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Should SQUAD post all KSP announcements on the official forum?


Should SQUAD post all KSP announcements on the official forum  

330 members have voted

  1. 1. Should SQUAD post all KSP announcements on the official forum

    • Yes, that's sorta what the "official" thing implies
    • No, it ends up n the forums anyway
    • Other (please specify)

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Apart from Devnote Tuesdays, the majority of SQUADs KSP announcements have been posted on twitter/reddit/anywhere else, but not on the official forums. The most recent example is Maxmaps' announcement describing new Kerbal pilot, scientist and engineer features:

Edited by Yakuzi
Links are the bane to my existence...
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These announcements do end up on the Forums early due to word-of-mouth (or keyboard), when players who do read Reddit or Twitter and whatnot post about what they saw.

Otherwise, those very same announcements are reserved on the Forums for the Devnotes, hence the whole point of Devnotes.

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The short and long answer is yes. They can then refer to the original forum post when they repost on reddit or other social sites. Continuing their current practice risks fragmenting community and communications effectiveness.

Another option would be for Squad to immediately post a link on the forum to any other social thread when it goes up.

Oh and BTW, There is still no Reddit link on the social media tab of the forum nav bar... Go figure.

What was that line from Cool Hand Luke? "What we have here is a failure to communicate."

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I voted other for in a kind a yes and no answer. Yes they should post things on the forums, or more so, rather than having to go to 3 other sites to find out information. But no those posts should be locked from being commented on, as with most of the posts regarding information found on other channels it is annoying looking through pure hatred in them If people are that angry with something they should just stop using, no one is forcing them to play and all their vileness is toxic at times. I do not fault SQUAD for not posting here because in the eyes, who have never made a game mind you, of some it is wrong, mostly because it is not what they feel it should be for their play style.

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The constant twitter updates seems a bit reckless, too. In general, we've had several miscommunications about upcoming features before, and limiting oneself to 160 characters is just asking for trouble.

Now, this isn't to say Harv's responses to posts on reddit or the forums should end--far from it--but a post of clarification is different from an official announcement.

On a more philosophical note, lots of little dribbles of info (basically what reddit and twitter do best) tend to reveal too much, leaving little unknown for the release. The first thing I do before playing a release has always been to read the change log (Harv either posts it or I check in the install directory). That's where the best feature of 0.24 was hidden:

  0.24 Changelog said:
- Gimballing Engines now respond to roll input.

- 4x Engine Cluster and RAPIER Engine have gimbal roll authority even if stacked over the centerline (due to multiple nozzles).

- - - Updated - - -

  Alshain said:
What is incredibly stupid about this situation is that it is so easy to fix.


What is that on the right of this page? It couldn't possibly be the combined twitter feeds of the Mojang development team could it? No, that's impossible

^^^ This is an example of smartness here.

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I voted no. Revealing information across multiple sites/platforms encourages discussion and helps build hype. It's exciting to discover information rather than having it spoon-fed all in one place, and the information always makes it back here anyway.

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  Alshain said:
What is incredibly stupid about this situation is that it is so easy to fix.


What is that on the right of this page? It couldn't possibly be the combined twitter feeds of the Mojang development team could it? No, that's impossible

Try getting something like that to work reliably under vB4. :D

Agree though. Can't understand why there isn't an official medium that's consistently used.

From a PR perspective, it'd be easier to manage and create more buzz.

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imho stuff regarding KSP should be first on the KSP forum.

It doesn't really make sense to announce things somewhere else, it's like if i wanted to find out what new burger variations come out next month at McD and i had to ask the man behind the counter at BK.

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  TMS said:
Try getting something like that to work reliably under vB4. :D

Agree though. Can't understand why there isn't an official medium that's consistently used.

From a PR perspective, it'd be easier to manage and create more buzz.

It doesn't have to be here on the forums. They have a website. The issue at hand is the fact you have to check a dozen sites to learn this information, most of which will sell your private information if you sign up for them. I don't have a Twitter, and I will not be having a Twitter... ever.

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I really doubt they're going to change. A year ago I was critical of how they were sharing information, Rosdower called me out on it and asked specifically what I would change. I made it very clear that the way Squad is 'communicating' with the community through every channel but their official forum was a massive headache.

The response was basically "Yeeaaaaaah we aren't gonna change that."

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Well, I would be happy if they simply linked all the intel they deliver by other channels in here. The forums have a specific section called "Daily kerbal" that could be neatly used for that, but that currently at best has a new post every two days and that normally does not have the really juicy intel...

That is simply a matter of linking up stuff, really. 5 extra min per day would suffice :/

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  LethalDose said:
I really doubt they're going to change. A year ago I was critical of how they were sharing information, Rosdower called me out on it and asked specifically what I would change. I made it very clear that the way Squad is 'communicating' with the community through every channel but their official forum was a massive headache.

The response was basically "Yeeaaaaaah we aren't gonna change that."

I can understand why they would want different bits of information to appear constantly on many outlets, to build hype and through that increase sales. It's just good business sense to do that.

There is nothing stopping them putting it here after a time though. Myself I wouldn't mind if it was released here later as long as a search on the official forum brings up all the info.

It would be nice to have at least one complete official repository of all things kerbal.

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  GusTurbo said:
I voted no. Revealing information across multiple sites/platforms encourages discussion and helps build hype. It's exciting to discover information rather than having it spoon-fed all in one place, and the information always makes it back here anyway.

The poll wasn't asking "Should all announcements be made exclusively on the Forums?" It was asking "Should all announcements be posted on the Forums, in addition to everywhere else?"

In other words, not posting updates on the Forums actually is stifling discussion, compared with posting the information everywhere.

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