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Let's All Show Our Appreciation For Rowsdower!


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Why? We didn't need this for Capt. Skunky, or Damion

Oh what, so you think he doesn't need any remembrance, and that we should close this chapter of his life with an ignomious thud?

Well, we thought he was one of the central figures of SQUAD, always patient, always willing to reply and his 1.5 (1.5, 1, 2? Heck, does it matter?) years of sevice to the community, even when times got rough (stares pointedly at 0.25 secret feature fallout), deserves remembrance and thanks.

So no, we won't look to you for gratification.

Heh. You shouldn't feed the troll, let us carry on our Thanksgiving (let's get a turkey!).

Rowsdower is a brilliant guy, with a response to everything, and maintained a good relationship with the community.

Let's enjoy these last two golden days!

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Quoting myself from the devnotes, cause it's important to me.

Rowsdower! Nooooooooooooo!

A good man, with a tough job, done well. Good luck mate. You can pop in and say hello once in a while can'tcha??

At least he sort of weaned us off of himself a bit, instead of tearing himself away like an old bandage.

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"Today we are gathered in the greatest of internet communities, to honor the leadership of a fellow kerbal... CM Rowsdower of the KSP forum. He is a brave soul and worthy leader! An equally upright and hard working individual will be hard sought! He was one of us... one of the great. We all know this is for the best, and we all solemnly wish him good luck, and a fond farewell."


Edited by Avera9eJoe
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"Today we are gathered in the greatest of internet communities, to honor the leadership of a fellow kerbal... PR Rowsdower of the KSP forum. He was a brave soul and worthy leader! An equally upright and hard working individual will be hard sought! He was one of us... one of the great. We all know this is for the best, and we all solemnly wish him an easy passing, and a fond farewell."


He's not dead! Some of these posts seem more like eulogies than farewells. :P

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