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[0.90] Lazor System v35 (Dec 17)


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So, a little update. The next version is coming later today. And it should fix the issue where the system will shut down outside Kerbin soi.

dear romfarer can you explain how to install the lazor textures ive been stuck with that for a week :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:

Just follow the instructions in "howtoinstall.txt".

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All my plugins were updated (see my sig.)

Changelog v30 (Aug 24):

  • LazorSystem: Updated the models for the system modules and all the lazors.
  • LazorSystem: The green system will now rotate the lazors properly
  • LazorSystem: Scanning with the green main lazor fixed.
  • LazorSystem: Fixed a bug where the system would become unresponsive outside Kerbin's SOI.
  • LazorSystem: Vision enhancer is now working again.
  • LazorSystem: Remote control has been fixed.
  • RoboticArmsPack: Fixed a bug with docking.

Enjoy :)

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Is it possible to add the functionality of the main Lazor system to command modules? I know this works with other mods such as MJ, Protractor, etc. but was kind of curious how it would work because of the laser emission effect.

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While the lazors work outside of Kerbin's SOI now, I can't quicksave, go to space center, or switch to any other vehicles. I get stuck in whatever Lazor-equipped craft I'm flying, and I'm forced to shut down KSP from the task manager.

Hard to say what the bug is, i'm going to need output logs or at least steps to reproduce.

Haven't been able to use LazorSystem with .21, no menus show up. Right clicking the main laser gives me the option to activate, but does nothing.



This happends because the plugin is not installed correctly. Just follow the instructions in "howtoinstall.txt".

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While the lazors work outside of Kerbin's SOI now, I can't quicksave, go to space center, or switch to any other vehicles. I get stuck in whatever Lazor-equipped craft I'm flying, and I'm forced to shut down KSP from the task manager.

I've seen that happen inside Kerbin's SOI, so the trigger condition isn't identical. I think it was happening with the previous version as well. I don't remember how I worked around it, probably precautionary restarting of KSP - The whole game tends to occasionally get a bit tired and crash out on me if I've been doing complicated lag-inducing things for a couple of hours. This may be related to having Far Too Many Mods installed at the same time. :)

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Are any of the standalone Lazor mods (Robotic Arms, Lazor and Docking Cam, etc.) affected by the "system would become unresponsive outside Kerbin's SOI" bug? Can I just replace the Romfarer.dll to update those mods?

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Any chance of a public API for this thing? I'd love to be able to write plugins that hook into Lazor System's targeting and GUI, but I notice most of your classes and interfaces are private. I think Lazor System would be much more useful if it were an open ecosystem rather than a walled garden.

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I couldn't find a bug report link on the first post so I'm putting this here.

The plugin seems to block the quicksaving and space center. After some invetigation if think i found the sourec of the problem.

The inability to save happens only when a new subsystem has been created with the config tab.

only tried with tractor beam:

-I load a ship on the launchpad with laz sys onbard, can save just fine.

-go to config, unassign one of the group, still can save

-make the unassigned laser group a new subsystem, can't save anymore.

-Unassign the newly created subsys, saving ability is back.

Is this a bug or an incompatibility between the plugin and the way ships are saved ?

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I can confirm that this is the same bug after testing it. I had been dividing up the tractor beams into separate groups for every vessel. Not doing that re-enables the save feature as well as the space center button and vessel switching.

Sorry no output log Romfarer, I'm a newb and couldn't figure out how to post the whole thing/find the relevant part.

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I have parsed through the last ten pages of this forum, and have found nothing regarding my bug so I will post. The Lazor Robot arms generally seem to cause phantom forces, and make craft that are attached to them spin uncontrollably. I am not necessarily reporting a specific conflict, just a general issue. Anyone else experience phantom forces and incessant torque cause by the robot arms (especially when carrying something)?

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Are any of the standalone Lazor mods (Robotic Arms, Lazor and Docking Cam, etc.) affected by the "system would become unresponsive outside Kerbin's SOI" bug? Can I just replace the Romfarer.dll to update those mods?

All my mods were updated, and all of them (except sunbeam) depend on Romfarer.dll. I'd change that to require downloading and installation of the main lazor system to use the additional mods, but seeing how much problems people are having with the installation process already, that's probably a bad idea.

The soi bug was fixed for all mods btw, and the updated dll is included in all mods that depend on it.

Any chance of a public API for this thing? I'd love to be able to write plugins that hook into Lazor System's targeting and GUI, but I notice most of your classes and interfaces are private. I think Lazor System would be much more useful if it were an open ecosystem rather than a walled garden.

I've been considering that, but frankly the way i see it, there is too little demand for this :P

The plugin seems to block the quicksaving and space center. After some invetigation if think i found the sourec of the problem.

The inability to save happens only when a new subsystem has been created with the config tab.

only tried with tractor beam:

-I load a ship on the launchpad with laz sys onbard, can save just fine.

-go to config, unassign one of the group, still can save

-make the unassigned laser group a new subsystem, can't save anymore.

-Unassign the newly created subsys, saving ability is back.

Is this a bug or an incompatibility between the plugin and the way ships are saved ?

Thanks for the report. I'll look into this. It's most likely just a bug in the config panel.

Edited by Romfarer
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I'm sorry if this has come up elsewhere in this thread, but I'm having a problem that i think is related to the Lazor docking cam.

Basically, when i get close to the ship the relative speed display gets thrown completely out of wack (3km/s relative speed, when i'm visually stationary relative to the target).

based off this thread (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/38268-How-to-avoid-weird-relative-target-velocity-speed-glitch-when-entering-visual-range?p=623727#post623727) it seems like a Lazor docking cam issue.

when it happens i also get the unable to quicksave, or return to the space centre issue others have described here.

stupidly i didn't check to see what the relative speed in the docking cam was, but i'll have a look at that tonight.

my version is only 2 weeks old, so i think it is the latest. other mods i have installed are mechjeb, kerbal attachment system, and kethane.

this aside, the docking cam is a really useful mod. thanks

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I'm sorry if this has come up elsewhere in this thread, but I'm having a problem that i think is related to the Lazor docking cam.

Basically, when i get close to the ship the relative speed display gets thrown completely out of wack (3km/s relative speed, when i'm visually stationary relative to the target).

based off this thread (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/...727#post623727) it seems like a Lazor docking cam issue.

when it happens i also get the unable to quicksave, or return to the space centre issue others have described here.

stupidly i didn't check to see what the relative speed in the docking cam was, but i'll have a look at that tonight.

my version is only 2 weeks old, so i think it is the latest. other mods i have installed are mechjeb, kerbal attachment system, and kethane.

this aside, the docking cam is a really useful mod. thanks

I need to see your output log when this happends. Steps to reproduce will also help.

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I'm sorry this will undoubtedly be one of those annoying post but similar to others I don't get the laser menu that contains all of the subsystems and things. know you said to another that this was because it was incorrectly installed and to read the install read me which I did and all that says is put everything in the KSP root folder. I'm assuming that is the game data folder but I may be wrong, any ideas?

Cheers Will

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