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Ok, I have no idea how to set up those subassemblies. I want to create some of those for myself to make things easier for others to use my parts (both modded and not). Unfortunately, I have no idea how I can set up the connection point and "invisible" hold bars holding an entire ssubassembly together. Any help would be appreciated.

(I use mods, but I felt like this was more of a base game question since I would be using them with base game AND otherwise.)

Edited by Sampa
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After you load a subassambly, the ROOT part of the craft that you saved as subassambly will be the only part with available connection points.

By default, the root part is the part you placed first.

So when you make something a subassambly, either build it as sumbassambly (so start with whatever you want the connection point to be. Most likely a decoupler or something), or use the new VAB gizmos to change root part. The 4th gizmo lets you do that. Select it, select the craft, than select the desired new root part. After that, drag the craft by it's new root part to subassambly save.

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Sirrobert gives a good explanation, but it may help to see it for yourself.

  • Build a rocket, payload and all. Youv'e got your Mun lander (or whatever) on top and your booster and stuff below it. There will be a decoupler separating the two. Have the subassemblies tab up.
  • Click the decoupler to "grab" it. This will also grab the entire booster section, assuming you build your ship top-down and started with the lander.
  • Drop that entire thing in the "Drop subassemblies here" box in the lower left. Name the assembly and it'll create a new one in the upper left.
  • Click that new thing you created. You'll get a new booster the same as your old booster. Re-attach it to the Mun lander.
  • Voila, you just created and used a sub-assembly.

Edited by 5thHorseman
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