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Who else loves seeing the little "Notifications" tab lit up?


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*Laughs a bit due to the most recent topic being discussed; not that I mind just that it points out how such things are venting only*

Honestly, I fear notifications most of the time... I also fear rep; I like living in my imaginary world where the things I post disappear after I post them and no one else reads them unless I read the thread I posted in again.

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Seeing people mention that they get infractions makes me feel more comfortable.. I was traumatized and felt bad after receiving my only two infractions.. I can get emotional at times, mkay?

Getting rep has always cheered my up, a lot.. It made me feel.. recognized and happy. Like a compliment from a well-known person.

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I've grown to not care.

Some of the time its rep, on occasion its a PM conversation which I usually started, and usually on a week when I'm particularly displeased with the general direction of the community, something Squad's done, or something to make me less than level headed, mods yelling at me. Depending on which mod fundamentally changes how the situation gets handled.

There's a small group of them who have earned my respect and I'm on good speaking terms with. If they're yelling at me then yeah I dun screwed up. Vexx & Sal both are on this list.

Most of the mods, its just whatevs. There is however a small group of mods and I who have a mutual dislike for each other. If they start yelling at me for something, it usually goes downhill fast (I've won an overstep of bounds case or two from this so I go down swinging).

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  blizzy78 said:
What do you guys do to get infractions? I've only ever gotten exactly one infraction on a forum in my life, and it wasn't on this one. They didn't really enjoy my sarcasm :D

I pretty much never posted again there. Take that!

I ask the same! I got one infraction here, for moderate bending of the language rules (*ahem* :blush:)... never made that mistake again.

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  blizzy78 said:
What do you guys do to get infractions? I've only ever gotten exactly one infraction on a forum in my life, and it wasn't on this one. They didn't really enjoy my sarcasm :D

I pretty much never posted again there. Take that!

Now, now, that's a secret; we don't like to talk about things that've happened in the past. It's simply poor form to go pointing fingers and publicly shaming people for things they've done. :D

But in truth, most of the notices we tend to send are more often than not just to newbies who don't know the rules yet. Of course, every now and again there are persistent troublemakers, but we all have our differences in the end, and it's our (the staff's) job to resolve them as best and fairly as we can. :)

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I love it when the tab lights up. I just got 2 at once today! SQUEEEE!

On the topic of infractions, you Mods are very good at your job. I think you have an innate sense of what is too much harsh words, what is intended, and how the infractor is feeling. Even the one infraction I got was very nicely written and polite, and didn't make me mad at all. Thanks, guys!

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  blizzy78 said:
What do you guys do to get infractions? I've only ever gotten exactly one infraction on a forum in my life, and it wasn't on this one. They didn't really enjoy my sarcasm :D

I pretty much never posted again there. Take that!

I forgot to include the license in the StageRecovery download (coulda sworn I had put it in there!) when they went through and started cracking down on that. The infraction itself has long, long passed, but that new tab will always haunt me!

The notification tab is always a fun adventure when it's lit up! I generally know if it's a PM (those get sent to my email as well), but sometimes I won't have checked my email and it's a fun surprise. I like when people send me funny things that have happened (in KSP or in the forums, like me forgetting to change something in an OP that was no longer relevant), or are asking for help setting up something using my mods (like special challenges), or just want to say thanks (rep is always appreciated). I only ever once got "hate mail" and that was from someone who thought my April Fool's prank was real. Even then, they were quite respectful.

Overall, the notifications are always a good thing!

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  vexx32 said:
Now, now, that's a secret; we don't like to talk about things that've happened in the past. It's simply poor form to go pointing fingers and publicly shaming people for things they've done. :D

But in truth, most of the notices we tend to send are more often than not just to newbies who don't know the rules yet. Of course, every now and again there are persistent troublemakers, but we all have our differences in the end, and it's our (the staff's) job to resolve them as best and fairly as we can. :)

Persistent trouble maker here! Why, thank god that all of my posts haven't been reported since I break rules in every one of them.

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