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[Showcase] The Spacecraft Exchange Video Catalog (Post your craft vids and thread links here)


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Ooh I almost missed this thread ! Lots of funny and impressives things here, well done guys :)

Here is my contribution, feel free to visit my whole channel, I only (almost) have showcases, short and edited videos ;)

Stock Aerial refuelling :

A full single launch modular station (3 épisodes, here is the second one, probably the more interresting) :

An aesthetic and modular bomber with advanced nuke rocketry :

One of my favourite launcher, fully made to be aesthetic while massive and functionnal :

Also, my Mun And Back mission with lots of visual mods for a whole beautiful video, at least to me ^^

I have a lot more ! But to finish this post, maybe some gifs to attract you :D

Fully automated gravity turn (full stock : sepratron for initial pitch)


A gfycat : http://gfycat.com/AmusedPiercingJuliabutterfly


I'm open to receive any advices or comments, of course !

Edited by Dakitess
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I remember that aircraft and I thought it would be cool to see a video of it. You have?

Back then my internet was so bad, it would often crap out uploading pictures. And well... I'm not installing 0.25 and hunting down some video capture software, sorry, my time is limited as it is. You can find the file in my archive posts on the R-SUV thread, tough, and give it a whirl.

Rune. It should work on anything pre-1.0.

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Back then my internet was so bad, it would often crap out uploading pictures. And well... I'm not firing up 0.25 and hunting down some video capture software, sorry, my time is limited as it is. You can find the file in my archive posts on the R-SUV thread, tough, and give it a whirl.

Rune. It should work on anything pre-1.0.

I thought maybe you had one already prepared. No worries man. It would be nice to see at least one video from you though!

Edited by Majorjim
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  • 1 month later...
Okay, I'm trying bandicam now. Does anyone know whether game recording mode works with KSP? Thanks!

Try Open Broadcaster Software. It's completely free and does a great job with KSP. You just need to fiddle with a few settings to remove flickering and persistent frames.

It's mainly for streaming but does a great job (with small size files) at recording and saving to the HD.

You may also need a decent computer. Not sure what it's like on the RAM and CPU etc.

Happy Flying


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Try Open Broadcaster Software. It's completely free and does a great job with KSP. You just need to fiddle with a few settings to remove flickering and persistent frames.

It's mainly for streaming but does a great job (with small size files) at recording and saving to the HD.

You may also need a decent computer. Not sure what it's like on the RAM and CPU etc.

Happy Flying


I'll try that, thanks!

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