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How much do you value your Kerbals?


How much do you value Kerbals?  

241 members have voted

  1. 1. How much do you value Kerbals?

    • If they die, I hack my persistent file.
    • I send rescue missions to recover them.
    • I mourn for their death.
    • Well, It's inevitable for them to die..
    • Anyway, I can hire more, right?
    • I often forget they even exist.
    • I am their Danny2462.
    • Kerbals? Do you mean "Test Subjects?"

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Hello, forums!

I once went on an exploration trip with all of my Kerbals, and.. well.. killed two of them.

It made me question: How much do I really care about Kerbals?

Well.. As much as I like being Danny2462, I personally get saddened by their deaths, and would sometimes go to the persistent file of my main save and change their status to be alive.

What about you guys?

Edited by Columbia
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I've never lost a Kerbal. :cool:

Okay that was obviously a lie.

Once I was playing the Mun landing scenario for no apparent reason, and I accidentally ran out of fuel somehow. Anyway, Jeb flew back to Kerbin, and Bill and Bob got stranded on the Mun. Bob decided to get out and fly back to Kerbin with his jetpack until he inexplicably started spinning randomly around. He lost all of his jetpack fuel trying to stop himself from spinning.

Eventually I just restarted the scenario. It's not really worth it if it's not a real save game. :P In any other situation I would have definitely saved him (and Bill.)

So basically, I always try to save my Kerbals. If I can't save them, they usually die. I don't normally strand them, but sometimes there's no choice.

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I consider a dead kerbal to be a major catastrophe for my space program, and leaving one stranded is unthinkable.

I don't mourn them or have any sentimental attachment to them, I just play the game like I'm personally responsible for what happens.

*edit* Which reminds me... Mk.1 pod in the first tech level, No choice but to launch manned, and no escape tower until tech level 7 is a pretty horrible setup.

The initial tech level should give you a stayputnik and you should get the escape tower with the Mk 1 pod IMO.



Edited by GoSlash27
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  GoSlash27 said:

The initial tech level should give you a stayputnik and you should get the escape tower with the Mk 1 pod IMO.

Seconded. Er, thirded I guess.

Or.. at the very least, give us the option to choose our own progression, by including the stayputnik (and the Z-100) in the first node, alongside the mk1.

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If a ship crashes while revert is still an option (usually during ascents where the rocket has issues) I'll revert. But if I get to some milestone of the mission where I can switch away and then revert is unavailable, I'll either mount a rescue or remember to add a black stripe to the mission ribbon. I'm more liberal with manned flight than NASA might be, but I sill treat Kerbals like their lives are valuable.

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If I strand them with enough supplies to wait for rescue, they get rescued.

If I strand them without enough supplies to wait but there's something I can cobble together with KAS in-situ to save them then I cobble something together in-situ and save them.

If they die on impact, or don't have enough supplies to wait, I F9 outta there. Ain't nobody dyin' on my watch!

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I started posting Kerbal's deaths+ a memory for them on my blog here, and I have a no one gets left behind policy. I also never leave one Kerbal alone for longer than 10 days.

- - - Updated - - -

I also send rescue missions+ Habitats and supplies for completely stranded ones. One of them started Duna Research Outpost 2

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How much do I value them? Somewhere between $3.79 to $8.49 per pound, depending on the cut. They're excellent with mushrooms and shallots, though Teriyaki-style is nice as a change.

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