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Dawn at Ceres Thread

Frida Space

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So Ceres is just a dust covered Death Star?

Ooohh... it all makes sense now. The bright spots are the laser focusing lenses. :D

In all seriousness: impact radials was my first thought, but then I looked a little closer... compare the cutout picture to the full size of Ceres, and mentally continue the lines. You end up with a theoretical impact that would have to have spread these radials over most of the whole planet's surface! That's kind of insane. Also I'm not sure there's an impact crater of that size present on Ceres.

Edited by Streetwind
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... You end up with a theoretical impact that would have to have spread these radials over most of the whole planet's surface! That's kind of insane...

But Ceres has got VERY low gravity, and only a very low velocity will take material on a suborbital trajectory halfway round its globe. The radials on the moon are far longer on a body with much higher gravity, those on Ceres are a fraction of the distance. What is really needed for radials that long are small impact craters, because the big ones will have been caused by impacts energetic enough to eject all the material free of Ceres' surface.

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Exaggerated and false. That's NASA's PR right there. -_-

Or, you know, they're making it easier for human eyes to see so people can see what's going on and don't have to read the raw data, but sure, we can go with that. :rolleyes:

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Or, you know, they're making it easier for human eyes to see so people can see what's going on and don't have to read the raw data, but sure, we can go with that. :rolleyes:

I don't want easier, I want the real thing. Also, those colors don't mean a thing to laymen. Only planetary geologists can benefit from them.

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Holy crap, Hyperion, Ceres, I thought those were references to games at first (they pretty much are)

Hyperion being from Starcraft 2

And Ceres being from Warframe


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I don't want easier, I want the real thing. Also, those colors don't mean a thing to laymen. Only planetary geologists can benefit from them.

The real thing is just a bunch of numbers in a file. I do not know what you expect, pretty much all photography has been severely edited to make human sense out of it. Most craft do not even take normal RGB pictures, you will need to build that out of filtered shots.

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The real thing is just a bunch of numbers in a file. I do not know what you expect, pretty much all photography has been severely edited to make human sense out of it. Most craft do not even take normal RGB pictures, you will need to build that out of filtered shots.

They should release a couple images which would be close to what human eyes see. Just for publicity, since that's what public wants to see. Me included.

It's understandable that most pictures are black&white or false color, because of bandwidth limitations or scientific reasons. But they did release some color images of Vesta: http://www.planetary.org/multimedia/space-images/small-bodies/vesta-in-natural-color.html

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