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Do you feel KSP is ready for 1.0?

Do you think KSP is ready for 1.0?  

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  1. 1. Do you think KSP is ready for 1.0?

    • Yes
    • No

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  Red Iron Crown said:
My mobile gets internet service when far away from any source of electricity. I think that's the kind of infrastructure Jouni's referring to.

he was talking about countries with electricity problems. i guess there charging a mobile is problem too. :)

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  Jouni said:
Actually, internet connections are quite common in third-world countries. Unlike things like sanitation, clean drinking water, and a reliable electricity supply, basic internet connections don't require major infrastructure investments. Just like mobile phones 10-15 years ago, the internet enables people in poor countries to improve their quality of life for an affordable price.

As long as we're talking about people playing KSP, electricity and powerful enough computers are the limiting factor, not internet connectivity.

I was not talking about only third world countries. The upper middle class in the US (For example) probably have reliable Internet, but the people "below" that "class" do not... think about it, because the structure is so... big?, the service providers that give good enough Internet for always connected stuff have actually gotten quite expensive... having Internet when you're homeless is a problem too.

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Aren't we spiraling way off topic? The question of this topic was if KSP was ready for1.0 or not. Not who has or hasn't got access to the net.

But to indulge your little speculation let me ask you this: If you do not have an internet connection, how did you download the game in the first place?

Don't even bother to actually answer that question. Instead just think about it for a while and realise the stupidity of this entire discussion. Let's all just shut up and get back on topic.

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  Aerolfos said:
I was not talking about only third world countries. The upper middle class in the US (For example) probably have reliable Internet, but the people "below" that "class" do not... think about it, because the structure is so... big?, the service providers that give good enough Internet for always connected stuff have actually gotten quite expensive... having Internet when you're homeless is a problem too.

There are probably many country-specific issues here, especially in countries with no real competition between the service providers. In Finland, the cheapest broadband connections are currently €20 to €30/month in a randomly chosen small town, and probably cheaper in major cities. That's around 5x less than what I paid for 512/256 kbps ADSL as a student in 2001. The price often gets below €10/month, if an entire apartment building buys the service from the same provider. If prices like that are possible in a sparsely populated country with high costs of labor, they should be possible anywhere in the West.

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  Jouni said:
There are probably many country-specific issues here, especially in countries with no real competition between the service providers. In Finland, the cheapest broadband connections are currently €20 to €30/month in a randomly chosen small town, and probably cheaper in major cities. That's around 5x less than what I paid for 512/256 kbps ADSL as a student in 2001. The price often gets below €10/month, if an entire apartment building buys the service from the same provider. If prices like that are possible in a sparsely populated country with high costs of labor, they should be possible anywhere in the West.

But they aren't. Because capitalism.

As a matter of fact, I just remembered my dark days in Spain... there were no cables, and they refused to lay them. So in top modern house and decent.. everything.. there was still no Internet.

As for mobile, yes we got "infinite" Internet 3G stuff (4G not released yet). It was not Infinite. Not even close.

SOrry about that, my brain has apparently made an effort to forget the years of non-reliable Internet XD

(I stle friends wifi when I could... not often.)

- - - Updated - - -

  Tex_NL said:
Aren't we spiraling way off topic? The question of this topic was if KSP was ready for1.0 or not. Not who has or hasn't got access to the net.

But to indulge your little speculation let me ask you this: If you do not have an internet connection, how did you download the game in the first place?

Don't even bother to actually answer that question. Instead just think about it for a while and realise the stupidity of this entire discussion. Let's all just shut up and get back on topic.

That is the argument big companies make. Then people end up with a multitude of reasons and can not play the games they paid so badly for.

Anyway, yes... silly. But it's still not ready for 1.0.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh wow, first post as a longtime player *fireworks*

I dont want to beat a dead horse, but I just wanted to give my 2 cents.

Do I think it is ready? It is close, but ultimately I would have to say no.

I don't have to big of a problem with them moving to 1.0, because from the info given to us it seems that it merely a version change. Development sounds like it continues in the way that it has been before. Bugs can be fixed at ant time, given the devs will.

The reason I don't think the game will be ready is the fact that the early access label offers the game more protection than I think many of us realize. Squad is given a break , to a certain extent, for annoying things small or bigger. All the little issues will be magnified when the game leaves beta. And squad will take the full impact of their newfound accountability, for issues and shortcuts (skybox etc) the game has had for months, sometimes even years.

Also the game lacks anything to keep your interest long term. It needs new planets, asteroids, and maybe even a few more solar systems. While I have more faith in squad than most other developers, with the game being in early access, there was always the hope more might come, because the game wasn't finished yet. They say anything beyond 1.0 is a thank you. For all we know their gratitude might be less than we expect when they're sitting on all their full release money.

Also, I would have liked to see the game use Unity 5 before release.

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When is a car polished? No matter how long you rub away, you will always find some little spot somewhere that that needs that little extra bit of rubbing. I joined this game at 0.9 and think it is very professional, hours of fun, mentally challenging and thoughtfully put together. This looks like a game created by a team that is passionate about the subject and therefore willing to grow it. Some of the addons are spectacular, demonstrating what a draw card it is. Reviewers may be harsh, but are they spending the time that dedicated players are spending to reap pleasure, or are they checklisting for some imagined gestalt audience that they believe hangs on their every word? Don't worry about egos, just get the next bunch of Kerbals off the bench and into space where they belong. The future is out there, not in heads of fantasists. Just like real-life risky space exploration, there is something appealing about a game that has to find its way with the help of its players.

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no. I love a beautiful game, that is fun and captures my imagination. When you have all three of those gems in one game and you still have room polish it even further, then you owe your creation that time, make it even closer to perfect. This is one of the more brilliant games that i have played in the last 30 years that i have been gaming, and one of the most entertaining games i have played in recent history.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I got to say... I really love this game... but I am a Mac user (I don't know if there are some other on this forum) but honestly think the game isn't stable enough to be released on its v1.0.

I have backed KSP for a while now and participate very little in here, but I got to be honest, the game is very crashy on Mac even if it has no mods. I blame the fact the game is running on Unity (32 bits) when it should be able to access the full glory of all the memory available on my computer.

Most of the time I have to be extremely careful with the mods as going over my mem limit means my game is going to start crashing after 10 missions more or less... or when editing one of my spaceships. I kid you not when I say I can play close to one hour without a crash and all of the sudden everything goes to hell (I have had crashes while quick saving to avoid losing all my stuff).

That to me is the biggest complain.

If you guys need a tester for a beta 2 version using Unity 64, I would happily download it and give it a try on my computer...


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  rodrigoelp said:
I got to say... I really love this game... but I am a Mac user (I don't know if there are some other on this forum) but honestly think the game isn't stable enough to be released on its v1.0.

Until 0.25 and Mavericks, KSP was very stable on a Mac. Upgrading to 0.90 made it less stable, while upgrading to Yosemite made it basically unplayable.

The real issue may be that Yosemite is the worst OS X release so far. There are lots of major bugs and issues that Apple hadn't time to fix due to a rushed release.

Edited by Jouni
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  Jouni said:
Until 0.25 and Mavericks, KSP was very stable on a Mac. Upgrading to 0.90 made it less stable, while upgrading to Yosemite made it basically unplayable.

The real issue may be that Yosemite is the worst OS X release so far. The are lots of major bugs and issues that Apple hadn't time to fix due to a rushed release.

A rushed release you say? ;)

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Personally I think Alpha, Beta, and Release are outdated concepts in the age of early access and digital distribution.

1.0 means "we can put this in a box and ship it to people, and they won't complain that it's an unfinished product" However these days, players are just seen as cheaper beta testers, and software is expected to receive a constant supply of patches and updates.

We obviously need version numbers, but jumping from .25 to .90 overnight and deciding that one update is 1.0 even though more updates are planned after, is just silly.

In the open source/free software community software is developed in a rolling release of "Stable" "Unstable" and "Nightly."

Stable is expected to run without any major bugs, but might not have the newest features.

Unstable is where new features are tested, it's guaranteed to run, and hopefully won't crash, but bugs are expected, and performance might not be as good.

Nightly is the latest files straight from the developer's build servers. If you want to try it, go ahead, but you'll have to compile it yourself, and it might not even run.

Stable and Unstable builds often have a different version numbering scheme, while nightly builds might not even have numbers.

I'd consider most builds of KSP so far to be unstable builds. Squad has prioritized implementing new features over optimization. This isn't a bad thing, but calling it "Beta" is a bit specious. As is declaring a game to be 1.0 in an update that introduces a large amount of features (which will inevitably introduce new bugs.) This move fast and break things approach would be better served by a rolling release that makes no claims about "finished-ness" or stability.

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  rodrigoelp said:
I got to say... I really love this game... but I am a Mac user (I don't know if there are some other on this forum) but honestly think the game isn't stable enough to be released on its v1.0.

I have backed KSP for a while now and participate very little in here, but I got to be honest, the game is very crashy on Mac even if it has no mods. I blame the fact the game is running on Unity (32 bits) when it should be able to access the full glory of all the memory available on my computer.

Most of the time I have to be extremely careful with the mods as going over my mem limit means my game is going to start crashing after 10 missions more or less... or when editing one of my spaceships. I kid you not when I say I can play close to one hour without a crash and all of the sudden everything goes to hell (I have had crashes while quick saving to avoid losing all my stuff).

That to me is the biggest complain.

If you guys need a tester for a beta 2 version using Unity 64, I would happily download it and give it a try on my computer...


This has nothing to do with Mac. I promise you, I have a (Mac) laptop too. It runs KSP as well (Or better) than the new Gaming PC....

As for allowing myself to isntall more mods, I somehow doubt it.

Neither of my massive mod builds was stable at all though, and that really is the problem, it runs like crap anywhere.

(Well, my Mac build was 0.24. I tried 0.25, I got 1 FPS. 0.24 with about 50 mods, 30 FPS minimum when not counting lag spikes, 0.25 vanilla is 1 FPS. Nothing can change that.)

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I feel the game is simply outstanding and breathtaking. Nothing ever came close as a space game/simulation is concerned. I would recommend it to anyone and everyone, It's just that fun and good ! However, I cannot vote yes on the question. There are crucial things that are, IMHO, missing from the game to make it good enough for 1.0. Some can be done by Squad, others are more unity-based, but still.

What's missing ? To be honest, not that much since some is coming next update.

- I mean the space part is A-OK, no need to tweak anything there (except I would make the automatic Kerbal maneuvers be more precise like either Mechjeb or the computer functions of Remote Tech)

- Electric Propellers and solar "Coating" (or film) you can put on surfaces. Exploration is the name of the game, it NEEDs that (again this is *MY* opinion).

- In-game Kerbal engineer with at least TRW, Stage/Total dV, High/Low orbit indicator, Atmospheric efficiency, and burn time remaining based on fuel left and current throttle. Stage/Total dV should be displayed during vessel construction too.

- The game really needs full x64 support. * I KNOW* it's not up to Squad, at least not fully. But it doesn't change the fact.

Things of notes the game needs which are making their way in.

Reworked soup-o-sphere ? Next Update

Re-entry heating ? Next Update (Man I hope it's lenient enough or easily adjustable).

Resources Mining ? Next Update

Updated Tech Tree ? Next Update

The rest can be added later... and there's a lot of "the rest" but it's not as important (to *me*) as the stuff I have listed. Stuff like more engines, better wings, a USA Space Shuttle parts set(it's kinda important and iconic), spherical tanks, god you name it, lol.

Edited by Francois424
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  Francois424 said:
I feel the game is simply outstanding and breathtaking. Nothing ever came close as a space game/simulation is concerned. I would recommend it to anyone and everyone, It's just that fun and good ! However, I cannot vote yes on the question. There are crucial things that are, IMHO, missing from the game to make it good enough for 1.0. Some can be done by Squad, others are more unity-based, but still.

What's missing ? To be honest, not that much since some is coming next update.

- I mean the space part is A-OK, no need to tweak anything there (except I would make the automatic Kerbal maneuvers be more precise like either Mechjeb or the computer functions of Remote Tech)

- Electric Propellers and solar "Coating" (or film) you can put on surfaces. Exploration is the name of the game, it NEEDs that (again this is *MY* opinion).

- In-game Kerbal engineer with at least TRW, Stage/Total dV, High/Low orbit indicator, Atmospheric efficiency, and burn time remaining based on fuel left and current throttle. Stage/Total dV should be displayed during vessel construction too.

- The game really needs full x64 support. * I KNOW* it's not up to Squad, at least not fully. But it doesn't change the fact.

Things of notes the game needs which are making their way in.

Reworked soup-o-sphere ? Next Update

Re-entry heating ? Next Update (Man I hope it's lenient enough or easily adjustable).

Resources Mining ? Next Update

Updated Tech Tree ? Next Update

The rest can be added later... and there's a lot of "the rest" but it's not as important (to *me*) as the stuff I have listed. Stuff like more engines, better wings, a USA Space Shuttle parts set(it's kinda important and iconic), spherical tanks, god you name it, lol.

Planets. We were promised more and better, I know the designer left, but this remains a HUGE fault when you think about it.

Especially the lack of Oxygen planets I feel... Laythe isn't the perfect option for colonization, and having it be the only? I mean, everybody has gone there by now... should't there be SOMEWHERE a bit more unique? An Eve like planet with oxygen would be interesting for example, if not an ultimate challenge surveying the terrain in a plane would be a nice variation.. Its not current planets are bad, but more is better anyways!

What I would really like is several systems honestly. Including things like Black Holes. Because... you want to fly your Kerbals into one, and we all know it.

Possible spot for procedural gen too, and it would help on the processing side of things. (no, 32 bit wouldn't handle it, but it can barely handle anything nowadays, so that simply needs to be solved. Now.)

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