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The most defining moments in KSP early access

One-Way Films

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  NecroBones said:

A few close calls that were REALLY CLOSE, like getting home from an interplanetary mission with less than 20 units of fuel left.

Dont even get me started how often that happened to me.

2 days ago i returned from laythe (after a really botched up trajectory i had to waste 200dV to fix), with 7.04 LF left.

But to answer the question, probably the one moment i was rather impressed was my 1st KSC->Laythe surface->KSC trip. That was a SSTO btw, and i consider any SSTO that has over 4000 dV rather impressive.

I havent gotten past jool, done some duna stuff, and ofc the easy mun/minmus landings. And ive visited eve before and landed a permanent settlement there. But for now, my next great achievement which im hoping to pull off is a kerbin to eve and return trip. 12000 dV in a spaceplane is gonna be tough to achieve. SSTOs are out of the question, but well, gotta get that eve landing sooner or later!

Edited by panzer1b
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  Red Iron Crown said:
The release of 0.18 was a defining moment in KSP for me, so much so that I think of two eras of KSP: Pre-0.18 and Post-0.18. The game changed immensely as docking made Apollo-style missions and orbital construction possible, maneuver nodes made planning complex orbital maneuvers accessible to us non-physics majors, plus a slew of less game-changing features that are nonetheless significant (new celestial bodies, electrical systems, action groups, probe cores, working air intakes, and so on).

1.0 is the first update since with a planned feature list anywhere close to the magnitude of 0.18's, and it might actually be more of a game changer with ISRU and new aero. Hopefully we're about to enter a third era. :)

THIS! exactly this. 0.18 was epic, nothing was the same after this release. One thing though, what do you mean with "ISRU"? I'm not familiar with that acronym :sticktongue:

EDIT: I figured, ISRU has something to do with the new resource system, still no clue what ISRU stands for

all the best,


Edited by ToyotaTim
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  ToyotaTim said:
THIS! exactly this. 0.18 was epic, nothing was the same after this release. One thing though, what do you mean with "ISRU"? I'm not familiar with that acronym

In-Situ (a fancy way to say "On-Site") Resource Utilization.

In other words, the ability to use the resources around you.

Why "In Situ" and not "On Site"? No clue. I assume it sounds better and makes the talker seem more educated. :D

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The defining moment in my KSP history was when I realized that my idea for KSP and Squads were different and that mods were a necessity.

Mods like TAC-LS, RemoteTech, and Real Fuels opened up a whole new world for me. So many others I could mention which are now vital to my play experience.

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  5thHorseman said:
In-Situ (a fancy way to say "On-Site") Resource Utilization.

In other words, the ability to use the resources around you.

Why "In Situ" and not "On Site"? No clue. I assume it sounds better and makes the talker seem more educated. :D

I was forced to learn that god forsaken language(latin) and i never use expect for an occasional vice versa.

Doesnt make anybody sound educated it just brings back painful memories of actually learning all that useless information.

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The 1st Resources debacle.

That really started off that anti-SQUAD sentiment that's so apparent on the forums right now.

Other than that... NASA collaboration, 0.18, new gizmos.

But seriously, after the resources thing, people complain about almost everything SQUAD does.

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Defining moments in KSP for me?

In order, I think:

  1. First Mun landing, 0.13.3
  2. Buying 0.16. That was such a cool version of the game.
  3. First Duna 'landing' (AKA emergency escape pod deployment from the lander that I'd forgotten to attach parachutes to), 0.17.
  4. The intense 0.18 hype that gripped us all. If only I could find the development thread again, because that was epic. No other update has had such serious hype surrounding it.
  5. Completing a voyage around Jool (Odysseus mission), 0.19.
  6. My 0.23 to 0.23.5 grand tour mission, landing on every planet/moon where possible. Tedious at times, brilliant at others. I defeated Eve and conquered Tylo, went from Moho to Eeloo, and got the ship and its crew home safely.

For me, these are my greatest moments. I think that the addition of female Kerbals in 1.0 is also a big one as they're something I've wanted in the game for ages.

  maltesh said:
and yet, across the gulf of space, cooly and without sympathy, i viewed duna with envious eyes, and slowly, but surely drew my plans against it.


'The chances of anything coming from Mars Duna Kerbin (??) are a million to one...

But still they come.'


That is seriously epic, though.

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Grand tour with kethane and an huge mothership back in 0.18, only thing I build so large today is the one piece planetary bases. Trip included an balloon decent and exit from Jool.

Fun part was direct burn from Moho to Duna, lander used all mothership fuel and had 100 m/s left then landed :)

The Jool "landing".

Has not been able to top this later, partly because of the ram limit, with an stable 64 bit I would probably done an grand tour with an 1.5 km Stanford torus with an orion drive.

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Back in .8 or so, before persistence or orbital maps or time acceleration (or much of anything), after a few successful orbiters, putting one up and leaving it there while I went to work. Came back 8-ish hours later and it was still up, circling the globe, having done so perhaps 15 or 16 times in my absence with no fuss at all...

Everything surrounding Neil Armstrong's passing in 2012 - the forum response, the reveal of the memorial, and my own mission to it.

Finally getting "serious" about space - coming back to the game somewhere around .19 or .20, after certain features (like docking) finally became stock rather than mods, and doing many things for the first time that others had long before: space stations, comm sats, probes, missions beyond Kerbin's SOI. (The furthest I'd gone until then was the moons and back.) One of those missions was my personal tribute to a friend; check the link in my sig. I've nursed that save through at least two years and four updates, and it's still going, holding at .24.2 in a directory all to itself. I'll get to 1.0 ... eventually.

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