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Dancing with drag

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jeb got drunk and made a bet with a engineer, jeb told a engineer that engineers are dumb and that you don't need wings to make a plane, you just need a lot of thrust. The engineer took jeb up on his statement and gave jeb the challange of making a ssto that can fly only using pure rocket power.


.no wings

.no flaps or arodimamicial surfaces.

.only jet engines in atmosphere.

.rocket engines alowed above 60,000m.

.no intake spam.

.no use of sas (except the cockpit sas)

.must have 1 pilot who sits in a external seat.

.no use of debug menu for anything

.record your mission with screen shots

.no part adding mods alowed (b9, interstella, ecta)







Edited by Apature rocket science
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I may be daft but it seems that 6 parts (and a pilot so SAS will function) would get this done.

(front to back)

intake, inline cockpit, fuel tank, jet engine.

Attached to the fuel tank facing down, right under the COM is a cubic octagonal strut with another jet engine attached.

Note, I haven't tried this but now I want to. Even with the OP jet engines this probably chews fuel.

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I had a rep from Northrup-Grumman once told me that, "given enough thrust, anything can fly". He worked in the ejection seat department.

Case in point. No 'lifting body' required.


You want jets, a crew and controllability? No problem. In KSP, all you need are thrust and reaction wheels and it flies.


Edited by Fengist
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No arodimamical surfaces?

So I cant even use the lurfting bodies? After all, any part with a lift factor, such as a kawkpit will also count as a arodimamical surface, right?

What I ment by no arodimaical surfaces is no wings no controll surfaces, but I will allow structural parts that provide lift, as long as you don't spam them

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From what I can gather, he wants you to do this:

Get a cockpit.

Put a tank on it.

Put a jet engine on it.

Put a rocket on it.

Don't put any wings on it.

Reach 60,000 meters using only the jet engine, no rockets.

Burn the rest of the way to orbit using rockets without staging.

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