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The Number War: Count to 100 or -100


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I draw your attention to this post near the re-start of the current round:

Cant I leave you alone for a few hours?!

3 ...

This is the first of many posts, by both teams, since the restart that fail to comply with rule 4, requiring that the "expression in your post, must clearly, correctly, and explicitly state the operation you have done (adding or subtracting) and the current number."

As per the precedent set by the admins when they annulled the positive's "victory", http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/110598-The-Number-War-Count-to-100-or-100?p=2279691&viewfull=1#post2279691 I move that the post I quoted be annulled also and that as per Rule 6 the current round resumes from

and more over to 2

I've PMed the admins asking that they approve or deny this motion.

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Alright we start over again, but we start at 0 so the down to 1 is not actually a valid post......

but I wont be a nitpicker about it so we continue

if we add one to one we get the second number that we get if we keep adding one to zero so it would be two

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Alright we start over again, but we start at 0 so the down to 1 is not actually a valid post......

actually, Rule 6 says

a player must notify others of the error, and will have to find the last correct number and quote that post (for easier accuracy checking) and the game continues as normal from the last correct number.

and the last correct number was 2, and cantab subtracted 1.

if we add one to one we get the second number that we get if we keep adding one to zero so it would be two

That is a valid post- confusing, but valid.

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Again, a reminder for the rule that has been overlooked for the last few rounds: State your your operation along with your number. We game masters (please don't call us admin, the actual admins don't like it) do not get explicitly involved in the game except extreme cases, and errors in syntaxes or slight slip of numbers might still be accepted as winning posts, but if someone noticed it before it reach winning number, they can revert it to the last valid number.

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