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New Kraken?

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So basically I was messing around with hyper edit and I did something I don't remember exactly what it was but when I went to the space center it was all black. The main menu was fine so I decided to open the mun orbit scenario and guess what? EVERYTHING WAS BLACK!! Well not exactly I could see the mun but it was very dark and I could see my ship (barely) and the same thing happened in the station one scenario. I tried exploring the darkness (because my map was just all black) and basically nothing happened my kerbal flew around a bit and I put him back inside the ship. When I closed my game and opened it again everything was back to normal. I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this glitch? Please respond!

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I had something like this a couple of days ago, where the ship (no matter which ship I switched to) seemed to be in some 'black void' with nothing around it. No stars, no planets.

Quitting and restarting solved the problem.

I didn't take time to try to make a debug report of this but it's not unreasonable to take down as many details as you can and submit a bug report the next time this happens.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That's disturbing...

Anyhow, would you be able to provide some screenshots for when this happens? Also maybe a craft and some reproduction steps (if reproduction is possible)? I can firmly say however, this is not exactly a kraken... If it was a kraken you wouldn't even have a ship. As others have said, Hyperedit can be unstable sometimes - depends on how you use it - and can absolutely devastate save files and KSP in ways that cannot be explained...


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