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Do ANY females/girl gamers play KSP?


Are you a female kerbonaut?  

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  1. 1. Are you a female kerbonaut?

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While I'm not surprised by the outcome of the poll (overwhelmingly male), I think it's possible that there are a larger proportion of females who play, but choose not to participate in forums/etc, due to, well, situations like GamerGate. There's often a lot of backlash against female gamers, so I wouldn't be surprised if a portion of them are silent for only that reason.

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[i have no idea how to talk to women.]

Come on man. This is the reason women don't often speak up here. Be cool.

You can't just ignore that gender is a factor when only 1 in 20 fans are female. There's something going on there, and some of it has to do with how welcoming people are. If that's going to change people have to recognize that there's an issue and think about how they treat people.

Edited by sal_vager
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Come on man. This is the reason women don't often speak up here. Be cool.

Was just applying a bit of logic - there is nothing like a comment denigrating women to flush 'em out.

[i have no idea how to talk to women.]

Edited by sal_vager
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Foxster, all you have managed to accomplish is to prove to the ladies that you are rather insensitive, and I have no doubt they consider you intellectually inferior to even those of average intelligence.

I'll be editing your posts, you should really think a bit more carefully about what you say when discussing women in future, though something tells me that might not help :)

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The way to true equality is to stop focusing on gender entirely and simply see each other as people. Dragging gender into everything is counter productive.

No. This kind od argument is counterproductive. What you say would work wonders, if only we lived in a world where gender differences don't matter, and all the problems exist only in the minds of the people bringing the subject up. But that's not the case, and it never was. Gender inequality is very real, and it's as old as history. Saying that people shouldn't focus on gender is a way of saying that we should just accept the world as it is, while it's blatantly unequal. It's great for you, if you're a white heterosexual male, not so great for everybody else.

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I dont know.. I hope it does survive. It's really a bad sign when every thread that even tangentially mentions women is doomed to be closed. Trolling and discrimination are against board rules, and for a good reason. If the atmosphere here is going to change people need to learn how to be respectful and talk about this stuff in a normal way.

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I dont know.. I hope it does survive. It's really a bad sign when every thread that even tangentially mentions women is doomed to be closed. Trolling and discrimination are against board rules, and for a good reason. If the atmosphere here is going to change people need to learn how to be respectful and talk about this stuff in a normal way.
This thread was off to a bad start from the beginning, unfortunately.
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Negative, I am a meat Popsicle.

Now, in all seriousness, I think that's what makes this community great. The fact that you are male or female is irrelevant. You have a question? It will be answered in a knowledgeable and technical manner. You made an awesome craft? It will be downloaded, played with and critiqued regardless of if it was made by a male or female. That's what makes this community what it is, and I think we should keep on doing exactly what we're doing.

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No. This kind od argument is counterproductive. What you say would work wonders, if only we lived in a world where gender differences don't matter, and all the problems exist only in the minds of the people bringing the subject up. But that's not the case, and it never was. Gender inequality is very real, and it's as old as history. Saying that people shouldn't focus on gender is a way of saying that we should just accept the world as it is, while it's blatantly unequal. It's great for you, if you're a white heterosexual male, not so great for everybody else.

That depends on the situation. Here we are talking about an internet forum about a game about little green humanoids and exploding rockets (o and rocket science).

Gender is not a contributing factor for discussions about those things, so you might aswel not concider it

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Female players are perhaps less likely to be active on forums, given the toxic treatment many female players get in the gaming community. In any case, whether or not I'm female is irrelevant to whether I'd like to have female kerbonauts. I currently use TextureReplacer so that my crew roster is a mix of skin shades and genders. We don't need to recreate the Mercury Seven.

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It is quite sad that every thread mentioning that women exist is locked quickly. :/

Female players are perhaps less likely to be active on forums, given the toxic treatment many female players get in the gaming community.

As I've mentioned, there are quite a lot of women on the forums. They evidently haven't announced themselves for good reason.

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Have a quick look at the names here. Some of them imply genders but most would fit either. So in fact we could have a majority female base here. Unless they say something that implies their gender how could you tell the difference? It is not like a post about the DV needed to get to orbit of IKE is going to have references to lipstick or football.

In addition, my name implies I am male. Or it would if you recognize it's ethnic origin. Even so, how could you know? Any population of any size is going to be a mix of male and female unless said population has a gender specific qualifier.

Besides we all know this is the internet: Where the men are men, the women are men, and the children are undercover cops. (Old IRC joke.)

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