adds ribbons as your kerbal does things as well, it just doesnt have a popup to tell you..

I just landed on Gilly and looked at ff at their ribbons and they are all there..

They seem to be added as soon as something noteworthy happens

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  darqen27 said:
Might I add that FF adds ribbons as your kerbal does things as well, it just doesnt have a popup to tell you..

I just landed on Gilly and looked at ff at their ribbons and they are all there..

They seem to be added as soon as something noteworthy happens

Ribbons and actual experience are pretty different though, unless FF also adds experience to Kerbals as they do things. Field Experience will actually level your Kerbals as you go, meaning your Pilots will unlock additional SAS modes, Scientists will start earning more science, and Engineers can repair more types of problems, without first having to return to Kerbin.

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Ok, well instead of working on homework I decided to work on Sensible Screenshot. You can now define the file names yourself in a config file, including the full DateTime format and a bunch of other in-game variables (check the OP for the full list, in the spoiler tag). Additionally, you can automatically convert the screenshots into .jpg files of whatever quality you want (between 1 and 100, default is 75), which uses way less disk space but might take a bit more time on slower computers. I've put up an album with some comparison pictures and their file sizes.

When a particular piece of information (such as the active vessel name) isn't available, it will usually be replaced by NA (as in, Not Applicable). Times should be replaced by 0 if they can't be determined. I didn't test every possible configuration, so let me know if you run into any issues.

Also, since sometimes the game might add spaces into a file name (such as for the "Kerbal X" craft), I've added the ability to automatically replace spaces with whatever character(s) you want. In the example in the OP I've used the # symbol, but the default is an underscore: _.

I hope that's enough features for now ;)

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It shouldn't conflict with HyperEdit, but I also haven't tested it in 1.0 yet. The changes to the editor may have broken the part of the code that loads the ship when the editor loads, or it might be a problem with the craft you're trying to use.

If something else uses F10 that might also be an issue. I won't likely get to test it today, but I'll try to get it updated tomorrow.

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  ZobrAA said:
Can I use spaces in FileNameTemplate instead of _ ?

I have not tested if that will be interpreted properly, but there isn't any reason you have to use _ specifically. If you try it, let me know if it works. Thanks!

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Oh, it works! So you actually CAN use file name definition like this:

FileNameTemplate = KSP[version] [date] [save] [vessel] [body] [biome] [situation] Y[year] D[day] H[hour]

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I just added Tree Toppler, a modlet that lets you unlock the entire tech tree for free if you want to play through career without worrying about science. It's a pretty niche application, but will be fun for some people I imagine :)

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  magico13 said:
I just added Tree Toppler, a modlet that lets you unlock the entire tech tree for free if you want to play through career without worrying about science. It's a pretty niche application, but will be fun for some people I imagine :)

For those too lazy to press Alt+F12 ;)

Kidding great work as usual. I may use this to introduce a noob to kerbal as contracts can be a nice direction for a beginner. :)

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  Svm420 said:
For those too lazy to press Alt+F12 ;)

Kidding great work as usual. I may use this to introduce a noob to kerbal as contracts can be a nice direction for a beginner. :)

The changes made by the debug toolbar never saved for me (despite the Save button).

So this is awesome, wonderful and much needed for the way I play KSP, thanks magico!

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  Svm420 said:
For those too lazy to press Alt+F12 ;)

Kidding great work as usual. I may use this to introduce a noob to kerbal as contracts can be a nice direction for a beginner. :)

  marce said:
The changes made by the debug toolbar never saved for me (despite the Save button).

So this is awesome, wonderful and much needed for the way I play KSP, thanks magico!

Yeah, basically the only reason I made it was because marce was having issues with the tech tree saving its state after using the debug menu and asked me for some pointers. Figured it'd be a fun little distraction for an hour or two ;) Never actually tested it with KCT, so KCT might still be a bit mad about it.

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  marce said:
The changes made by the debug toolbar never saved for me (despite the Save button).

So this is awesome, wonderful and much needed for the way I play KSP, thanks magico!

I meant giving yourself science and money or was that removed from 1.0?

I really hope you 2 saw the white text last time since you quoted me lol :P

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