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The Number War: Count to 100 or -100


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I PMed RainDreamer saying positives may have won but there's confusion. We will just have to wait for RainDreamer to clear everything up. As of now the game is on hold.


So uh...yeah. On hold for while. I am currently in finals at the moment and I am really, really busy. I will look at this as soon as possible, but for now, please bears with me for a while. I will look at it as soon as I have time.

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2. We will have a rubbery positive win.

(Rubber (the material) doesn't conduct electricity, which is negatively charged atoms.)

What the...

Rubber is an isolator, yes... but it DOES conduct electricity; it just has a very high impedance. All that silly nonsense about how rubber soled shoes will save you from high voltage IS nonsense, (Now yes, it "helps" make it difficult to get a path through your heart, but it's just a big resistor that wears over time) even more so when talking about how less than an inch of rubber is suppose to protect you from a lightning bolt that tore across several miles of a decent dielectric (air).

And electricity being negative ions? Electricity is simply the flow of electrons, we talk of the electron sea because the atoms release an electron the instant you introduce a new electron in their orbitals.

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As the ceasefire starts, for some it's like the last battle of the war of 1812. That last battle happened after the treaty was done in 1814 and the battle happened in 1815. Therefore, the number is [unofficially] THREE!

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Final decision: The positive won the 7th round after a long, long battle. First post will be updated with the count.

Original post:

Phew, I just handed in a big assignment and got a little free time to look at this. Give me sometimes to go back all the pages from the last revert I saw, don't post stuff yet. The decisions in this post is not final until I am finished with reading all the posts I missed and declare it final. For now, I am just moving from cases to case and update on this post.

Edit: Scratch the previous decision, it was too long ago.

Edit 2: OK, I think the positive wins alright, with this post:

100 VICTORY!!!! woo!

Even if the further revert was in effect, it was too far, and it was my fault. They deserve to win this round.


RainDreamer said it once, never made it on the page though.

Also, from the main page: "The responsibility of finding errors falls on to players. If no one report the error following the procedure above, before the number reach 100 or -100, the win will still be awarded, the positive team if 100, negative team if -100"

so if we win before you point out a revert that is buried behind other reverts, we win.


Unless a GM veto the win personally, reaching the winning condition before a revert happen would make them impossible to null your win, yes. In this case though, due to me being caught up with real life, I couldn't decide on a win in time.

Now we have a new rule 8 on front page that ask all progress to be halt when there is a dispute, to help me with this headache I made.



I hereby under an invalid oath, do swear that this post is not in most certainty an invalid post for one to invalidate upon.

*Waits for RainDreamer to write an amendment forbidding people from tricking others with quadruple negatives, and that only clear and concise invalidations count*

I actually find this fun and would allow it. But you are right. Rule 5 got an update about user nulling their own post. If they are explicitly expressing their intention to null their own post (before another person post, incase of edit) the obvious interpretation is that it is nulled and people should skip it


Well, just to be a sore loser; I'd like to claim that you can't have won because RainDreamer never reset your last "win"

Here, you clearly call "100", which means that any revert following doesn't count except RainDreamer's; since I next revert your 100, I am in violation of the rules, just as I am now in reverting the 100 again ;p

/me doesn't think RainDreamer will fall for this though.... good game XD

- - - Updated - - -

Go Team Zero

Yeah, that won't work. I missed that one...really people, PM me if you got 100, both for me to declare a win and to check its validity.

The balance has once again shifted...Team zero, you once again must move to restore the equilibrium!

Edited by RainDreamer
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Phew, I just handed in a big assignment and got a little free time to look at this. Give me sometimes to go back all the pages from the last revert I saw, don't post stuff yet. The decisions in this post is not final until I am finished with reading all the posts I missed and declare it final. For now, I am just moving from cases to case and update on this post.

Alright, lets begin with the last one I remember seeing:

I am with Deus on this one about Fel's post being invalid. All post must clearly and correctly, and explicitly states the current number, so that new players can simply join in without having to go back pages to understand the context if everyone use that move. In all, this seems like a very valid revert.

HOWEVER. I made a big mistake during the rules update recently, in which rule 4 was saying:

Note that, it has "whether it is explicit or implicit" regarding to "stating the operation you have done" and "the current number."

Perhaps you already see it. When the rule states you can implicitly state the current number, it means fel's post would be perfectly valid, as from the context available, it can be kind of assumed that the current number is minus 1 from the current number above. Before the rule change it was not permissible, but I forgot about it when I combined the rules and did not clearly stated it. Furthermore, even if multiple interpretation rule is applied here (which number is being subtracted from?) the new rule 5 would force the most obvious interpretation on it, making it valid still.

Should have updated the rules after a round, lol, not during it... Anyways, I have updated the rule on front page again to require players to explicitly state the current numbers now. But what about this case?

I can't just declare the revert valid in this case, because, during that time when that faulty rule was in effect, Fel's post was actually valid, and thus the revert shouldn't work.

On the other hand, I can't just declare a win, because it is my fault that the rule was in error, and Deus understood the spirit of the rules and why I don't want implicit current number, so sorta correct.

So for a compromise, I would set the number to 79, the halfway point between 93 (the number before revert) and 62 (the "should be" last correct number if I didn't mess up with the rules), rounding up because I find it a bit unfair for the positives.

*Decision not final, wait till I finish catching up with current development*


but wait, I thought that rule 6 said that if nobody spotted a mistake and 100 or -100 was reached, the win still counted? Nobody spotted the invalid revert until now, so shouldn't the positives still win?

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but wait, I thought that rule 6 said that if nobody spotted a mistake and 100 or -100 was reached, the win still counted? Nobody spotted the invalid revert until now, so shouldn't the positives still win?

Yes, the positive wins. Unless the GM veto the win, it stays. And I think you guys deserve this win.

The game can now be continued. Last number before the game was paused by me:

3 mmkay
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Yes, the positive wins. Unless the GM veto the win, it stays. And I think you guys deserve this win.

The game can now be continued. Last number before the game was paused by me:

Yay! thanks! Good job everyone!

also, I didn't PM you with my last "win" as I knew for a fact it wasn't valid, since Deu had posted a valid revert and we ignored it. I only posted that to be that way. :P

also, you keep saying GM, does that mean you?

and also, can the game continue on to round 8 now?

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Yay! thanks! Good job everyone!

also, I didn't PM you with my last "win" as I knew for a fact it wasn't valid, since Deu had posted a valid revert and we ignored it. I only posted that to be that way. :P

also, you keep saying GM, does that mean you?

and also, can the game continue on to round 8 now?

Yeah, GM = Game Master. That would be me. I am thinking of recruiting another person to take on the job when I am not available, or moving on from the game though.

But that is for later.

Right now, you can continue to round 8, from the last post I quote above before pausing the game.

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