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Need some Vall info

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Can anyone tell me the altitude for the highest peak on Vall as well as the altitude where being "in space near Vall" would end? I want to park a probe there close enough to do temperature scans, but can't access this info from the wiki (is the wiki down for everyone or just me?).

Also, Vall has no atmosphere right?

Edited by Kelderek
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This page is useful if you can't connect to a website. May work weird this time though, as the (wiki's) server is up but the database isn't.

So, yes. It's down for me too.

But don't fear, my friend. With some Google Fu you can make some interesting things. From Google's cache:

- "Vall has no atmosphere".

- "Vall has an icy surface dominated by hilly lowland areas separated by mountain ridges and which ranges in elevation from 0 to 7976 m".

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