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Should SQUAD post all KSP announcements on the official forum?


Should SQUAD post all KSP announcements on the official forum  

330 members have voted

  1. 1. Should SQUAD post all KSP announcements on the official forum

    • Yes, that's sorta what the "official" thing implies
    • No, it ends up n the forums anyway
    • Other (please specify)

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  basic.syntax said:
We have our say in these forums all the time, anything Squad wants to research, they can just jump into a thread. We never know when they do, because they rarely post.

To your second point, the first mention of those sites I noticed are in a post by regex, making a passing comment about wondering what might be posted on SA, if anything; and he condemned 4Chan, didn't say anything was posted there.

Might want to jump back a couple more pages - you'll find that NathanKell mentioned 4chan as one of the places that tends to get news long before the forums.

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  KasperVld said:
No, you're completely misrepresenting what I said: in this particular case we chose to go to Reddit. That does not mean that only Reddit provides information we use: these forums are often a great source of information, and sometimes we analyze data from social media.

So you guys select the information from whichever place agrees with your predetermined goals?

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  KasperVld said:
No, you're completely misrepresenting what I said: in this particular case we chose to go to Reddit. That does not mean that only Reddit provides information we use: these forums are often a great source of information, and sometimes we analyze data from social media.

I am not misrepresenting anything, i am talking from experience.

I know people have been asking for better tutorials for years, even before career and it was like the input entered right through Max ear and left Maps other ear. But we are talking about a Producer who thinks Girlbals are more important that finishing IVAs

Then Reddit ask for the same thing AND BAM PRIORITY.

One thing is doing AMAs, other is asking for input that impacts the game in reddit only and acting like is a small deal when the fallout hits you.

Actions speak louder than words, if you don't want the forums to believe that then better start working.

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  metalmouth7 said:
Might want to jump back a couple more pages - you'll find that NathanKell mentioned 4chan as one of the places that tends to get news long before the forums.
Rgr. Found it on page 7. Sigh. I'm still happy with my "no" vote... the info that most caters to my interests always gets back to these forums, within hours of appearing anywhere else. I don't feel ignored, when Devnote Tuesday rolls around, and when major behind-the-scenes development articles are posted, where HarvesteR often takes the time to respond to questions.
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  basic.syntax said:
Rgr. Found it on page 7. Sigh. I'm still happy with my "no" vote... the info that most caters to my interests always gets back to these forums, within hours of appearing anywhere else. I don't feel ignored, when Devnote Tuesday rolls around, and when major behind-the-scenes development articles are posted, where HarvesteR often takes the time to respond to questions.

It's more an issue of principle, just because what rolls around comes around does not mean that we should be the last round. We are The Kerbal Space Program Forum. If SA or Reddit have a KSP community, fine, but they aren't the community. And from what I've heard, 4chan is, in Obi-Wan's words, "The most wretched hive of scum and villainy." on the internet.

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  Robotengineer said:
So you guys select the information from whichever place agrees with your predetermined goals?

I refer you to my earlier post. In this case Reddit allowed us to target the type of playing we wanted to reach a bit better.

  Alguien said:
I am not misrepresenting anything, i am talking from experience.

I know people have been asking for better tutorials for years, even before career and it was like the input entered right through Max ear and left Maps other ear. But we are talking about a Producer who thinks Girlbals are more important that finishing IVAs

Then Reddit ask for the same thing AND BAM PRIORITY.

One thing is doing AMAs, other is asking for input that impacts the game in reddit only and acting like is a small deal when the fallout hits you.

Actions speak louder than words, if you don't want the forums to believe that then better start working.

Squad went to Reddit to get the feedback on the tutorials - not the other way around.

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  regex said:
Wherever the information is kept it should be central, that's my big issue. Not at all insulted or angry about stuff being posted elsewhere, it's just frustrating having to wade through Max's television choices to see tidbits about KSP, and go to Tumblr to get the dev blog before it gets posted to the forums, and wait for someone with ~tenbux~ to tell me what happened on SA, and (try to) read Reddit in order to stay aware of community polls and opinions (or even be considered part of the community), etc...

Reddit is a total eyesore and, unfortunately, has the potential to be even more of a hugbox than these forums due to downvoting. Plus, their tolerance of MRAs and SJW Tumblr-shamers makes me never want to associate with the site. 4Chan is literally the butthole of the internet. Twitter is useful for ... nothing, except for vapid soundbites and teasing about features to froth up drama I suppose. Facebook is actually pretty good for having a conversation but the threading is terrible and my wife is on it all the time. Which leaves SA and these forums (maybe another venue?)

I suppose I wouldn't have a problem with SA; I have a few non-internet friends who use it and it's apparently a well-moderated place full of Good Posting. But then, so are these forums, and these are officially run by Squad.


Back to EDF2 and the xkcd forums I go! It's pretty sad how even the subreddit turned into such a giant hugbox even though it was an unofficial thing. You can't post the slightest criticism of Squad without getting downvoted to oblivion.

Edited by RobotsAndSpaceships
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  KasperVld said:
If you look at the recent dev notes thread, though, you'll see quite a few replies by Ted, myself, Maxmaps and HarvesteR.

I see one reply by Max, and I give props to you for communicating these past two days. I didn't see a reply by Harv or Ted. Let alone "quite a few."

Surely, there is some exaggeration here on our part, but don't criticize us for it and then do the same yourself.

Again, props for replying in the face of an angry mob.

edit: If you keep this up, I'll have to change my sig again.

Edited by klgraham1013
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Nice white text.

To respond to your actual point, I think your assumption is flawed. You admit yourself that people have been asking for better tutorials for years, and giving feedback, but you assume that this feedback has been ignored when they sought out opinions on reddit. Isn't it just as likely that they had something in mind based on the forums, and were simply seeking out additional data?

  RobotsAndSpaceships said:
Back to EDF2 and the xkcd forums I go! It's pretty sad how even the subreddit turned into such a giant hugbox even though it was an unofficial thing. You can't post the slightest criticism of Squad without getting downvoted to oblivion.

That's not entirely true. For example, ferram and bac9 have criticized Squad on the KSP subreddit and gotten lots of upvotes.

Edited by GusTurbo
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  funrealism said:
Actually, Bac9 didn't post that to reddit, it was not meant to be shared with the wider community.

I'm not sure what you're referring to, but his reddit username is "ahcookies" and he has indeed posted criticisms about the art assets for the barn. I remember it clearly, and you can see one such post here: http://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/2lpao5/my_thoughts_on_the_kerbal_space_program/clwzlcd

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't @KerbalSpaceP (and the Tumblr, and the Facebook) just as official a source as the forums? Why should they have to treat the forums as their only official source, instead of posting things on different official sources as they see fit?

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  Alguien said:
Can you point me where is Squad asking this:


Or is the Daily kerbal not intended for the forum users either?

Really? REALLY? So they are asking twitter what they want to see here on the Forum instead of asking the Forum?

Edited by Alshain
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  cpast said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't @KerbalSpaceP (and the Tumblr, and the Facebook) just as official a source as the forums? Why should they have to treat the forums as their only official source, instead of posting things on different official sources as they see fit?

Not their only source, but that all 'official' sources should have the same exact info. I am quite disappointed about the Twitter thing.

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  Alguien said:
Is also in the official Facebook, but so far as i know, nada on the forums


That's not any better. I don't give private information to data mining companies like Facebook and Twitter, I'd rather do Reddit, at least all they ask for is an e-mail address.

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I've always felt that anything SQUAD posts on Twitter are off-the-cuff musings that shouldn't be taken as gospel, so I'm not too concerned that they're posting more frequently there than on the forums.

The weekly devnotes are a decent place for them to post on things they're more certain about.

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