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So one thing I just realized.


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  goldenpsp said:
Yea I'm slow, but I just realized today that KSP is the only early alpha game I've bought in the last 18 months that actually moved on to beta.

Grats to KSP.

Having discovered the game when it came out on steam, (0.18) i think it was, they could've called the game complete at that time and I (and I'm guessing most players) would've been none the wiser and still loved the game. No don't get me wrong though this game has only gotten better with all the new parts and stuff.

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Not sure if I want to call this Game Beta yet, there are still some major issues that have plagued KSP from the start (Kraken). They are mainly related to the outdated version of Unity so until that get's fixes it's not a complete game in my view. At the start I hopped they would replace Unity before entering beta but now I fear we won't see this fixes until KSP II is started

Edited by FreeThinker
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  FreeThinker said:
Not sure if I want to call this Game Beta yet, there are still some major issues that have plagued KSP from the start (Kraken). They are mainly related to the outdated version of Unity so until that get's fixes it's not a complete game in my view. At the start I hopped they would replace Unity before entering beta but now I fear we won't see this fixes until KSP II is started

I wasn't really making this to start a big debate on "what is beta" Mostly it was just that in the last 2 years I have bought a fair number of "early access" games. Now I know what I'm getting into when i do so, but sadly almost all of these games have either sat with very little progress in features/stability, or have gone backwards (looking at you Rust). So it has been nice to see kSP plodding along with a pretty decent amount of progress during that time.

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"there are still some major issues that have plagued KSP from the start (Kraken)" I hate to sound nitpicky, but Kraken is just a generalization and normally just means particle or acceleration glitches; most of which can be resolved as you said by updating the Unity Engine, the version they are running is from 2011.

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KSP started out as freeware, and made good progress and gained popularity before Squad decided to commercialise it. That's a strong contrast to the modern trend of seeking money when the game is still very early in development. KSP has its share of bugs, but as far as features go it's been pretty solid for many updates now.

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  Thanny said:
Calling 0.90 a Beta release is definitely pushing the bounds of the term past the breaking point. It's still an Alpha game.

So do you think The Sims will ever make it as far as Alpha?

It's so limited and buggy it's hardly even entered development yet.

Oh wait, it's on version 4 and it's the best-selling computer game of all time.

EA must be using the wrong development definitions, but there marketing is top-notch since the more they leave out the more they charge.

I'm terrified of KSP actually being released though. Once it is I'll have to start paying for new versions!

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I have to agree with the OP's original sentiment. I too have invested in several "alpha" games, and Squad is the ONLY one that has actually kept promises and continued to honestly develop and not just add bits and pieces of things that were functional long before but disabled just so it could be added later as a "feature." In fact, Squad's treatment of Alpha is why I bought many other Alpha games. It is Squad's fault that I have tossed away countless dollars, all because I actually expected other developers to treat their alpha game the same way Squad has.

One such "alpha" game I am a not-so-proud owner of just released a statement a few days ago saying they will be "cutting features" and moving to Beta soon with a planned Release Date set. Yep, that one's over with. At least they gave a warning instead of a sudden "Look we're released! Ta-da!"

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The words BETA, ALPHA and so on are conventional words, they have no fixed meaning externally and are only useful when used in a context and compared to an intent (the dev's).

They could have called the game as a beta from the get-go and it wouldn't have changed anything about the game itself or its delivery.

The only useful landmark is 'going gold(en)'. Everything else is contextual.

Now, on topic; KSP is the only game I've bought and haven't regretted at all in the last three years on PC. Certainly interesting in its progression from what was originally not much more than a virtual water-bottle rocket simulator.

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Just thought of some further positive things to say. KSP is (in the past few years):

* The cheapest game I've bought.

* The most improved without new purchase required.

* The one I've played most.

* The one that's taught me (or lead me to learn) the most.

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  Axelord FTW said:

Now, on topic; KSP is the only game I've bought and haven't regretted at all in the last three years on PC. Certainly interesting in its progression from what was originally not much more than a virtual water-bottle rocket simulator.

Personally I do have one regret about purchasing KSP. And that regret is the number of hours it has consumed. Well worth the money for the entertainment I've gotten from it but alot of those hours really should have been spent on other things :P

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