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How mant times have you crashed


Are you a master Kerbalnaut  

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Well my moded installes crash rather frequently but I dont really keep count. I on the other hand never crash a ship. I just sometimes perform lithobreaking maneuvers that were not on the pre approved mission profile. The rumors of faux trials leading to convictions of capital offenses happening after the public executions are the product of the tinfoil hats.4

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Far too many to count. Just yesterday while launching a 1500+ton behemoth it took three launches to spot the villainous decoupler lurking in the first stage that wasn't supposed to fire until in orbit. That cost 1.5 million plus almost 600k in pad repairs*. Oh, and the first time it froze the game.

*At least it would have if I didn't revert. I wouldn't have had enough to fix the pad.

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Game crashes, it's hard to say, more than I can count (so.. at least 7 :P)

does going back to the space center only to find that the world hasn't loaded count as a crash?

I'm getting that a lot at the moment.

Actual ship crashes, not too many, a dozen maybe, mostly due to not paying enough attention and miss-timing suicide burns and once overestimating the braking extent of Duna's atmosphere,smashing into the ground before getting the speed down enough to deploy chutes.

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elevenity billion?

This sounds about right. Yay for quicksave! Mostly on kerbin. There have been intentional crashes too, to clear away debris. Not so much with planes though, that's still a bit iffy, under NEAR I've found it a little more difficult to slow down before the runway. !hen I'm flying a conventional spaceship, I tend to land fine. There have also been a fair few rover accidents, occasionally due to going over bad terrain, sloppy driving, or just testing around KSC.

Computer crashes have to make up a lot.

Yeah, maybe twelveity billion.

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Well they say any landing you can walk away from is a good landing,

and I've walked away from all my "landings"

Nono, it's "Any landing you can roll away from while shedding debris is a good landing".

Assuming the debris isn't the command pod, of course.


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If you can this question with any certainy I would assume you have been playing only a short amount of time. I have crashed a lot as a result of pilot error, bad design, bad staging, forgeting parachutes, pushing a design too hard, getting too confident.

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After i learned how to make the separtrons work (u actually need to angle them), very few rockets have failed. But theres stil the time i forget to strut something, or stage it in the wrong order, or clip a wing on a bad landing. But very few of my crashes involve death and destruction, most of the time these days its minor crap that doesnt usually destroy entire missions.

But i still gotta say, how i hate sending a craft to jool, and then realizing as im about to dock it to a station for more fuel that i forgot to attach a docking port, or forgot to use RCS blocks and fuel.

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Today, I crashed many times trying to land the unlandable, just to see if it was so. Then, I cleaned my KSP folder of crash reports, as I do every couple days because they pile up otherwise.

Rune. So yeah, a bajillion give or take, of both types.

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