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Destroy Green Iron Crown!


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Know this: Green Iron Crown prefers french toast over waffles.

Any French toast heathens will be formally executes for conspiring with an enemy of the forums.

Finally, we might be able to win that poll!!

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tl;dr version: admins having fun

well i did read though like 5 or 6 pages of this post but wasnt able to discern anything that hinted as to what was going on other than the unusual new moderator names.

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For those confused, this all started with an innocent question regarding forum reputation. Specifically, was it possible for someone to have negative rep, and whether there were red pips that could be assigned beneath a person's name.

Red Iron Crown, newly appointed as a moderator, apparently tested the system and created his nemesis account, Green Iron Crown, which proves that yes, negative rep is possible in the system, and, indeed, they are awarded red pips beneath their name for their nefarious deeds.

There was a realization that positive rep could be given to this GIC (Green Iron Crown) to eventually neutralize its negative rep, and thus a forum game was born. The thread WAS correctly located in the forum games section of the forum, but posts to that section of the forum cannot receive reputation, so the mods moved the thread to General for publicity and lols.

TL,DR - Moderators and forumers are having fun giving rep to a novelty account that has negative rep. Enjoy!

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For those confused, this all started with an innocent question regarding forum reputation. Specifically, was it possible for someone to have negative rep, and whether there were red pips that could be assigned beneath a person's name.

Red Iron Crown, newly appointed as a moderator, apparently tested the system and created his nemesis account, Green Iron Crown, which proves that yes, negative rep is possible in the system, and, indeed, they are awarded red pips beneath their name for their nefarious deeds.

There was a realization that positive rep could be given to this GIC (Green Iron Crown) to eventually neutralize its negative rep, and thus a forum game was born. The thread WAS correctly located in the forum games section of the forum, but posts to that section of the forum cannot receive reputation, so the mods moved the thread to General for publicity and lols.

TL,DR - Moderators and forumers are having fun giving rep to a novelty account that has negative rep. Enjoy!

Not a bad summary, but I can assure you that I did not create the GIC account. I hate that guy.

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If you didn't, then who did? Sauron?!?

He is a product of the subconscious of all the forumers, embodying their darkest fears and sins. Every point of negative reputation is an innocent kerbal life taken by those who are the source of His power.

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I improved it a little, since I had no idea what the negative rep bars actually looked like before. Behold, the worst member of the forum! He is still imprisoned deep within the code, but the destruction of his son, Green Iron Crown, is all it will take to set him free. He's so terrible you can't even report him!


Edited by Felsmak
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