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Hello everyone,

Today I was peacefully playing Ksp(crashing planes and shin), and while I was fiercely flying betwin the Vab and the tech cnter it comes to me the statement that this game is cruelly lacking of buildings.

It's so pleasing to fly trought the Ksc, wouldn't it be wonderfull if we could fly trought skycrappers?

It's not hard to make on the technical side, and not even too long to perform i think. But I can understand the devs have more important matters atm.

So it come to this, why isn't there any mod that add cities, villages, roads, others airports, ect?

Is this difficult to mod or just nobody had the idea before? Or simply no one care about that?

Thanks for reading

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This suggestion has been moved to the Suggestions sub-forum.

However, terrain features such as cities is one of those things which has been talked over so much already that we've placed it on our list of things not to suggest again, for the sake of keeping the forum discussions going along productive lines. This thread will be closed now.

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